
We Are Done!

I drove back home to surprise my soon-to-husband with the beautiful, scented flowers. I had dressed up fancy for him, As I open the door, I saw a bunch of clothes in the hallway leading to the bedroom. In confusion I pick them up, there were woman clothes, I know that I have never wore or saw them. I hear a women moaning in the bedroom, I started to realized what was happening. He was cheating! I slam open the bedroom door and then I see a naked women with my husband! I quickly start to sob. He says my name In a worried voice "Monica you came back home early". My sadness quickly turns to angriness, I swiftly slap him, leaving a mark on his face. The filthy women beside him say "Monica Yang how dare you"! I realize that voice anywhere , Its my sister. I say to her "You dirty slut, you deserve to go to hell! I said "we are done"!. I slam the door shut. Leaving the house still sobbing. I say to myself "He didn't deserve you anyway, stop crying Monica. I soon rub my eyes. As my tears dry up. It was a cold rainy night, " Its freezing". I said to myself, I started shaking , rain drops were falling hard. The weather turned more windy and more rain. . I was all soggy, and wet. I just couldn't handle anything anymore. I started sobbing. I fell to the ground. one of my knees were bruised. I just wanted to die. But until then, I feel something touch my back. It was a very handsome man. He had black hair, Blue frosty eyes, He had the most amazing scent, and was wearing a tuxedo. I looked at him and yelled "Leave me alone". He looked at me with a worried face. I looked and said "I'm sorry I had a rough day". He picked me up bridal style, My face turned red, for two reasons. one because I probably got sick and another is because you know , fine he's handsome. Anyway he gently puts me In his car. I said "excuse me but who are you?, and let me out of here. He says In a manly voice " I'm not letting you get sick". I blush and say "that's nice but I don't know you so let me out!. He whispers under his breath silently "you don't remember me" in a disappointed voice. I feel dizzy, I tried to keep awake but I can't anymore. I try and shake my head to go get some water off of me, but I don't think I can handle anymore. I gently lay my head on one of the seats. I hear the car starting and I wonder if he knows. I hear yelling. The guy is yelling at someone on the phone. I think to myself get me out of this stupid car. The car is finally driving. The man says "sorry bout the yelling, I respond saying " Its fine"at that point he knew I was sick. He called someone saying "set up the bed and make some warm milk, it better be ready before I come back home" geez so bossy I thought to myself. I asked him "where are we going" I asked, he responded with "back to my mansion" I open my eyes and yelled " what!" Oh god my heads started to hurt even more. so i just say to myself "at least I'm not in the rain or else I would've been even more sick, plus he's handsome so I'm fine. I close my eyes, and try to sleep. but i couldn't my head feels like there are maggots eating it. He said " take off your top". I said " NO!", he looked at me rear mirror with his sharp blue eyes. I said "fine" blushing. I take it off only wearing my bra. He take off his coat. I said "how long is it going to take to get to your mansion". He said "well I was suppose to visit someone but I saw you so I picked you up". I say In anger "so why did you tell me to take off my top". He pulls over and lends me his coat. I take it and say "thank you" blushing. after a few hours we reached his home, he picks me up in bridal style again and it was super dark outside. But I can tell he's at least a billinare, His maids bowed down to him. He went to his bedroom got his hairdryer and started drying it, i said to him " Thank you " he blushed and smiled.But I don't think he saw me see Him blush. he told me that he does that with all his guests he was obviously lying cuz he was smiling and blushing. he picked me up and he put me into his bed I said "are you sure don't you have somewhere to sleep" and he said "it's fine". he said "wait take off your clothes I have clothes for you". at this point I felt like he was just being way too nice so I feel like he was up something. he gave me the clothes and then I said "you prepared this for me". he blushed, he said shut up and sleep. I sneezed again, he went downstairs, and when he came back he gave me hot milk. I said "why are you being so nice to me" he said "you'll see". I got a little paranoid. I said to him "where is my phone", "nevermind you can go now" I spotted my phone hiding In the blankets when I was changing.he left and thank God it wasn't broke and it was at at least at 86 percent. so I hid it somewhere In the bedroom. In case that handsome guy was a pervert. I closed the lights and slept.

(not part of the story but hope you enjoyed my first episode love yall) by the way I forgot to add what she looks like , so I'll say it now , our main character has green nature eyes, has natural light brown hair, she has fair skin, smooth skin, curvy, her personality is cute, sometimes fierce lovable, and pretty.