
Onslaught!! The Demon Kings

Humans thought the apocalypse happened when the barrier between worlds had vanished. When, the world of fey, spirits, humans, and demi-humans became one. However, it does not end, in fact the world got more interesting as magic was introduced. Technological advancements became bigger as many feats becomes possible to achieve. But as soon as the final barrier dissolves introducing the demonic race to the world, people shun the demonic race. No one likes the demon race and nothing can hope change the public sentiment whenever it is concerning the demonic race. Then, two demon kings decided that, "It's time for another apocalypse" "I will kill everyone who has no demonic blood" "I will reincarnate everyone so they all will have demonic blood" Instagram: @onslaughtdks

Duke_Mifaat · แฟนตาซี
31 Chs

The Last and Longest 5 Minutes

Spheroids were discharged as waves of flames decorated the battlefield. Luckily enough the area around the fighters was a body of water. To be specific, Ebonyflame was sent to a swamp-like environment when she used Lunalight's portal. Why a swamp? It was to make sure that no unnecessary distractions were to happen. Since the black flames that she conjured up can cause many forest fires. Not to mention, Ebonyflame the last member of NPC, has an affinity to destruction magic which makes her spells and overall magical capabilities to use fire magic unreasonably strong and dangerous. The opponent she was fighting was the exact opposite of her, which means she was not strong yet her durability is over the top. Of course, this was because Ebonyflame's opponent was in fact from the hybrid of an ethereal spirit (subspecies of spirit race) and a demonic race.

For the past 40 minutes after Lunalight opened the portal for the seven champions to relocate, Ebonyflame had been attacking Echo the Black-Haired Ethereal Spirit Hybrid as they moved throughout the swamp. To be honest, due to how much attack Ebonyflame has directed her magical energy reserve was heavily depleted. So she was now levitating in the air with her feet not touching swamp water. As she stopped Ebonyflame began to think that in fact, her opponent never did once launched an attack on her and prioritized blocking or redirecting Ebonyflame's attack back at her. It was like she was never trying to win in the first place.

"You had no intention to win from the beginning, did you?"

Echo smiled softly and said, "It has been quite a while before you figured that out. And Yes you are right." She said while turning back her expression to somewhat nonchalant about the current situation. "We have researched about you Ebonyflame. We know how far your capabilities are regarding combat. All the time you spent gathering intel at the spirit continent was also the time when the info about your combat abilities got leaked."

Ebonyflame grits her teeth and clenches her fist. "Are you saying you were stalling this whole time?" Magical energy began to be emitted from her body. "Of course. Your capabilities are about 1/2 of the Demon King of Death in terms of destruction magic alone. It would be a bad decision to let you run loose helping all the other fighters in the lineup." Echo said with a condescending expression.

Her aura began to rise as Ebonyflame was getting angry due to her feeling stupid for not noticing until this time. "Then I will let loose now and kill you quickly so I can massacre your entire team!" She said as her eyes glowed red and the magical energy around her became so dense. Ebonyflame was now releasing 100% of her power attempting for a one-hit kill.


In the original place of battle, Kobra and Sierra have been squaring off with both sides. "She is too darn strong am I right Zeta?" Kobra said as she looked to her left. A woman with silver hair was standing beside her. "Yeah." Vastium Zeta said as she continued to pant. In their front, Sierra was now fighting with a sword with Lunalight, the warlord of NPC. Kobra had fought Sierra for about 20 minutes before Lunalight joined the fight and it took another 10 minutes before Zeta joined the fight. The three of them then had spent the last 25 minutes fighting Sierra who was a master at using magical energy.

Lunalight dual wields two golden-colored swords made out of light magical energy as she trades blows with Sierra who is using a black-colored sword that is made out of dark magical energy. The shockwaves of their clash of swords had disrupted the battlefield of grass plains as some became burnt due to the sparks of Mana Flash discharged by the two of them. It is noticeable however that the Mana Flash of Lunalight is far weaker than Sierra. It was because Lunalight's Mana Flash was magenta while Sierra's was indigo in color. The difference in color of Mana Flash was not due to preference or characteristic, but due to how much control the user has with their magical energy.

