
The Arrival Of God

"AUGHHHHHHH—" Garou grunts in extreme pain after being thrown by Saitama.

"I guess.. you really are strong .. Saitama."

Garou said it while having extreme difficulty breathing and coughing out blood due to the amount of heavy damages he took, and how tired he got from all the fighting that had happened.

"Yeah… You were really strong too." Saitama said in a calm response. Although on the inside he was still disappointed on how the fight had turned out.

I thought he'd be someone who looked absolutely monstrous and pure evil and of course the same level as me, but he's just a human.

Garou lies down unconscious as Saitama looks down on him. Watching him while Garou's monster form slowly fades away...

"Hehe.. it was fun while it lasted." Garou said in a sick voice.

'Well, I guess it's time for me to head home.. But wait."

"SHITTTT! I FORGOT MY APARTMENT WAS DESTROYED!!" Saitama was absolutely furious for a couple of minutes. Until he finally cooled down.

"Well uhh, I'll just get out of this place then.." Walking towards absolutely nowhere, Saitama feels something strange that is coming, as he looks up to the sky."

A massive beam of explosion occurred as it flung Saitama away. It impacted the entire City Z!

Ouch… What the hell was that?? Metal Bat said it in confusion. Every S-Class hero other than Tatsumaki got up, and witnessed something that made them shiver and tremble in fear..

They see an incredibly large being. The being looked irrelevant. It looks like a humanoid figure but extremely large, it has no ears, no face, no nose. It looked like brain cells! Or a structure of the universe!

"WHAT THE HELL IS THAT THING!!!??? THE ENTIRE CITY Z IS GONE!!! IT'S TOTALLY FLAT!! Child Emperor was absolutely dazzled and confused as to what just happened. There is absolutely nothing left in City-Z. No buildings. Not even a single wall but ground. It even wiped out the entire Monster Association hideout! (Fun Fact: A City in One Punch Man is the size of a Country)

Every S-Class hero that was sent here, including Amai Mask went towards the mysterious being that thrashed City Z.


After a few seconds of silence, the being moves its head towards the heroes and finally responds.

"Greetings, People of Earth. I am God, the Creator of all lives." The voice of God sounded heavenly.

"Wait a minute.. God?!" Atomic Samurai was shocked.

"Now this just reminds me of something.. remember that time we were all assembled for a meeting at the Headquarters six months ago? The day when that giant purple ship struck the entire City-A?" -Bang

"Yeah.. Now I just remembered." Zombieman said in a calming voice.

"The prophecy that the great seer Madame Shibabawa had foreseen wasn't on that day.. But it is happening now!"

"What do we do? Can this thing really annihilate this entire planet? Flashy Flash questioned.

"Where the hell is Tatsumaki and King? And contact Blast now! Contact everyone in S-class ASAP. This being could possibly end humanity!!!

"Shit!! Blast is still uncontactable! Tatsumaki and King are nowhere to be found! There is no communication signal over here! We cannot contact the other Heroes!" Child Emperor, Drive Knight and Genos tried their best to contact the others and were frustrated when they could not.

"Then I guess we have no choice but to settle this ourselves." Flashy Flash said.

"Can we really do this? All of us have been fighting all day and are heavily injured!" -Atomic Samurai

Suddenly in what feels like an instant, everyone's body in the entire area was rewinded to their healthy and strongest forms.

"What the hell? Wasn't I just bleeding just now? I feel so much better!" Every S-Class hero was confused, and began to question if it was the work of God.

"Can this guy manipulate time or something?" Flashy Flash asked, confused

"I don't know what the hell just happened, but I feel so alive!" Amai Mask said in a cheerful voice! Every S-Class hero except Tatsumaki and King assembled as they prepare to attack God before it becomes a threat.

"Whatever it is, we are all at our strongest form now. We mustn't underestimate this being at all! Prepare to launch an all-out attack!" Child Emperor being a leader to the attack.

Every S-Class heroes are finally in action.

"CHARGE!!!" Every S-Class hero charges at their fullest strength. Flashy Flash moved faster than the speed of light while others were incredibly fast and prepared too. Only for God to raise its pinky finger pointing at the heroes. In an instant, God created energy beams that were too fast, so fast nobody could even react and it immediately wiped out every S-Class hero.

"Ughh, what the hell happened- w-wait wait! Why the hell am I still in my Monster form?! When Garou looked at the front, he was shocked. It felt as if his Heart dropped to his stomach. He witnessed every S-Class hero lying down with so much blood.

That's when he realised that he looked even further to see a mysterious dark being with its pinky finger pointed to the front.

"W-What the hell happened!?"

To be continued..