Conquering his present and the future of his world he mows go on the Dc universe to expand will he thrive or will he fall.
Finally everything is mine I control the past and the future. So now what do you do when you literally control the universe have a massive fucking orgy. Because why not and plus I'm bore, while some girls are on the bed with the blanket sheet covered on three of them with one of them on my dick I think she passed out meh... the others are on top of each other's with there belly still inflated.
Pulling out the holo tablet I'm sure now that with my power I will have a hold over the dc universe.
First I will take the powers of dr.Manhattan
Steal the powers of Shazam family and Black Adam
Steal the powers of Green Lantern battery
Then I will kill the gods of Olympus and steal there powers like Kratos style.
And hell why not conquering the dc multiverse might take a few years but if the dark multiverse was able to do it then so can I.
Hours later
In the lands of the Amazon warriors a portals open and out flung the unconscious Sakura and Mursaki with damage battle clothes landing infront of 2 amazon guards.
Gotham City
Crime is rampant, people getting robbed and killed. But as time changes so that changes not really but they don't have to lose hope because when looking up in the when the sky you will the Batman.
As a new portal opens in an alley way of gotham out flungs a man with red and green hair crashing into a wall with sword half broken and uniform damaged while bleeding and dry bleeding.
The alarm goes off from a near by building four guys with moneys bags comes around the corner where the car parked and was about to get but...
Crook1: Hey guys would you look at that.
Crook2: Yeah so it's a dead guy.
Crook3: He doesn't look dead to me.
Crook2: Oh yeah how you know genius?
Crook1:Guys guys stop arguing besides the dead guy that armor looks really valuable do you know how much it will be on the black market?
Crook2: More than this cash.
Crook3: Then let's take it off him.
Soon when they got close and started to take off the armor. Inside the presume dead man's mine he wakes up to a female dark voice that look like purple skin and long white hair calling him
Dark Female voice: Wake up.
Snapping his eyes and the first he does is grab the person arm and flip him back hard onto the wall making a crater.
Crook2: Woah what the hell he's not dead.
Crook3:He's a meta-human kill him before he have a chance to recover.
When they pulled out there guns and about to shoot that's when two batrangs come out of know where and knocked the guns out of there hands and then it tazed them.
Looking towards the man who knocked him out he sees a strange man in a bat suit getting ready fight this unknown for filled with adrenaline that was until he was knocked out.
Where am I that female voice who was she. How am I here. As questions flowed through my mind the last last thing I remember was a man in a bat suit and was ready to fight until I was knocked out. Opening my eyes I now see Asagi with other stranger as well except the man in a bat suit.
Asagi: Do you know who I am?
"Of course I do but where are we and who are they?"
Asagi: We are in a different multiverse from ours.
"So is there a way for us to return home."
Asagi: No I have been searching away ever since I arrived here.
"Wait how long have you been here?"
Asagi: For me it's been six months for you. You just got here.
"B-but how we all went towards the portal at the same time."
Asagi: Do you remember what he said.
When the old witch have gave word to Annerose she and Asagi teamed up to stop barde-barde from using the portal to bring something from beyond time, space and another dimension.
Barde-barde:*Evil laughter*You may have stopped me once but not this time. When the portal fits stabilized that is when you all are doomed ahahahahahahaha.
End flashback
"Yeah I remember we were able to stop it right."
Asagi: Yes we did but the draw back was that it pulled us in and now here we are.
"Okay where are we?"
Asagi: You are in the Justice League Watchtower medic room.
"What type of name is the justice league."
???: It's what we are son sorry we haven't been able to find you a way home yet but your safe here among friends. I am Superman and these are my friends.
Wonder Woman
Green Lantern(Hal Jordan)
Martian Manhunter
"Well thankyou for the hospitality but I have one question."
Superman: What is it?
"Why is that guy in a bat suit?"
Pointing to Batman while the others give a smirk and some light laughter.
Superman: Well because
Batman: I'm Batman.
Superman: What he said.
"Hmmm oh well so where my armor."
Asagi: We had to take it off to get you healed up. And it needed to be clean.
"Alright so where I be staying."
Asagi: You be staying with me obviously and the no kill rule strictly applies here."
"Wait why?"
Asagi: I will explain everything once you put on some clothes we will leave you be until your ready to go.Your spare clothes are in the spare closet.
The other leaves to allow him to change his clothes in peace.
inside his head
*Asagi you have done well you gained the trust of the justice league and did you accomplish of what I told you to do*
Asagi: Yes master the chips are implanted in all of the female heroines like you asked and I have brought you a present as well.
And coming towards the light I am very surprised of what she accomplished on this day.
"Oh good good asagi you are indeed my most value prize. oh what the heck why not* does the mark hamill Joker Laugh as before him kneels Wonder Woman.
Wonder Woman: It's a pleasure to meet you master.
Next chapter
No more Ra's Al Ghul