
Apis the Ninja


 at the beginning, no one in Naruto world have chakra. until 2 special persons with abundant amount of chakra appeared,

 Hagoromo Ōtsusuki and Hamura Ōtsutsuki were the descendants of Kaguya, the main villain in Naruto series, their body born with chakra due to the fact that their mother ate the chakra fruit bore from the God Tree of their planet.

 Hagoromo especialy created a pathway called 'Ninshu' in order to spread the chakra and its usage towards other people. with pure intention of creating "peace", Hagoromo thought by creating 'Ninshu', people could understand each other without even comunicate directly with one another by using chakra connectivity.

 However, human were such selfish creature indeed. because of their greed and thirst of power, instead of using the 'Ninshu' the way which Hagoromo first intended, they created another pathway using the chakra. which basically enable them to connect their inner and physical energies. they kneaded their inner chakra to amplify and weaponise it, creating what is now known as ninjutsu.

 and in order to teach Apis how to create chakra, Rei needed to find out whether or not Apis has "Chakra Vein" inside her body, first he send a small amount of his chakra inside her body to find the vein, and he was realy surprised as Apis actualy had the vein! which mean she can use chakra if taught.

 ever since spread out by Hagoromo or better known as "Sage of Six Paths", chakra has become a "life energy" that all the individuals could make within their body by kneading their inner and physical energy.

 and Rei intentions were to teach her on how she could feel the chakra first, how to connect her inner and physical energies until finaly taught her how to control it.

 all of his knowledge regarding teaching others about chakra usage were thankfully all came from Hiruma memories which Rei obtained from the system. Hiruma was a Chūnin from Amegakure, he had several disciples when he was still alive and of course their chakra teaching would differ greatly from the one taught in Konohagakure.

 Apis could be seen sitting cross legged with Rei pressing his palms behind her back gently, both of them were at the woods right behind Apis home in the morning currently.

 Apis were too excited to wait for Rei to teach her about the water walking technique, at dawn she wore a simple clothes making her easier to moves around and basically dragging away Rei whom slept on their roof all night.

 feeling her enthusiasm, the sleepy Rei could only braced himself and teach her wholeheartedly.

 sending his chakra all over her body, Rei asked gently, "how do you feel? do you feel anything?"

 Apis with eyes closed, frowned and answered with uncertainty, "i feel warm Sensei, but i think i can feel something running all over my body."

 the way Apis addresed Rei as 'sensei' was actualy what she herself proposed, she thought it was rude to call Rei by his name when he was the one teaching her his secret technique, and of course Rei laughed it off yet accepted it with joy.

 Rei smiled and moving his chakra inside Apis body towards her heart, "how about now?"

 "my chest feels hot sensei! i think the chakra gathered in my chest!"

 then Rei proceed to moves his ball of chakra to several parts of Apis body, which turned out she answered everything right on the spot.

 feeling satisfied that his first disciple aptitude with chakra was above average, Rei told Apis to take a break, while he opened the system.

 'system open.' Rei thought.



AGE : 25, Male


STR : 88

AGI : 111

MIND : 99

CHAKRA : 1016,62/1024,47 (x500%)

EQUIPMENT : Chōkuto (Kusanagi)

(new)INVENTORY : shuriken x60, kunai x24, bandage x24, wound ointment x11, ration x44, x1 disciple pack.


(open for detail)

BLOODLINE : Otsutsuki (94% pure)

effect :

"The Origin", able to use all shinobi technique

"The Progenitor", able to absorb nature chakra and turn into your own.

"The Patron", increase your shinobi teaching efficiency to your descendant and disciple.

- reduce elemental damage received by 25% (increase efficiency by adding chakra)

- increase jutsu mastery by 300% (while learning)

- increase chakra capacity by 500% (innate)

- increase chakra absorption from surrounding area by 200%

- increase handseal speed by 100% (upgradeable)

Kekkei Mōra (inactive)

(open for detail)

Master & Disciple Panel :

Master : Rei (Last Stage Chūnin)

    Disciple : Apis (Shinobi Apprentice)

G-POINTS : 23pts」

 when Rei saw his status panel, he noticed there was an additional info at the very bottom, however it was so simple that Rei felt incredulous about it.

 thinking hard Rei said within his thought once again, 'master & disciple panel detail.'


 Master : Rei

 Bloodline : Ōtsutsuki (94%)

 Grade : Chūnin (Last Stage)

 Technique : (detail)

 Condition : Healthy


 Disciple : Apis (1st generation)

 Bloodline : Iscardunk (32%)

 Grade : Shinobi Apprentice (novice)

 Technique : none

 Condition : Healthy, Exhausted.

 Live Moments : (in the middle of resting, learning how to create chakra)

 your title, "The Patron" has been activated, increase your lesson efficiency by 500% and increase your disciple shinobi technique learning abilities by 200%. 」

 Rei was pleasantly surprised as the system gave him a more detailed info about the master & disciple panel, however he squinted his eyes as he read Apis were one of Iscardunk descendants, King Iscardunk was the founding king of the once existed kingdom in Lost Island.

