
One Punch Man: The New Saitama

This is the story of an otaku who one day woke up as the One Punch Man, Saitama. But how is he gonna live now that he's in a different world, filled with heroes and monsters. He's just an otaku !!! One thing is sure, this world will change now that a calm and cold man replaced the best hero. *********** Warning: This story start a few months before canon. Some characters will be OOC. This is an altered version of One Punch Man where Blast isn't a hero of the association and the Monster association hasn't been created yet. I will write a chapter per day, but this may change as i will write more the more votes and reviews there are. I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Glasgow

Glasgow2 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
30 Chs

House of Evolution ( Part 2 )

Hey people ! Suprised to see me ? I did told you that i didn't dropped this novel. I don't know if you're aware but baccalaureate exams started, so i didn't have all that much time! By the way, my pc is still broken, though i don't give a damn anymore, it ain't gonna stop me from writing. Support the novel for me to write more, it was difficult as hell to write on my phone 😭😭😭 Nah i'm kidding you don't need to support the novel for me to write, but it would still bring a smile to my face if you did 🤗🤗🤗

Anyway, on to the chapter !


It had been only a few days since Blast had told Mosquito Girl to give every informations she had on the House of Evolution to the Hero Association. Yet it seemed that his little threat had scared her enough for her to spit everything out so soon.

Saitama was in his old appartment when he phone ringing, and he sure hoped it was Agoni. He had been quite bored during these past days. When you become a SuperHero it's quite difficult to live a basic life. That and he really wanted to know why Genus still hadn't tried anything against him. He knew that the man hadn't sent all his monsters, so Saitama was quite confused when none of them attacked him.

Maybe this Genus was different and had more common sense-

" BLAST!!! We need your help now. Dr.Genus sent two of his monsters, Ground Dragon and Beast King to attack A-City . And we both know that since the HQ is here, it's the weakest city." Said Agoni, sounding more desperate than Saitama thought he would be. Then again it's more like Saitama didn't really care about other people lives. Maybe he would come to care in the future, but at this moment it wasn't the case.

" It wouldn't be so weak if the damn Association wasn't filled with arrogant and self-centered bast-" Saitama didn't even have the time to finish that he heard Agoni shouting at a nearby staff member, asking him why the S-Class Heroes weren't already here.

"OI AGONI!! Don't call the other for that. I'm gonna deal with it. Tell them to deal with the House of Evolution itself. I'll see whether Tatsumaki changed atleast a little bit after my little stunt last time. Oh and people ask who dealt with it. Tell them it was King. I don't want to reveal myself so soon. " Said Saitama, not even waiting for Agoni to speak again before he hung up. Because of that, he wouldn't know that Agoni wanted to talk to him about a certain Smoking Killer.

" Well looks like i'll need to go to A-City and-" Saitama was once again interrupted when he heard his phone ringing. He picked it up angrily and yelled at the person on the other end.

" DAMNIT AGONI!!! I TOLD YOU I'M GONNA DEAL WITH THOSE DAMN MONSTERS!! " Yelled Saitama, he just hated it when people called him right after their phone call ended. To him it was just plain evil.

" Master Blast, it's me Genos. I've heard that a Demon level threat and a Dragon level threat were attacking A-City. I passed the Hero association exam a few days ago and was put into S-Class. The Association has called for the S-Heroes to intervene since most of us are the closest to this location. Should i go there and exterminate those monsters ? " Asked Genos, seemingly eager to prove himself.

" Nah, Agoni will tell you your new orders after. I'm gonna kill them myself. By the way, don't call me Blast when in public, people could hear you as you have quite a loud voide." As soon as he said that, Saitama heard Genos taking out his little notebook and writing something on it. Knowing what the Cyborg was writing on it, Saitama suppressed the urge to facepalm.

" if you have nothing else to tell me, don't call me again until the threat of the House of Evolution is dealt with." Said Saitama , hanging up.

' i really love doing this' though Saitama as he put on the clothes he usually wore as Blast, and exited his appartment.


(10 minutes later, Near the House of Evolution )

A few minutes after Agoni told the available S-Class heroes to attack the House of Evolution, two of them already arrived. The others were still wondering why this perticular order was given, and by Agoni of all people.

A hundred meters away from the rather impressive building of the House of Evolution, a green haired woman floating in the air was talking to a blond haired Cyborg.

" Mind telling me what you're doing here ? I don't really see why you would even come here , you might be Blast's disciple but you're not a hero." Said Tatsumaki, looking down upon Genos as if he was below her.

" Even after Master Blast's outburst of killing intent, you still haven't learn a single thing. I do sense something called jealousy in your tone. But that's not important, what is important is that i'm a S-Class Hero. Since i've aced the Hero Association exam, the higher-ups decided to make me a S-Class hero directly." Said Genos, a somewhat smug smile on his face. Though it confused Tatsumaki how a robot could act like that. Even then, she was too angry to care.

" THEY MADE YOU A S-CLASS HERO DIRECTLY?! WHAT THE HELL IS THAT DAMN WHATEVER MASK DOING ?!" Yelled Tatsumaki, which would've given away their position with how loud she was, if the ennemy didn't already know where they were.

" His job, that is what he's doing. You seem quite annoyed by this. Need i remind you that my Master is Blast, if my memory serves me well he's the best hero in the world." Said Genos, glaring at Tatsumaki who was seething in anger.

" WELL YOU DON'T DESERVE IT!!! I'M THE BEST ESPER IN THE WORLD!! THE SECOND BEST HERO IN THE WORLD!! YOU'RE NOTHING!!" Screamed Tatsumaki, shocking herself with how easily she exploded.

" I'm nothing except one of the most complzx, powerful and modern cyborg in the world. A cyborg with abilities greatly surpassing those of the A-Class Heroes...But also the disciple of the number one hero, Blast!" Said Genos, angry at how the brat was treating him. He expected a heated answer after that, but only silence greeted him., just before a chuckle was heard.

" I guess he got you there, brat."

Hope you liked it!!!!

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Goddamn it was difficult to write this chapter !!!

Glasgow2creators' thoughts