
Onyx Stone

16moonss · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

Black sheep: Chapter 1

In a chill and cool hospital filled with emotion and commotion A lady covered in sweat was ushered to push. She had her hand clasped in her husbands faint and tired. The family was informed that they needed about two big pushes. The mother gathered all her strength and gave three mighty pushes, Suddenly the whole room changes and the doctors eye each other in concern the baby is rushed away and the room is felt with eerie dread and their baby is announced dead, The husband protectively held his wife as sobs wracked her body.

The baby was carried to a room and the doctor conversed with A scientist and then the healthy baby was injected. "Are you sure this serum will work" the doctor asked staring intently at the baby. "Yes it will be effective, not immediately for the baby's sake", the scientist stated matter of ghastly. "Ok good now we drop seed to our plan we'll get it bugged and dropped off",said the doctor sniffing obtusely to the crying infant annoyed. The baby was bugged and cleaned and bundled up and wrapped like a present and now was silent.

Everything was planned, the baby was dropped of to a quiet neighborhood the doorbell was rung and now the plan was in motion.

The residence of the STONE family. This is where Logan Stone and his two year old son Jackson live. He had a beautiful wife with striking green eyes that glimmer when she smiled, wrinkles on her face from laughter, and freckles that decorated her face. She is now just a memory since she passed away conceiving her son. Logan was never the same. The sound of a doorbell pierced the silence of the house. Logan reluctantly got up to answer the door with a grunt. Logan got to the door and click the door was unlocked and the cool breeze of the late afternoon was refreshing as it hit his face. He gazed at a neatly wrapped basket and then to his surprise he saw a cocoa little baby girl that was awakening. The last thing he needed was a baby he thought bewildered why... why me out of all people. The baby was still quite pale but pigmented enough to be concluded as black along with her button nose trusting dark brown eyes as if black and with already short corkscrew curls tucked behind her ears. He couldn't leave her here and feel like he had lost someone else and was now attached to the baby. Logan awkwardly picked up the baby and shuffle stepped into the house with the baby who was now crying waking up a confused Jack.

I woke up and pulled out my emotions and began to write, Dear Diary, school starts today, no more warm feet on the sand freedom laughter and anti socialism during the summer yes, i'm stared at. Probably because i'm the black girl with curly hair with a white family of zero resemblance to me. But ,I'm told that im beautiful but I just feel like an outcast. I have a brother jackson and he's 17 super tough and trust me he'd do anything for me even when I was bullied for being the adopted black kid. Hopefully he won't get expelled his senior year... then their is my dad he never lets me go anywhere like anyone or do anything he is so overprotective and i wish-

"ONYX get up do you wanna be late",Jackson breathed after running up the stairs. I unenthusiastically got off my warm soft bed. I was able to look into Jackson's green hooded eyes since I has always been tall with my long lanky legs. He stands there as i take off my shirt. "Well..." I questioned. "What- oh yeah uh hurry up or you're catching the bus'', flustered he closes the door and runs down the steps Onyx giggled a little and commenced getting dressed. A slim T-shirt and skinny jeans plus tennis shoes. She then ran to the restroom put her thick curly hair into a high puff brushed her teeth and ran down the steps tripping a few times.

Her dad Logan is a person of strong build and cold faded expressionless green eyes that you can tell used to smile and twinkle from his smile lines. His short buzzed hair was the color of his aurora and soul a faded brown. He never fails to brighten up when he sees Jackson and Onyx. Logan hugs Onyx with one of his famous bears hugs knock wind out of you everytime time but always feels you back up with love. "School then home, nothing more nothing less I won't be home until late'',. 'His new job always meant I won't be home until late", I thought a little curious.