
Online Nations

She works full time, she's in a relationship she games in her spare time, is being in a relationship a good idea when you game so much?

LadyI · สมจริง
4 Chs


I felt sick, I was trembling and every so often a tear would escape my eye.

"You'll be fine" Zippo reassured me, we were in Zippos beautiful car and driving towards my house where Leo still lived.

"I can't do it" I moaned as we pulled around the corner and drove up my old street.

"Of course you can, I'll be right by your side" Zippo smiled from the front seat.

"I'll be waiting in the car in case Zippo can't handle him" Sullivan sniggered which caused Zippo to hit him around the head.

"Ow" he smiled rubbing his head playfully.

Sullivan pulled up outside the house and Zippo came and opened my door for me.

"Come on, the sooner the better" he scowled and I couldn't tell what he was feeling.

I took Zippos hand and let him help me out of the car.

"I have to do this alone" I breathed and the moment it came out of my mouth i knew it was the right thing to do, even though Zippo was scowling and swearing and pleading with me not too.

"I love you, if anything happened i would never forgive myself" He protested.

"Give me 30 minutes" I sighed, I'd already been stood here for a good ten minutes arguing with him, eventually Sullivan persuaded Zippo to let me go in alone, but he still wasn't happy.

I walked up to the front door and took a deep breath and knocked three times. It looked as though no one was in and I was just about to walk off when I heard the lock click.

"Hell....o" Leo was stood in the doorway completely shirtless, i forgot how good looking he was when he wasn't being a complete arse.

"Hi" I smiled awkwardly.

"What do you want Nyx? come to beg for my forgiveness?" he smiled devilishly and held out his hand.

"No I've come for my stuff" I said.

"Well okay, I hope I can change your mind but your stuff it's in the hall" Leo opened the door so I could come through, I turned and caught the horror on Zippos face as I entered, Leo shut the door behind him, I could still see Leo's face and it darkened slightly, Leo couldn't have pulled a face back at Zippo could he?

"Come on sweetie please, I want you back I promise to behave" Leo advanced closer towards me.

"No you had your chances and you blew all of them" I grumbled.

"Oh come on, give me one...." Leo trailed off and looked as though he was thinking, his next words made me shiver.

"You already slept with him didn't you?" when I didn't answer he shouted a bit more.

"Didn't you!" and I nodded.

"Jesus Nyx"

I ignored him and went to find my stuff in the hallway, I went to bend over and grab the bags when I felt him grab me from behind, he pushed me up to the wall and I felt his hard bulge press in to me.

"Get off now" I growled.

"I like this feisty new you, I could take you here and now, hell I could go and tell your boy toys that you want me back, since you'll pretty much sleep with anyone now" He laughed in such a way that had made him sound crazy.

"They wouldn't believe you" I breathed as I felt him push his fingers down my trousers and start rubbing me in my intimate spot.

"Stop it" I squeaked but he carried on

"Your so easy Nyx, look how wet you are already" he smirked.

"Get off me, I'm saying this one last time" I said and Leo just chuckled and carried on moving his hand around my pants teasing me, I took a breath and took my foot and kicked my foot backwards towards his groin, he yelped and fell to the floor, I took this opportunity to grab my bags and run, I moved as quick I could before Leo regained to much movement to come and get me.

"Don't worry Nyx I still love you" he shouted to me as I swung the door open and ran down the steps towards Zippo who moved in a flash by my side.

Leo stood at the door waving.

"Your girlfriends an easy whore" He grinned and slammed the door shut.

"What does he mean" Zippo growled.

"I.....i" I broke down in tears unable to tell him.

Zippo kneeled down on both knees and took my hands in his.

"You can tell me anything" He smiled reassuringly.

"He touched me, down there..." I pointed to where and felt like a child telling and adult that someone had touched me inappropriately only it was my ex boyfriend.

"That motherf....." Zippo growled and got up of the floor, he went towards the steps to my house but Sullivan grabbed him by the collar.

"Just leave it" He said.

"Sull, he touched her again and this time she wasn't even with him, JUST LOOK AT HER" he screamed, I was still sobbing my heart out and Sullivans face softened.

"He's trying to bait you, if you harm him he will go to the police and once you get arrested whose going to look after Nyx" He pleaded and Zippo sighed, he wasn't happy.

"Okay, your right bit if he touches her again.....I will kill him" Zippo snapped, he picked my bags up and dumped them in the boot of his car, he slammed it shut then came and ushered me in to the car, once again he climbed in to the back seat with me and held on to me all the way home.

