

I learnt a lot about Leyton during dinner, not too much but enough. We headed home around 11:15. Maybe one too many wines. I should of drank them .. but I insisted it was my graduation after all.

"Should you even of had a drink?" He questions as I kick my shoes off. "No ... but it was my graduation" he gave me a look to say, I was in trouble.

"So tell me ... why haven't you got a girlfriend already? I mean your everything a girl wants and more?" That's it I asked him.

His posture just changed, his facial expressions also.

"I don't like questions. You know this. I think it's time we called it a night"

Touched a nerve? "Right ... sorry I even asked" I got up and walked up the stairs to my room.

I shouldn't care I mean it's not like I have feelings for him? Right?

I stare myself in the mirror. Shit. I'm falling for him. This was not part of the agreement.

I changed into my night wear and put my hair up. I opened my bedroom door slightly and peered round ... his room was ajar, I crept out and peered into his bedroom.

"Looking for someone?" I jumped at the sound of Leyton behind me. "Uh, yeah .. you, I'm sorry I asked about your life"

"Don't apologise ... your curious right?"

"Yeah something like that" by this point he was in front of me our bodies were millimetres apart.

"You look beautiful tonight .." he whispered as he touched my face and tucked hair behind my ear. Wait what?

"I always look like this ... don't you realise?" I chuckle. He smiled slightly. "I always realise"

Within that moment his lips met mine.

Soft. My whole body arouses by his touch. The pit of my stomach fireworks ignited.

My arms moved up and draped over his neck. His arms met my waist and he lifted me so my legs straddled his waist he walked me into his rooms our tongues still gliding against each other.

"Are you sure about this?" He asks as he leans over me in the bed.

"I want you ..."

He smiles as he hears those words, his hands caress my body as he removes my clothes. My whole body aroused at his touch -

This felt different. This felt right.

I woke up the next morning to an empty space next to me. There was a note left! *had to do some business ... I'll be back at lunch. Wait for me. We need to talk* great that talk is happening. I guess it needs to.

I spent the morning having a long bubble bath - I didn't need to clean as Jane does all of that.

The sun was shining; I went outside to try catch some rays.

It was 1pm when Leyton arrived back! I was still lounging By the pool. "You're still here" he questioned when he came out back.

"Of course ... you wanted to talk"

"About last night .." he sat beside me. "I get it, Leyton, a one time thing? Right?"

"Is that what you want?" Wait, was he really questioning it? "What do you mean what do I want? I was gonna ask you what you wanted me to do ... whether you know, I haven't fallen pregnant yet we haven't considered anything; if you want me to move out ... I understand"

"Do you want to leave?" - "this isn't my place Leyton that's your decision ... I mean, after what I've been through I am considering it again but not right now ... but if it happened then it happens" I shrugged my shoulders standing up to walk inside to grab a cold drink.

"You'll consider the surrogacy again?"

"Sure ... I mean that's what I signed for right? And I know and I saw how much it meant to you when we found out I was pregnant ..."

"But I also saw the hurt and pain you went through, April."

"That's life. It's there for hurt and excitement and other risks ... I wouldn't consider it if I wasn't ready too"

I'm glad that was sorted. Now for the next. "And last night ... I haven't had anyone since I broke up from Avery so it was kind of a shock when it happened but I wanted it to happen other wise ... I wouldn't of kissed you" hearing him say those words just made me feel differently!

"So what happens now? Call it a day as a one time thing?" I was slightly confused to what he was saying but I just needed confirmation.

"I .... like you, April. I want to date and see what happens"

Date? This millionaire beautiful strong man, wants me? ME!

"I thought you would never ask" I smile.

I met up with Maggie for dinner, I've missed her we've both been so busy it was nice to have girl time I knew Leyton would be at the club anyway. And it beats staying home alone.

I also got a phone call today! The hospital have offered me a position as a paediatrics nurse! I'm so thrilled.

"So tell me everything?" Maggie loved a bit of gossip especially when it was me.

I told her from the beginning what happened until now ... her facial expressions told me enough rather than words.

"What?!' So you're officially dating?" She exclaimed quietly.

"Yeah, but in exclusively, we don't want the press finding out yet."

"That's fair ... I'm so happy for you. And now a Job? Here's to you ..." she beams we clink glasses.

I didn't realise how hungry I was until the food came out it smelt delicious and tasted it too.

"I have some news .... the wedding is back on!" Maggie was engaged to Sean, but they called it off due to family issues! "We've set the date a month from today"

"Mags! That's amazing ... I'm so happy for you!!"

Of course the rest of the evening was wedding talk which I didn't mean seeing as I was her maid of honour! It also took my mind off of everything else.


"Leyton? You home?" I call out as I close the door behind me. No answer. He must still be at work.

Now we're dating I had no idea where I was sleeping? Do I go to my room or not?

Fuck it.

I got ready for bed and crawled into his bed. It was soft and warm ... I was so ready to sleep.