

I was officially Leyton Stevens girlfriend.

We knew before going public we had to tell our families ... we chose to leave the pregnancy until a later date.

"Hey mom? How is everything?" She was thrilled to hear my voice.

"April, honey. How are you? Everything is fine dad is good. And Jennie is Jennie"

"I'm bery good .. I actually have some news for you ... I have a boyfriend"

Her face changed ... she was happy though! But it was shocked face!

"A boy friend? Oh darling! I'm so happy for you, who is he?"

Leyton them appeared round the corner. Her face blushed. She knew who he was.

"Oh my ... Leyton Stevens."

"Mrs Rhodes. How are you?"

"Call me Susan please! I'm very well"

"I'm glad ... do excuse me I need to call my mother" he smiled and left.

"You kept that quiet!! How long?" This is where she liked to gossip.

"3 months. I'm happy though mom. Really. He's great"

"I'm over the moon for you sweet heart ... so is your father he's just never interested in all this love stuff you know that"

We both laughed. "I miss you .. I'll visit soon I promise"

We spent the next hour talking about my Job I spoke to Jennie and then dad. I just don't know how they're gonna react to the pregnancy ... time will tell.

Leyton appeared in the room with a harsh face. "What's happened?" I questioned. "My mother wasn't thrilled. She wants to meet you ... next week" next week! Shit!

"Erm ... why?"

"Her approval? She wants to see who her baby boy is dating"

Figured. "Ok I guess! If that's what we gotta do ... thankfully we're not showing yet hey!" I smiled touching my stomach! I may not be showing but I definitely felt pregnant.


Work for the next week was calm but busy. I was alone for most of it ... treating babies, children - I just had my way with them to make them more calm during the treatment.

Today was the day we visited his parents. I went to see Maggie for breakfast for a pep talk.

She was the only one to keep me sane and calm through this.

"Girl you got this. be yourself. Dont be someone you're not" - "I guess, but what if they dont like me?" she rolled her eyes at my reply. "they'll be silly not too. you are an amazing person" she always had a way with words.

We went through some final plans for the wedding before I had to get back and ready before we left.

I showered and decided on a black pencil dress with heels and hair slightly curled with minimal makeup . I didn't wanna wear colour because incase I was showing a little black was my safest option.

"Ready?" I smiled coming down the stairs.

"Ready ... you look beautiful" he kissed me lightly on my cheek and then we left. This was it.

Meeting the Stevens. Fuck.


We pulled up outside this beautiful big house. Like the ones you see in movies. I was almost too scared to walk to the door let alone inside.

Leyton squeezes my hand for reassurance. I know he wouldn't leave my side.

He opened the door and we walked through. Yikes. It was rose gold everywhere it really was beautiful.

"Mom? Dad?" He calls out.

"Leyton, darling! It's so good to see you" his mom I'm guessing she greeted him with a warm embrace. "You too mom, this is .. April Rhodes. My girlfriend ... April this is my mom Grace .. Dad, Ethan and my sister is out back .. that's Frankie" introductions done. Let's see how this pans out.

"Nice to meet you, April" his mom smiles. I couldn't tell whether it was sincere or not. She then turns and heads to I believe the kitchen. "Pleasure is all mine, sweetheart! Ignore Grace. Don't take it personally" his dad winked and smiled. Now he was adorable. He made me feel comfortable straight away.

I look out back, what I can gather is Leyton sister Frankie, and two children? I walked toward Leyton intrigued. This beautiful tall blonde girl walked towards us. "Brother! How are you?" - "great. This is April" - "ah!! The girlfriend!! Nice to meet you!" She embraces me with a hug.

"You to! Are they yours?" I smiled nodding towards the toddler running round and the baby on the floor rolling ! "Yeah! That's Charlie, he's 3! And that is Lola she's 4 months"

"You have beautiful children!" I was in awe to think this would be me and Leyton in just under 9 months.

"Come meet them!"

"Charlie! Say hello!" He looks over and waves then continues to play football with Leyton. "How long have you been together?" Frankie asks. "We've been dating for three nearly four months, officially together for 2 weeks .. although I get the vibe your mom isn't pleased!"

"Don't worry! She's like this always! After Avery, Leyton ... changed. He wasn't the same person as he was before ... until he met you! She's just protective over her son, like any mother would be. As long as he's happy. She's happy" Frankie reassured me as we sat drinking lemonade getting to know each other.

"So you're a nurse?" - "yeah! I started a couple weeks ago, I love it" - "that's great." - "and you have your own fashion line?" - "yeah .. Frankie designs" - "I've seen your work I love it!! I can't wait to try it some day!"

I sat outside a bit longer just embracing the views the scenery ... but mainly avoiding Grace. She doesn't intimidate me I just don't wanna make myself feel uncomfortable.

We all went inside to wash up for dinner. As awkward as this was gonna be i was starved. But Charlie was missing! He must've snuck back out when no one was looking .. Frankie went after him but then the worst thing could of happened ... she screamed I have never seen so many people run that fast since usain bolt won the olympics.

"I think ... he's broken his arm ..." she cried out. Your a nurse April, fix this! I said to myself. I run out after them ... staying calm, Charlie didn't look that bothered.

I nodded to Frankie to back off slightly, her being scared could put Charlie on edge.

"Hey handsome! Can I see your arm? I can do some magic tricks wanna see!" He smiles back at me as we sit together on the ground! Leyton had already handed me the first aid box.

"Thanks! Aren't you a big brave boy! Can you tell me what happen?" He handed me his arm I started feeling around.

"I fell. Over the ball."

"Over the ball? Oh no!! Did you hurt the ball!" He chuckled! "Charlie, can you tell Me if you're hurt anywhere?"

He pointed to his arm in the middle I felt again ... "so this is where the magic happens! This is my magic bandaid! What happens is I place this around your arm and your neck! And this helps your Arm get better! But mommy is gonna need to take you to see some magic doctors is that ok?" I started placing the sling around his neck and on to his arm.

"That's ok. Thanks for the magic bandaid!" He smiles sweetly. Frankie re joined! "You were amazing! Thank-you!" / "it's fine. He seems ok but it could be the adrenaline. It feels like he's broken his fore arm but take him to the hospital they'll do further examinations there" I smiled. She thanked me with a warm embrace. "Thankyou so much." She lifted Charlie up. "Bye April!" He smiles.

"You are an amazing person! April" Leyton smiles kissing me softly! "I just done my job! He's a great kid!"

And that is why I love my job.