Fires rage all around as a legendary fight rocks the island. Alex, a young boy, is caught in the midst of this battle. With no way out and death immanent, he now needs to find a way to escape with his new friend. Will Alex escape unharmed? What about his new friend? And if Alex somehow is able to survive this situation... what's next?
Shanks looked back to shore and saw a group of marines on the beach, watching the ship. He chuckled. "It's been a while since we had to fight the marines!"
Alex smiled. "Shall we show off to these geezers a little?"
Shanks nodded as the two took off and geppo'd back to the island, leaving the rest of the crew on the boat.
Rayleigh and Gaban got ready to fight but Roger stopped them. "Let's see what they can do. You two are being overprotective."
They put down their weapons and Alex and Shanks landed on the beach. Alex's staff shot out into the air from Lugh's mouth and he grabbed it with one hand. Alex spun the staff in his hands before smashing the ground in front of the marines and sending them back with the air pressure.
Shanks slashed at the marines with his sword in its sheath and knocked out anyone who crossed paths with him.
Alex smiled and Lugh ate 3 marines before spitting them out a moment later with their weapons and clothes gone, leaving them in only underwear. They all freaked out and ran away as Roger and the rest laughed at them from the boat.
Alex split his staff into two and started tearing through marines. Knocking them out as he smashed them in their pressure points and weak spots.
Who ever said doctors couldn't fight? They were the best fighters! They knew exactly where to hit you to make you feel pain or knock you out!
They could be quiet the little demons on the battlefield. Alex and Shanks laughed like psychopaths as the marines fell at their feet. They didn't even need to kill a single marnie as they took out 40 each.
Alex and Shanks looked at each other and smiled when they saw another 300 marines approaching.
The two stood side by side and their eyes glowed as they screamed and charged at the squadrons of marines in their way.
Their haki burst forth and the two different lightning bolts intertwined and clashed while two strong waves of pressure washed over the group of their enemies. The ground seemed to be shaking and hundreds of marines foamed at the mouths before falling to their knees.
Shanks and Alex looked at the last 10 marines as the haki they released faded and the sparks of lightning began to subside.
Shanks and Alex ran at those remaining and Alex hit two marines with each of his two staves. While Shanks swung his sheathed sword in a wide slash and hit the remaining six, knocking them unconscious.
Shanks laughed and looked at Alex. "Looks like I win this time!"
Alex clicked his tongue and kicked one of the marines on the ground. "You just got lucky."
Multiple men stood over them and laughed. "You two really have grown a lot! Hahahaha! And to think you were scared they would lose, Ray, Gaban!" Roger said in a booming voice.
Rayleigh and Gaban sighed. "I just didn't want to lose the kids again." Gaban replied.
Rayleigh shrugged. "I still just think they are weak."
Alex and Shanks cursed him and attacked again, only for Rayleigh to block while laughing. "See? Little brats can't even push me back!"
Suddenly Alex kicked off the air with geppo and one of his staves hit Rayleigh in the side of his knee, while Shanks geppo'd and slashed at Rayleigh's face, catching him off guard and causing him to fall to his ass while he tried to dodge.
Shanks landed on him and put his sword to his throat while Alex stood at his feet and laughed.
"What was that, old man?" Shanks asked with a sly smirk.
"W-wha? Huh?" Rayleigh said, still shocked about what happened.
"HAHAHAHAHA! Ray! You got beat by a couple kids!" Roger laughed at his first mate.
The rest of the crew joined in and jeered at Rayleigh for getting caught off guard and losing to Alex and Shanks.
Alex smirked. "Some 'dark king' you are."
Rayleigh had a vein pop on his forehead. "That's it! No more going easy on you two!"
He got up and his sword turned dark black. Lightning jumped all around him as a vicious smile formed on his face.
Rayleigh slashed down and a dark black and purple sword slash flew past the boys and hit the ground behind them. It hit the beach behind them and cut deep into the ground. "Let's go another round. My next attack won't miss." He said.
Alex and Shanks shook their heads violently, vehemently denying the rematch.
Rayleigh laughed. "That's why they call me the dark king!"
Alex sweat. "He's really sticking with that name…"
Shanks nodded. "He's edgy like that. I think he never outgrew his emo phase."
Rayleigh froze when he heard that and his sword turned black again. "You little brats!"
Shanks panicked. "I'll tell Shakky!"
Rayleigh froze, he quickly put his sword away. "You don't have to do that. Do you?"
Alex laughed. "Ahahaha! Whipped!"
Rayleigh sighed. "Whatever, good on you kids for not dying out there."
Alex and Shanks laughed and smiled.
Rayleigh smirked. "But if you ever bring up Shakky again… you're dead."
The two boys laughed and nodded.
Rayleigh laughed and picked the two up. "Now, let's see if you've really grown up, how do you handle your booze?"
Alex smiled and a barrel appeared from Lugh's mouth. He started drinking straight from it. "Better than you can, old man."
Rayleigh laughed and Roger grabbed Lugh with stars in his eyes. "WOAH! What is this? Magic booze!?" Roger started stretching Lugh's mouth out and looking inside.
He leaned in and stuck his head and upper body inside.
Everyone heard his muffled cries of awe and excited laughter. Rayleigh smile and kicked him in the butt, causing Roger to fall inside.
Shanks and Alex laughed as they could hear a small voice from inside Alex's pouch.
"Hahahahaha! Neverending booze!" Roger cried out as he began to drink inside Lugh.
Alex gasped. "Hey! That's mine! Nobody steals my booze!" Alex cried out as he reached in and pulled Roger out.
Though Roger was already halfway done a barrel of rum by the time Alex had got him out.
Roger laughed. "I love your magic booze pouch! Give it to me!"
Alex grit his teeth. "First you steal my booze! Now you want to steal Lugh?!"
Roger laughed. "Exactly!"
Alex bonked him on the head with his staff. "Don't you ever stop and think about anyone else?!"
Roger laughed. "No! HAhahaha!"
Alex sighed. "Crazy old man."
Roger smiled. "How can I be the most free man in the world if I'm stopped by what other people think about me? That would be stupid!"
Alex smirked and shook his head.
Shanks laughed before speaking up. "Everyone! Let's go back to our place! It's time to party!"