As the control over mana becomes greater, the output of Mana Flash will tilt more and more into a bluish color. If the control is poor, then the Mana Flash will resemble the color of red even more. Within the 1 month of training, Lunalight only managed to get onto the magenta level of Mana Flash much like Zeta. Due to the mana flash being worse than the other, as they keep clashing Lunalight got impacted over and over again for a long period. Then just as she was losing her guard and focus and was about to be slashed by Sierra's blade, She was pulled back by Zeta's strings away from the impact zone as Indigo sparks ruptured the area where Sierra's blade had slashed.

"Thank you, Zeta.." Lunalight said before she crouched down. Her armor was damaged very badly because of Sierra. "I can't defeat her. Not with my current capabilities..." Lunalight looked at Sierra who was now squaring off with Kobra yet again. The only one in the team who was immune to Mana Flash. But on the other hand, Kobra can't damage Sierra too. So it was a stalemate just like the first half of their fight.

Kobra used her water blades as she slashed it towards Sierra who was parrying her advances with her own blade. Then suddenly something caught her eye. Backing away from Kobra and looked towards the invisible dome.

Kobra looked at Sierra and then also looked to the side where the invisible dome was last seen. "So that's where my lords were held. I knew it."

"If you trained your Mana Control a bit more, you can sense that easily. Kobra."

Zeta and Lunalight then approached Kobra and said, "There is something rising over there but I can't see anything!" Lunalight said as she pointed to the dome.

"The Demon King's Authority will return soon. Around 5 more minutes, the dome will be dissolved."

"So that means, Death-sama and Revival-sama would be released?"

"Apparently so," Sierra said as she looked at the three of them. "Shall we give it our all then? In the last 5 minutes? We don't know who survived inside that dome. It could be that my lord who survived or it could be both demon kings that survived. Either who comes out alive will bring victory to their side."

"Hoo? Then let me join you." A woman's voice spoke as a figure with purplish pink hair walked with her dark purple battle-worn armor. "Lilitha!" Lunalight said as Lilitha walked up to the three of them.

"You have defeated Alpha? This is surprising. I never thought anyone could stand a chance against Alpha."

Without any further words exchanged Lilitha rushed as she used her tendrils to strike and impale Sierra who dodged the attack by sidestepping. Then Lunalight slashed her sword at her, simultaneously, Zeta tied her down so she wasn't able to move. Then as the sword of Lunalight clashed on her body which was tied by strings of Zeta magenta sparks emerged as they damaged Sierra's body. Because of their joined attack, the Mana Flash was stronger than before.

But Sierra was still standing, she lunged and jumped to the sky dragging Zeta to the sky before using the momentum to kick her stomach sending her flying down accompanied with indigo sparks. "Zeta!!" Kobra screamed as she used her oceanid body to cushion her fall.

Lunalight then closed up their distance yet again, as she used her prized attack once more, Countless Armament. Weapons came straight targeting Sierra as she flew side to side dodging them and making her way to Lunalight. Then two slime tendrils appeared and slapped Sierra's body making her lose her balance and get hit by a bunch of Lunalight's weapons.

Sierra smiled as she performed a maneuver and released a burst wave of magical energy deflecting the weapons that were targeting her before rushing towards Lunalight and delivering another Indigo Mana Flash using her fist straight onto Lunalight's face.

Lunalight was sent down and crashed onto the ground. Sierra then looked down where Lilitha was and saw that she was on the ground with Kobra beside her. She levitated down and approached the two with her sword. Kobra went to the front as she tanked Sierra's attack.

In that moment, Kobra switched with Lilitha who delivered an attack using 6 of her tendrils as it tried to impale Sierra's body. "They are too weak to impale me." Just then, Lilitha retracted her tendrils before trying to impale Sierra again.

Then as she does the attack again, it happens. Red Sparks emitted from that attack Lilitha gave. The impact of that attack was enough to blow Sierra away. However, her body was held by Kobra's liquid oceanid body preventing her from flying away. Then, Zeta appeared on Sierra's back as she tied her strings to her before jumping to the back of Lilitha. Pulling her strings to her side trying her best to help her teammates impale Sierra with Lilitha's tendrils.

