
She can never win my heart

Kai's POV

Kris's my best friend messaged me that Nana's sister whose name I couldn't remember is joining us. I don't mind. I went on preparing to go for a run,thinking about my life.

Kai, the Prince of Xuang Tall,handsome with a perfect face and jaw, greyed eye,Everything about him is perfect.

Not too forget he's single and have lot of female admirers drooling whenever they see him. love running especially when troubled like now.


I have less than six month to get married. I was been troubled by my parents and the council to get married already as many planned to get my throne.

I was given two years to marry and since then I have been in search for someone I love and will be there for me, someone who can take care of the people .I have not seen her.

I craved for her and will accept her no matter who she is since I don't want to marry who I will be forced to marry if

I don't get a wife.

Yoona is the council's head daughter.I was told to marry her if I don't find my mate after two years.

She and her father wants the throne that why they arranged my marriage to her. Yoona is very clingy all because she wanna be the Queen

She can never win

my heart. No matter what. I told her this but she didn't listen instead she decided to threaten any female seen with me thinking I will accept her if she does that.

She doesn't know that it only provoked me more and more each time. She is been referred to as the town's slut. Sleeping with everything in trouser too bad.

I have been pressurized to date her to have feelings for her but I refused. I don't want someone who can strip so low to be the Queen of my heart .

I want someone who will be respected and love by all. I have always dream of having a beautiful, tall,gentle, lovely woman who is suitable to be the future Queen.


Yuna was scared to death if her decision will put her into more trouble than before.

Not that she did not trust her sister but she was a little bit reluctant.she began to drift off,before she know it, she was in dreamland.

Yuna POV

I felt someone shaking me slowly, calling my name. Reluctantly, I opened my eyes looking at Nana.

'We are there' Nana told me making me look at my unfamiliar surroundings.

I was already in a bed.

'Kris bought you upstairs. You have been sleeping for four hours. I decided to not disturb you when we arrived but I can't bare you not taking your dinner that why I woke you up'. Nana said before I could open my mouth.

She left me saying she will send-in a maid to attend to me.

I took the opportunity to look around. I was in a room painted with blue, a king size bed in the middle. The room looked comfy.it was decorated simply but beautiful.

My thought was disturbed by a knock.I told the person to come in. A petite,auburn haired , round face girl came in and bowed in respect.

'What is your name?' I asked. She answered 'Chris'. She told me to get ready as my sister was expecting me.

I nodded in response and went into the bathroom for a simple bath.

I took a quick shower with my favourite shampoo and soap which I saw there.I opened a door next to the bath and saw my clothes neatly folded in the walk-in closet.

I decide to put on a purple gown with love designs on it. I combed my hair and Chris helped in putting it in a neat ponytail. I use my BB cream and natural makeup( purple eye shadow, mascara, blush, eye pencil etc.). Then I applied my expensive lip stick and gloss to my lip. I was done.

I put on my slippers which could be worn out because of it rate. Chris after complimenting on my look escort me out.

We passed through many flight of stairs and corners. I was looking at the paints on the wall. It looked beautify,modern,huge and like a mansion or better a castle.

Some wall hás different drawings. It is beautiful. I stared at it tracing my finger through the drawing. I was nudged by Chris who noticed I was not following.

'Sorry' I told her. She smiled. And took me to the living room in the ground floor.