"Are you okay?" Zippo asked as though he was talking to a child and I smiled and nodded.

"Good, I'm glad we never have to go there again" he snapped.

"Next time I won't be so nice" I saw the look on his face when he said that and it shook me to my core, if he saw Leo again he would actually kill him.

We pulled in to the driveway and we all climbed out the car, I opened the boot and grabbed my stuff. Zippo unlocked the door and ran off upstairs, Sullivan took my bags for my and followed Zippo, I smiled and walked in to the kitchen to put the kettle on, and the kettle started to boil I heard two raised voices, i headed towards them.

"You have to tell her" Sullivan snapped.

"I know, i can't, she's been through too much" Zippo sighed heavily and I wondered what he wanted me to know, I took this opportunity to make him and I burst through the door.

"Tell me what?" I said with both hands on my hips.

"Oh uhm..." Zippo stuttered.

"Out with it" I growled.

"When we slept together, I uh didn't wear any protection"

"Seriously is that it?" I laughed and the guys both relaxed slightly.

"I thought you were going to tell me you didn't want me living with you anymore" I pulled a face.

Zippo jumped to his feet.

"Never" he kissed me softly.

"Well I'm glad that you both worked it out, and I told you to stop stressing" Sullivan smiled and gave me a hug.

"My two favourite people" He laughed and took both of our hands and went downstairs, I looked questioningly at Zippo who shrugged and mouthed the words 'go with it'

We reached the bottom of the stairs and Sullivan looked at Zippo.

"Its time Zippo" he said and my jaw dropped slightly as he handed Zippo a small box.

"Oh my god, are you going to propose, how long have you had this? Zippo....answer me" Zippo took the box from Sullivan and leant on one knee.

"Nyx, my best friend, my girlfriend and my whole world will you....Move in with me" I scowled and laughed at the same time, Sullivan was in hysterics and Zippo grinned like a loon from the floor.

"Of course I will you idiot" I laughed and tugged him to his feet and he looked at me seriously for a second.

"Would the answer have been the same if I'd have asked the other one?" he smiled shyly and I winked.

"Don't push it, but you'll never know" and I left him hanging at that.

He smiled and led me in to the living room where he sat down and pulled me on to his knee, the guys turned their consoles on and invited everyone to a party.

"Oh no guys, you'll never guess what's happened" Angel was in hysterics and we had to calm her down.

"Calm down, what's up?"

"Maize has gone haywire, she took everything, our base is gone" Willow cried, as soon as the guys logged in they noticed everything was gone. including all the defense and animals.

"Shes deleted us off everything and left all the chats" Angel was crying.

"Its okay, dont worry we'll get everything back" I took the headset off Zippos head.

"Your alive, and still with Zippo?" Willow asked curiously.

"Yes, she is and her and Sullivan are both living with me" Zippo was grinning, and I relaxed in his arms.

"Are you two a thing now?" Angel asked.

"Yes we are going out together" Zippo winked at me as I heard both girls laugh.

"I wish I could live there, my lease is up and my landlord wants me gone" Angel sighed.

"Then do it" were Zippos next words and Angel screamed in excitement.

"Omg thankyou, thank you so much, I'm going to pack I'll be there tomorrow" and she left the party and turned her playstation off.

"I think you just made her night" I laughed.

"Well I gotta go I'll see you all soon" Willow logged off too.

Just then the doorbell rang.

Zippo removed me off his knee and bounced happily to the door.

"Hello" I heard a voice and froze.

"What are you doing here" Zippo said icily.

"I've come for you like I promised" a female voice said.

It couldn't be I thought, I looked over to Sullivan who had come to the same conclusion, we both got up and made our way to the door.

"What the hell are you two still doing here" Maize snarled, she had herself wrapped around Zippo and I could feel my anger bubbling.

"Get yourself off my boyfriend" I growled.

"Wow, since when did you have spunk, I always took you for the timid do nothing kind of girl." Maize taunted as she kissed Zippos cheek.

"Get off me" he said and pushed her off before coming and wrapping one arm around me.

" I thought we had something special" She snapped.

"We never had anything" Zippo snapped back.

"What about the time were you were talking to Nyx and she put the phone down on you without so much as a goodbye because her boyfriend came in, all those times she chose him and you came to me upset." she was so angry.

"It meant nothing, I thought we were friends" he growled.

