
I'm Innocent, I Swear!

For two weeks, Liu Xiaochen had pupils standing guard at night to watch for Wang Jingyuan's flare. If they saw it, they were to immediately notify Liu Xiaochen and get together a group of pupils to go with him down the mountain. Tonight, the flare went up and the plan was set into action.

They rushed out of the sect and down the stone steps. But just before they got to the halfway point, where the camp was supposed to be set up, they came across a dead body on the steps. Liu Xiaochen's heart sank with a bad feeling.

"Search the surrounding areas. Find your Senior Sister Wang!"

The pupils scattered, holding torches to light the way. Soon, someone shouted that they had found her. Under the light of several torches, Liu Xiaochen rushed over to where Wang Jingyuan laid unconscious in the grass. He shook her shoulder. "Junior Sister! Junior Sister!"