"HYAA!!!" Zeta screams as she gives it her all to try and pull Sierra. The eyes of her enemy were devoid of the overwhelming confidence that was once there. As of now, Sierra too was feeling the struggle of battle just as the 4 champions here are feeling.


Two red blades impaled Zeta's body from her back. She looked to her back to see a woman with pink hair and red eyes along with bunny ears. Instinctively Zeta used her offhand to tie the figure on her back so her body was restrained. "It seems I came at the right time Sierra! Hey you, silver hair! Let me go so I can sever your head." She said before thrusting her sword deeper into Zeta.

Through her sheer willpower, Zeta ignored the pain as she kept pulling back her strings as Sierra also began to be impaled by Lilitha's tendrils. "Zeta enough! Any more than that you will die!" Lilitha shouted ordering Zeta to stop.

"I don't care! If I can't handle this much pain, I am just a burden to Death-sama!" Zeta said as she pulled back again while also thrusting the sword deeper into her body. Blood drips more from her body as she keeps pulling and pulling.


A sword stabbed through Bravo The Killer Bunny demi-human's body. "What the hell?" She looked to the back and saw a blonde-haired woman with a familiar calm face.

"Get your hands off my Zeta." She said.

"How are you still!? I killed you!"

"Yes, but I used a one-time use undying totem artifact to come back to life." Caila The Artifact Hoarder said as she thrust her sword deeper into Bravo's body.

"You and your artifacts!"

Then a grumbling sound was heard near the center of the battlefield. Sparks began to appear from inside the location of the invisible dome. Blue sparks of mana flash strikes the ground where the dome was last seen. Magical energy residue began to emerge from that place as slowly the dome that was invisible began to show itself again.





The dome of energy was now breaking. It was a sign that the seal dome that was erected by Carmilla was nearing its destruction. The leader of the United Front, Carmilla was observing the battlefield from her throne near it and said, "So they have failed. It is to be expected."



The dome breaks as it releases a colossal amount of magical residue. A figure then flew to the sky from the location. A man with white hair and a bluish aura. His black horns and his white coat gave out the aura of a demon king.


His voice was loud enough that the entire people on the battlefield could hear his chant. The army of the United Front then started to run away in fear.


His right hand glowed in a bluish color as the aura spread to the air. The atmosphere was now tainted by the aura of the demon king.


A surge of energy appeared as his eyes glowed in a purplish color, distorting the environment and pressure on the battlefield.


The moment of no return will soon be bestowed upon the enemies of the primordial kingdom. The Demon King of Revival's eyes switched as his purplish eyes glowed white.


The Imprint Soldiers looked up to the sky in awe seeing their demon king above the sky about to perform his signature ability.


The Demon King lifted his right hand and finished his chant.


A blue-white torrent of energy dispersed as it hit everything in sight with a speed comparable to light. A flash of light blinded the battlefield and the shockwave had blown most of the people away. As the light clears The Demon King of Revival levitated down as he saw Kobra, Lilitha, Caila, Lunalight, and Zeta who was now lying on the ground.

"I'm glad I made it in time." He smiled before flying back towards the area near where the dome breaks.

Then, three people wearing black tights and purple lining surrounded the Zeta and the others lying down. "Calliope… are they okay?" A woman with blue hair asked another woman with pink hair. "I can feel their souls still linger and as for their body I sense no damage."

"It was most probably due to Lord Revival casting the skill just now. Even the wounds I received were healed."

"Towa-senpai can you get some of the soldiers to carry these 5 back to the camp?" Calliope spoke while covering her other ear as if she were using a radio or some kind of signal to communicate remotely.

"I'll dispatch some of my members to you Calli."

"Hoshinami-senpai, I will go and find the other NPC members who were scattered, will you take command of Unit C for the time being?"

"Sure thing Calliope," Hoshinami said as the pink-haired woman, Calliope Moriyama then flew to the sky as she followed her soul radar to find the rest of the NPC members.