
Opening an orphanage in another world

I got reincarnated and one thing lead to another, I decided to open up and protect the orphanage

muhammad_azmee · แฟนตาซี
472 Chs

Chapter 119: Assignment part 1

[Mara point of view]

"Alright! Let us begin the assignment!" [Diana]

"Yes!" [Other]

With Brother Ash gone (having went to Kiserre for god knows why this time), his class is replaced by Princess Diana, monitoring and guiding us with the assignment that Brother Ash left us with

(Monitoring and guiding are what it is supposed to be, but...) [Mara]

None of us have any clue on how to make this assignment a success.

"This is hard" [Muse]

"Agree, and it's nearly impossible for us to do it ..." [Liyana]

"I would rather go and slay some zombies inside the dungeon now..." [Kadeus]

"Now, now. Don't give up just yet, Ash told all of us wasn't it, that it isn't necessary for you to complete this thing" [Alice]

"True, but..." [Mara]

"I'M BORED!" [Farhah]


And the first wave of boredom struck us all. Zerolith and Farhah, they are the same as I am, can't sit in one place for too long. Look, the younger group, and Cupid as well as some other smaller kid also started to show some sign of boredom, but I guess with the Princess, her royal guard and Sis Alice being here, they are still motivated.

Speaking of motivation

"I guess this is how we should do it" [Kara]

"I see, well, but wouldn't it decreases the reach?" [Rean]

"That's true!" [Kara]

"But that wasn't a bad idea, I'll try experiment with it" [Karon]

"I'll help" [Elise]

"Me too, it's worth exploring" [Ray]

They're completely engrossed by it. Well, I guess they're the diligent type of students, you could say almost a complete opposite from us


"Aah!" [Neighborhood girl]

"Oh no..." [Singa]

"Are you alright?" [Qis]

"Yes, yes I'm fine. But..." [Neighborhood girl]

She looks almost ready to cry. Can't blame her, that is a C rank magic core. It price is something that one wouldn't give to a kid so easily, in fact, if I were to tell that Brother Ash have given us all the permission to use any magic core regardless of rank to any outsider, they will think that I am lying, but here it is, a neighborhood is currently using it to complete the assignment given to us

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry" [Neighborhood girl]

"It's fine. I'll just get us another magic core" [Qis]

"But..." [Neighborhood girl]

"It's fine, so promise me not to cry" [Qis]

"Ok..." [Neighborhood girl]

Ooh! She will be using the spawning block to fight a C rank monster! Now that's exciting!

"I'll help!" [Zerolith]

Apparently, Zerolith have the same idea as I am

"Me too!" [Kadeus]

"Let us work together!" [Farhah]

Kadeus and Farhah also felt the same

"Let's go!" [Mara]

As long as I can skip this boring assignment, then I wouldn't mind it a bit. Sure, if we were to complete this assignment, the impact it will have is tremendous, but, it's just tedious

"Someone just wanted to skip the assignment" [Mile]

"No we aren't!" [Farhah]

"Right..." [Elise]

"Now, now. I can actually sympathize with them" [Muse]

Well, screw it. I'm too bored right now, so let me just help or watch Sis Qis with her job, or so I thought, but

"That's fast!" [Elsa]

"Man, I still can't believe how these kids can handle such a valuable magic core, and not to mention how they can just produce a magic core almost instantly" [Kronbir]

"You just have to defeat the monster spawn by the block, and that's that. This seems almost too good to be true..." [Bond]

"And they can almost use chantless magic... isn't it supposed to be super hard, and yet..." [Elsa]

"No kidding, if I were to tell someone about this place and all the thing that we had just watched, they will just take it as a joke" [Kronbir]

"Maybe they will even say we are crazy" [Bond]

Our three adults guest still can't believe what they just saw. Who wouldn't? But for us, this have become a norm, and I just couldn't imagine me leaving without it.

"AHHHH!" [Farhah]

"I'M BORED!" [Zerolith]

"You two!" [Qis]

""Sorry..."" [Zerolith, Farhah]

Good grief, they really can't stand still for too long isn't it. Even if you're bored, don't just do that, it will just disturb other

"Sigh..." [Diana]

"This is really hard..." [Rafiah]

"If my master was around, surely he will be sitting there on his table for hours, even day..." [Claude]

Even the adults group are having difficulty, and the younger group on the other hand

"Meow!" [Behe]

"Let play house with us Behe!" [Cupid]

"Yeah, you can be a fish" [Charlotte]

"Meow?" [Behe]

"Knock Knock! Is the restaurant open?" [Savel]

"It's a house! Not a restaurant!" [Kat]

"This look interesting" [Mara]

"You have given up aren't you" [Kara]

"Totally" [Mara]

Well, I don't mind playing house right now just to escape from this assignment. Look, Farhah already immersed herself, playing the role as a granddaughter, while Charlotte and Cupid still arguing who got to be the grandmother

(I should just join the younger group) [Mara]

"Mara, can you help us here" [Liyana]

Or so I thought, guess I'll just continue helping them.

"So, if we use our neutral mana here to catch the radio wave here, it should be possible right?" [Rean]

"True, but I can also use either thunder magic or light magic for it" [Mara]

"You can already use thunder magic!" [Liyana]

"Not that much, just getting started" [Mara]

"Still, I reckon we should just try it. At least we should target to achieve a stable communication from one room to another" [Karon]

"Agree" [Ray]

"Still, even Mara is a diligent type, I'm surprised" [Kadeus]

"Same here" [Zerolith]

"Sis Mara, since when..." [Farhah]

"You guys should really keep your mouth shut!" [Mara]




[3 hours later]

"We did it!" [Diana]

"I can clearly see and hear you from here, your highness" [Alice]

"Guess all our hard work pays off" [Kadeus]

"I feel so proud of myself" [Zerolith]

"Me too!" [Farhah]

"You guys..." [Elise]

"I can't believe you have the nerve to say that, when all you have done most of the time is slacking around!" [Mara]

"Well, they do help us around, as comic relief" [Muse]

With that, our first step to properly make a "telephone" is done. Well, we do have to use Housey as the transmitter and receiver, but it's still considered as an achievement

"Still, your brother really are a genius, coming up with such a wild idea" [Kronbir]

"Just who is he?" [Elsa]

"He is Brother Ash of course!" [Charlotte]

"Yeah, didn't he introduced himself" [Cupid]

"That wasn't what they're asking" [Bond]

It's true though... just who is Brother Ash actually is. Now that I think of it, we didn't really know that much about him...

"I'm bored" [Savel]

"Well, how about we test this inside a dungeon tomorrow?" [Qis]

"We can use the first floor of the ice dungeon. They're plenty of adventure there, so we should be safe" [Alice]

"ICE DUNGEON!" [Charlotte]

"Here we come" [Singa]