"Was it friendship that night I came over and we slept together?" she retorted and I gasped, even Sullivan looked shocked, I pushed Zippo away and ran to Sullivan and I could feel my eyes welling up, I know we weren't together then, hell this wasn't even a thought but it hurt like hell, hurt like mybheartbwas going to burst.

"See she can't help herself, she goes running at the first sign of trouble" Maize spat.

"Get out" Zippo started walking towards Maize who had enough sense to back off, in fact she looked quite scared, but not scared enough to give me one last glance and comment.

"He was mine first" She smiled.

"I was never yours now get out of my house" Zippo walked to the door and made sure Maize got in her car and left, before she did she walked straight up to Zippo pushed him through the door and against the wall and tried to kiss him.

Zippo was already prepared and pushed her off the moment her lips touched his.

"What no kiss goodbye? Fine I'm going," with that she sauntered out and started up her car and drove off, just like it had never happened.

"Z...zi...Zippo" I stammered and he turned to look, he sank to the floor in a heap and buried his head in his hands, I ran off upstairs.

I heard footsteps behind me but I was too upset to care which one of them followed.

"Zippo, she needs you man" Sullivan shouted.

"Dont you think I know that, what the hell am I meant to say Sull?" Zippo sounded devastated.

I ran in to Zippos room, which was also mine now and threw myself on the bed, I mean I wish he could have told me, obviously we weren't together then so i couldn't technically be mad, but what hurt the most is that He slept with her and they both still came online and was laughing and joking like nothing was wrong. Did she do it because she was jealous? it's no secret she used to flirt alot with him, but shes done that with Sullivan too.

"You alright kiddo?" Sullivan sat beside me and patted my back.

"What do you think?" I stuttered through streams of tears.

"Well, how hurt are you right now? That's how Zippo was every night whilst you was with Leo, he didn't show it but I could tell, he wasn't as happy when you logged off, he used to shut down and barely say anything" I sat up and wiped my face, it was true, and he had to put up with it alot longer that me.

Zippo opened the door and came in, I smiled slightly, it looked like he had been crying.

"I'm so sorry Nyx, I never thought for a second that this would happen between us, you always seemed so happy" He sighed and sat on the other side of me.

"Its okay, Sullivan said some incredibly insightful words, It hurts Zi, I'm not going to lie but I didn't realise how much it hurt you whilst I was with Leo"

"Really?" his face brightened and I smiled.

"Yes, really, it's in the past and now I love you, you idiot" he came to me and placed his arms around me and kissed me deeply, we fell backwards on to the bed still kissing.

"I think I'll leave"

"No" everyone froze except Zippo who looked at me then Sullivan, I looked over at Sullivan who also looked at me then we both looked at Zippo.

"I'm serious, if you both are?" he said.

"Uhm, I've never done this" I admitted.

"Neither have I" Zippo and Sullivan chorused together.

"It only works with close friends, or so I've heard" Zippo smiled.

"What the hell" I said

"You only live once" Sullivan said, and that was it, I started off kissing Zippo, who had a fire inside of him like I'd never known, and he passed me over to Sullivan who also started kissing me, it was weird to begin with and we both stopped and looked over at Zippo who was just sat staring and smiling, we carried on and all of a sudden Sullivan stopped and grabbed Zippo, he was shocked at first but he went ahead with it anyway and I just sat there watching with my jaw slightly open.

They both looked and laughed, next came the playing, we all took turns playing and exploring each others bodies, when the sex came, neither one of the guys was interested in each other, both of their attention was focused on me, they both placed protection on themselves and took it in turns with me, at one point Sullivan placed me on top of Zippo and entered me from behind which was a very strange feeling and hurt like hell to begin with, we tried all sorts of positions, eventually I couldn't stand it no more and I ended up with my release, shortly after me both Sullivan and Zippo had their release.

We all collapsed on to the bed in a heap, me in the middle and a guy on either side. I felt so lucky, this was probably a one off thing but I felt lucky all the same, i must have fell asleep at some point because the next time i awoke the sun was shining through the window, I groaned the two sleeping guys next to me stirred slightly and woke.

"Well morning" Zippo kissed me.

"Morning" I smiled and kissed him back, he looked over at Sullivan who was rubbing his eyes.

"Oh man, what a night did I dream that?" and Zippo sniggered and shook his head.

"Least I can cross that off my bucket list" I laughed and both guys also laughed. I grabbed a shower whilst they dressed and sorted themselves out.

By the time I got out of the shower, did my hair and dressed both of them was eating breakfast and drinking energy drinks at the table.

