

  A Mad Man Is A Relation of Someone

  “How did it go at the office today?”

  He asked before they sat down on the couch. Then, Lorene Walker gave a superficial answer.

  “Nothing much. We will continue on Monday.”

  She gave him a keen look which he mistook for a suspicious look and that made him to fidget because a sinner will always run even if no one is chasing him. Then she requested.

  “Tell me, how did you spend your day without me?”

  Mr. Stephen Bailey tried to change the tensed atmosphere to a lively one and joked by giving her the same response she gave to him a while ago

  “Nothing much. We will continue on Monday.”

  Now, Mr. Stephen Bailey was honest because he had agreed with Evelyn Whyte to meet on Monday for lunch. Lorene Walker laughed softly, and he laughed too before she said.

  “Wow! That is funny.”

  They laughed happily. And to distract her further, he volunteered to serve her some breakfast.