

As J and Mael strolled around this new world they saw things they can never see in their lives when they were awake. For Ripartire, it was like gravity is not being applied here. Non living things, for instance, houses, plant pots, sign boards and other non living things were levitating, while the farmers farm for crops, as the soil levitates and the growth of the roots can be seen. As they continued walking they came across 2 owls with a scroll on their beak, a snowy owl came to J and a burrowing owl on Mael, as they opened the scrolls presented, they opened to the same text titled "Specs".

"Welcome to our paradise. If you've received the scroll, then let the succession begin. Each of you will own a dream planet. Anything can be done in your planet as per your dream, you can have anything you've ever wanted but every single one of you will only get to choose a power, and will have the ability to modify the skills of that power. Controlling elements, wish making, telekinesis, super strength are examples of power.

No one shall have more than one power but how you proceed to grow the power would be on your own merit. The dream planet will last you 378 days on the first year and 365 on the subsequent ones. On the 13th day of a new year on the hour of the rat, a battle will begin at random, any number of battles will happen. Defeat your opponent however you can, lose and you'll meet your demise. Allegiances are allowed but there can only be one king. The last one standing shall reap the rewards. Fight till the end. We hope to see you at the top.

Good luck,


"Allegiances? No, I'm never gonna be beneath you J." Said Mael looking pissed as hell. "Well we could always fight each other?" J replied. "But we're bros right? Bros don't do that." Mael replied as though he didn't start this conversation. "But how do we choose our powers though?" Mael asked. "Beats me, maybe it's like some show where we start picturing your mom and she will appear kinda thing." *thud* "feel it J? That's what your mom felt." As they started laughing like they didn't even read the scroll in the first place. "Why are the owls following us though?" Mael asked. "Beats me, but it seems that this snowy owl likes to play." Said J.

"Hey Mael, about the allegiances, wouldn't it. be a win if everyone just submitted to one king?" J asked. "Well, there's a chance but i doubt everyone would put the their pride down just to recognise a king that they do not acknowledge sincerely." Mael replied, disappointedly

As they continued walking, they realised the number of people in Ripartire disappearing, they started to panic as they may disappear as well. "Mael, if we disappear too, let's meet up at where we think our guts will bring us to. If a map is provided then we will meet at my planet before the 13 days of the first battle, otherwise I'll find a way to find-" The incomplete sentence came to a forced finish as Mael disappeared and soon after, J.

"What...? Where's this...?" Questioned J. "Get up J." A familiar voice sounded off. As J opened his eyes, he looked around his surroundings and he noticed the Stonecold Bar, familiar houses and the Dominions. As he turned to his back, a huge, scarred face man was looking down on him. "Bren? Is that you?" J asked. "What are you doing on the ground here? How are we gonna fight if you were to fall on the ground in the hands of someone else" Bren asked. "I didn't lose a fight, I was at Ripartire, and... how did i get h-" "Oh! It's a continuation! I disappeared just like the rest." J realised what was going on. "What are you talking about you twit?" Bren said. "Bren, we don't have time I can't fill you in with the details because you are just a figment if my dreams and it will be hard for you to take it in but there are things that are gonna happen in 13 days and I need to look Mael." J replied hurriedly. "A figment if your dreams? Are you looking for a beating after you just got beaten down?" "No, but yes let's give it a shot." looking silly at J, Bren agreed.