 He was often mentioned by Bokuden in his boring storytelling session, Rei still felt so surreal as his first disciple were actualy the descendant of royalty.

 Rei looked at Apis more closely, and Apis grinned back to him without any concerns, he shook his head with a smile when he imagined Apis as royalty, however no matter how hard he scrutinized her, there wasn't any air of nobility coming from this mischievous brat.

 there was another info panel which gave Rei a smile, that was "Live Moments". it gave Rei info about his disciple day to day important activity, like some kind of notification panel. the info inside actualy moved from right to left like some kind of moving text ones could find in train station.

 and so after resting, Rei began to teach Apis how to connects her inner and physical energies to create her own chakra, Apis could actualy followed Rei explanations for several stages, however when she had almost reached the critical juncture, she always fail.

 frustrated, Apis began to throw tantrum on the ground, "its haaard sensei!"

 Rei sighed as he too felt the last step were actualy realy hard even for naruto world residents standard.

 thinking hard how to solve this problem, Rei noticed a leaf with dew on it, Rei jolted as he thought he had finaly find the solution.

 Rei took the leaf with dew on it, he approached Apis which still laying down on the ground.

 "Apis, sit down." he said

 however seeing Apis keep dawdling on the ground, Rei couldn't help but raised his voice,

 "i said sit down!"

 hearing his raised voice, Apis finaly sat cross-legged with a pout.

 "its hard sensei. please, can you make it easier?" begged her with pitiful eyes.

 however Rei tried his hardest to resist her "pitiable attack", and he said,

 "i told you before, my lesson is harsh, of course if you want to give up i won't hold you back."

 Apis shook her head like a bell, "no! no! i won't give up sensei!"

 Rei smiled and said, "thats good. now i will give you some pointer, i hope this will be your breakthrough, open your hand."

 Apis Raised her hand and opened her little palm, Rei picked the leaf and brought it closer towards Apis hand.

 when Apis thought Rei would gave her a leaf, he actualy tilted the leaf sideway, Apis witnessed a dew dropped from the leaf onto her hand.

 Apis tilted her head full of question until she heard Rei spoke,

 "what you need right now is actualy a vocal point, try to focus on the dew when you connects the two energies."

 seeing Apis nodded her head, Rei continued, "now, close your eyes, keep calm and try to feel a drop of dew atop of your palm, after you get its position perfectly, try to gather your energies onto that."

 Apis complied faithfully, she was silent in entirety. at the beginning nothing happened, however Rei could be seen opening his eyes wider and wider for each second passed.


 there was an invisible wind blowing away from Apis towards her surrounding, it was quite gentle almost unnoticed, however Rei knew at that moment his first disciple had actualy connects the two energies and created her own chakra successfully!

 how does Rei knew about it you ask? Rei has natural detection for chakra, he was Ōtsutsuki with nature chakra compatibility after all. and also because of the system notification appeared all of sudden.

 「Ding! congratulations for successfully guiding your disciple in creating chakra pathway and repository, you got x2 master pack.」

 words couldn't describe how Rei felt at the moment, he still couldn't believed it, the fact that he successfully guided his 1st disciple in creating chakra! and that too in different world! made him jubilant beyond words.

 maybe this was how Hagoromo the Sage of Six Paths feels when he teach his disciples? Rei thought.

 after a few moments, Apis finaly opened her eyes. she looked around her surrounding feeling a little lost, somehow all of her senses had been enhanced! the feeling was so surreal making her detached from reality a little.

 chakra in fact could increase ones senses exponentially. after all, chakra used both body cells produced energy and mental energy to create it, thats why it was called "life energy".

 with all of its advantage, of course it has its own disadvantages, the most fatal thing to happen were, if ones emptied their chakra reserves, ones could become crippled or worst died.

 Apis finaly regained her mind little by little only to be surprised by her sensei next action! Rei put his hands under her armpits and without any words,


 her small body were like a kite, flying upwards due to Rei had tossed her up!

 "you are awesome Apis.....!" exclaimed Rei while laughing.

 "HIYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.....!" was the only voice Apis could produced right now, her eyes opened wide and her body feels weightless! she could see far ahead from the sky!



 "hey, did you hear? Apis were captured by marines!" said housewife a to her friends.

 housewife b, "she's already at home, duh. by the way i heard, the ones who saved her was a dragon!"

 housewife c, "dragon? but i saw him strolling around our village yesterday! he doesn't look like dragon?"

 housewife b, "yes, but he has horns! didn't you find him suspicious?"

 housewife c, "i heard he stayed with Bokuden at his house on the hillside village!"

 housewife a, "i hope he don't bring us trouble, you know already how marines in this water behave!"

 in the seaside village there were a group of housewives gossiping about while weaving a fishing net, they talked about every interesting thing they could find in day to day basis.

 however, they failed to notice someone else hiding behind the wall besides them, eavesdroping their conversations with great interest.

 a man with slender body, square-like face and purple hair curled upwards shaped like hook could be seen leaned on the wall behind the gossiping housewives, he smirked slightly as he curled his long nail seemingly admired it from behind his thin eyeshades.

 "hillside village? gotcha..." Eric sneered as he walked away from that place without anyone noticing.
