

  The Sealed Forgiveness 7

  Now, Fred was wondering why his Madam was not back yet and the response that he was going to give to his boss if he asked after them and to his relief, he did not ask.

  “Maybe they had communicated.”

  After his dinner, he returned to his room and forgot about his family.

  At Mrs. Nichole Bailey's School

  After Miss Cassandra Owen left Sevenoaks, the taxi took her to the mother-in-law's school.

  “Good to see you, mom.”

  She greeted her mother-in-law, who was in her office. She observed her critically and sensed that all was not well.

  “Welcome, Cassandra. How are you?”

  “Fine, mom.”

  Now, Little Olivia, who was looking exhausted, greeted too.

  “Olivia, come.”

  She walked to her, and she lifted her from the floor and made her to seat on her thighs.

  “How are you?”

  “I'm fine, grandma.”

  She made her to rest her head on her shoulder before she looked at Cassandra and asked.