
One Reality

Reality is irreplaceable, no matter how sweet the dream we are living, the truth will always be the truth. June, a simple highschooler girl living her best life with her happy family, until weird events start occuring out of the blue..

jfkdhej · วัยรุ่น
3 Chs

Chapter 03 : STUCK in a perfect world

I knew something was wrong and I wanted to make sure whether my theory was right or wrong so I wished for the snow to fall within my inner thoughts even tho I knew we were like in mid-summer, not even a minute passed and it already started snowing, at this point I was sure of one thing...

- everything I wish for become real in this world, therefore either I got a superpower or this world is fake - and honestly both possibilities seemed illogic but I decided to stick with the second, next I wanted to know about the mysterious boy identity so I wished that he would show up right in front of me with ice cream cuz I'm a huge fan of ice cream but strange enough I turned around and I found the vanilla ice cream but he wasn't there, I came to a conclusion the maybe he is an exception that doesn't follow the rule of this world, I tried to know if there were other ppl like him but in this world, there were only him and my family others were all like extras that don't even have a distinguishable face at the end I gave up and decided to eat my ice cream, however, it tasted like nothing and it didn't feel like I was eating a real thing so I just wished it would disappear.

for the rest of the day, I wished for a lot of things to happen like going on a trip to maldives or staying in a prestigeous hotel in NYC I made all my dreams come true in a very short time but it wasn't fun at all because it never felt real to begin with, when I returned home I saw my sister jade outside walking toward the highway barefeet I quickly ran toward her to stop her cuz it was dangerous but then the boy from earlier suddenly showed up out of the blue this time his face was a lot clearer compared to last time, he stopped me from reaching to my sister saying " dont go " his voice felt so much like the voices in my head for some reason but I didn't care at all cuz jade was in danger, I quickly wished he would disappear outta my way but to my surprise he didn't disappear and I couldn't move my feet I was totally frozen and my vision got blurry all I could hear was jade screaming painfully and for some reason her scream was the only thing that felt real in this whole world it made me go into deep dispair and sadness to the point where i wished i would just die with no pain, again the boy spoke to me and said " dont die "

I got shocked and angry and happy and confused because of him but I didn't have the time to react I would say I lost my conscience.

I woke up later in my house surrounded by all my family members including my sister, this time I didn't bother getting shocked all over again, I knew I was stuck in a delusional world and I had to escape from there no matter how, as I was thinking I remembered the boy from earlier...

- my wishes don't affect him -

- he doesn't belong in this world -

- he doesn't want me to die -

I honestly couldn't decide whether he was a friend or an enemy so I decided to be wary around him for the better, but then since i couldn't move earlier because of him that means..