

I wake up a little disoriented until I remember that I'm not in my flat... It's been so long since I've been in this house and yet nothing has changed. The old wallpaper is still the same as it was years ago. Every object is in its place and the woody smell of the beams is still as vivid as ever, giving this place a warm feeling.

I have so many memories in this house... I have spent so much time here that I feel more at home here than anywhere else.

About five years ago, Isabelle, Inès and Julian's mother, decided to leave France for Spain for love, leaving the house to her children. Brother and sister have always lived together, neither of them seeming to want to leave the family cocoon.

I snap out of my thoughts and get up to go straight to the bathroom. I desperately need a cold shower to counteract the effects of jet lag.

I'm tired, but excited at the thought of spending a whole week with my best friend. I have missed her terribly and I also have to admit that this holiday is very timely. After two years of exciting but hard work, I needed a break.

Once refreshed, I decide to head for the kitchen. As I walk through the door, I see Inès on the phone, laughing, and the sight of her made me want to do the same. When she saw me, she beckons me to sit down and serves me a cup of tea, still holding the phone to her ear.

"Souad, I'm sorry, darling, but I have to leave you. Lys is awake and I have two years to catch up on!"

She laughs again and hangs up, then looks at me with her bright eyes.

"How is Sleeping Beauty? Do you know what time it is?"

I shake my head in denial as I blow on my tea.

"It's eleven o'clock!" - she says in an almost accusatory tone, a mischievous smile on her lips.

"Eleven o'clock?"

She nods briskly.

"I think it's the first time in my life I've seen you get up later than eight."

I smile at her remark. It's true that I am an early riser. I like the calm of the early morning, when the world slowly wakes up. Being up as soon as the sun comes up gives me the feeling that I'm enjoying the day. I've always hated sleeping in, unlike Inès, who can get up in the middle of the afternoon if you don't bother shaking her.

"I guess I needed some sleep."- I say to her with a shrug.

I raise my cup to my lips when the doorbell rings. Inès frowns and sneaks out of the kitchen.

She returns a minute later with a huge bunch of flowers in her hand and a puzzled look on her face. I question her.

"A late birthday present?"

She hands me the bouquet and looks at me suspiciously.

"No... this is for you!"

I open my eyes in surprise and hesitate to accept the flowers.

"For me?"

I stand still for a moment until Inès starts waving the bouquet in front of my eyes impatiently while untying the accompanying envelope.

"There's a note. You should open it first!"

She squints as I grab the envelope. I open it carefully to discover a few handwritten words.

" For my clumsiness..."

My eyes widen even further when I see that the note is signed by Jonathan. It's no mistake... this bouquet is for me.

Ines taps her foot and sighs loudly.


I hand her the note so she can read it. She frowns at first, then looks up at me with a puzzled expression.

"Jonathan? Clumsiness? Can you explain?"

I'm about to answer when Julian comes into the kitchen, his hair dishevelled and his eyes still hazy from sleep. He nods at us to say hello. Then he turns his head to Inès, who is looking at me with her arms crossed over her chest.

"What is going on here?" - he mumbles.

She answers him without taking her eyes off mine.

"My best friend is keeping secrets from me."

I shake my head as she points to the bouquet and continues.

"Our dear Lys has just arrived on the continent and is already wreaking havoc". (the french expression is "faire des ravages". I don't know if wreaking havoc is appropriated but that's the litteral translation :) )

I roll my eyes as Julian looks at me with undisguised interest. It's as if his foggy mind has woken up in a fraction of a second. With squinted eyes, he places a cup on the table.

"And who is your mysterious admirer?"

My nose wrinkles at his inquisitive tone. Inès doesn't give me time to answer.

"There's nothing mysterious about him. It's John! But I'm curious to know why? "- she says at once, her hazel eyes fixed on me.

I take another sip of tea, avoiding her gaze. I feel terribly embarrassed, though I have no reason to be. I clear my throat and set my cup down before replying as matter-of-factly as possible.

"There was a little incident in the kitchen yesterday... He came in just as I was about to go out... My glass of wine and my piece of cake ended up on my clothes... end of story."

They look at each other briefly and Inès turns back to me, seemingly waiting for the next part.

"End of story? He had a bunch of flowers delivered for that?"

I feel even more uncomfortable and my heart is pounding in my chest. I can only imagine what it must be like for people to be interrogated by Inès. She doesn't let go of anything but I try to keep a straight face while continuing in a detached tone.

"I think you're taking your job as a cop too seriously, Inès."

She doesn't take her determined eyes off mine so I continue in the same tone, frantically stirring my spoon in my cup.

"I guess he was just being nice. It's no big deal."

When I look up I am struck by the slight sneer that has just formed at the corner of Julian's lips and then Inès turns to me with a raised eyebrow.

"John is nice but I've never seen him offer flowers...He's rather shy, distant...Not demonstrative at all."

Julian continues to stare at me blankly with an indecipherable expression on his face as his sister insists.

"Come on! I'm sure you're not telling me everything!"

I sigh, rolling my eyes.

"There's nothing else to say, Inès! I've hardly spoken to him for ten minutes!"

"In that case, you've hit it off, my girl!"

I wince slightly.

"Don't talk nonsense..."

She uncrosses her arms from her chest, seeming to give up at last.

"Well...I have to go...I have a dentist appointment...See you at noon."

Then with a graceful wave of her hand she blows each of us kisses as she turns on her heels towards the door. Suddenly she stops, seeming to have forgotten something. She turns again, pointing her index finger in my direction with a serious expression.

"This conversation is not over, Mademoiselle Delaunay."

I roll my eyes once more as she walks out, leaving Julian and I alone in stunned silence.

Even though he doesn't ask me any questions, I still feel oppressed. He is now sitting down and doesn't take his eyes off his cup as if I don't exist.

I look at him for a few seconds before getting up and heading for the door. Before I reach the corridor his voice stops me.

"Be careful with him Lys."

I decide not to raise my voice despite his words, which sound more like a warning than an advice. I have absolutely no desire to prolong the discussion about John. Certainly not with him.

I leave the kitchen in a hurry and head upstairs.


Lunchtime arrives and, as planned, Inès and I have lunch together. Strangely, she doesn't bring up the subject of this morning. It's not her habit to let it go. Maybe she finally understood that I wasn't hiding anything from her.

We spend the meal laughing and reminiscing about our best memories. I enjoy this moment, savouring the chance to have a friend like her.

The end of the meal comes. She smiles at me and addresses me in an enthusiastic tone.

"I hope you're not tired!"

"No, I'm not."

Then I see a small mischievous smile appear on the corner of her lips.

"Good! Then let's get ready! We have to be perfect for tonight!"

I question her with my eyes. She gives me her best smile.

"Tonight we're going out! We're going to a club, darling!"

I am depressed. She knows I hate it... She looks at me with a sulky face.

"Come on! Don't sulk! Let go of yourself for once!"

I blink as she gives me a teasing look. She winks at me and comes over to whisper in my ear.

"John will be there... It will be a chance to thank him for his bouquet..."