"Hello lover" Zippo winked at me and I grinned girlishly at him.

"You two make me sick" Sullivan said.

"You weren't saying that last night" I quipped and Zippo spat his drink out and Sullivan nearly choked, they both burst out laughing.

"You've got a good one there, shes quick witted" Sullivan laughed. Zippo climbed out of his seat and came to kiss me.

"I'm very lucky" He grinned and slapped my butt.

The doorbell rang and we all froze.

"She cant be here again" Zippo growled.

"I'll deal with her" I grabbed the baseball bat I'd seen and before either guy could stop me I went to the door and answered it.

"NYXXXXX!!!!!!" Angel and Willow threw themselves at me and I fell backwards.

"Oh my god your both here" I screamed and the guys came running.

"Nyx are you okay?" Zippo stopped in his tracks and Sullivan nearly bumped in to him.

"Oh my god" Zippo ran and gave them hugs then Sullivan joined in.

"The whole gang is here" we all danced like loons.

"I can't believe it" I said.

"Well Zippo offered out his home" Willow said.

"Sounded like heaven" Angel laughed.

"Damn right" I said.

We all sat around making a plan.

"Well my parents left me a ton of cash and this house when they passed away, so no mortgage to pay" Zippo shrugged like it was no big deal.

"I'm a work at home IT assistant" Sullivan grinned.

"I'm a girl that guys call when they're lonely, web chat is higher rates" Angel blurted out, we all stared.

"Brings hella cash" She laughed.

"I'm on holiday for a week, I work at a local supermarket" I said.

"I'm a online star" Willow laughed as she shown us her page where she does all sorts of different videos, she had a lot of followers and she also had alot of donations.

"Okay so basically food and Bill's is all we have to pay" Zippo mused.

"That electricity bill is going to be killer mate" Sullivan said, he was right, 5 televisions and 5 consoles all online at the same time.

"It'll be fine, okay so we need 2 more beds" Zippo sighed.

"Already ordered and arriving tomorrow Willow grinned.

"Right then, well that's everything for now, everyone unpack and do whatever whilst I spend time with my girlfriend" Zippo smiled as he pulled me towards him and led me out of the kitchen followed by wolf whistles and cat calls.

"Follow me, I've got a secret place I've never shown or told anyone about" Zippo smiled and led me outside.

"Where are we going?" I asked Zippo but he ignored my question and led me to the bottom of his garden, we came to a Bush and I stood and glared at him.

"Seriously, I am not doing anything in a bush" He laughed and jumped in, I cursed softly and went to find him, I gasped.

Behind the Bush was the rest of the garden, Zippo had a small summer house and a hot tub.

"This is beautiful" I gasped at its beauty.

"I've been wanting to show it to you for ages, even over video chat" he smiled and turned the hot tub on.

He smiled and gestured that we get in it.

"Fully clothed?" I scowled.

"No you idiot, take your clothes off" he laughed as he stripped down to his boxers and climbed in, I grinned from ear to ear and stripped to my underwear and bra and followed in after him, I felt the bubbles wash over me and all of a sudden my worries seemed to disappear. I layed my head on Zippos shoulder, it still seemed so surreal to me that I was here with him, it was only a few weeks ago that I was moaning about Leo over the phone to him.

"What you thinking about" He smiled and kissed my head.

"The past" I sighed as he lifted my head to look at me.

"You don't need to worry, I will always be here for you and nobody will tear us apart" He winked and went to kiss me, i stopped him.

"Stop it, you always do this" I grumbled as he turned his head slightly in confusion.

"Do what?" he asked.

"Make out like theres nothing to worry about, what if Leo finds me and what if Maize comes back what if ..." Zippo pulled me so I was sat on his lap and gave me a very deep and passionate kiss.

"I do this because I love you and I have your back, your my lover and my life and my whole world, you always have been and always will be, no matter who kisses me and pretends that I have something going on with them when I don't." he looks directly at me and waits for my response.

"I trust you, I love you so much, I think deep down I always have and it makes me tingly everytime we touch" I smiled as he kissed me some more.

"You do know that they will be looking for us?" I pointed out and Zippo laughed.

"I'm not bothered, if they find us they can join us" and we sat in silence for a bit, he slid his arm around me and I him and we stayed like that for a bit.

After what seemed like a long time we climbed out of the tub and dried ourselves off, we dressed and made our way in to the house to find Sullivan with both his arms around Willow and Angel, we stood there for a minute or two watching before they noticed us.