
Lakehouse (rich jock ace)

This school was a little different, ok alot different. Normal schools you would have your jocks beat up the nerds and be the bully of the school, but not here. No here the jocks ARE the nerds so no one would dare to say shit about it cuz the will best the shit out of you then, just like how they bully the bullys. These guys are the nicest guys in the school, and some of them are my best friends. Like ace, we have been friends since he was little and my next door neighbor took him in when his dad passed from an illness.

He likes to be called pops so I have no idea what his real name is. He's one of the richest guys in town with the most pull. Anyway, back to ace. I get picked on alot, I dont know why. But everytime it happens ace swoops in and starts being a dick and making an ass out of whoever is bullying me, like right now.

"Damn ace, people might think you like dating dorks like her" ace gasped over dramaticly and hooked his arm around me.

"'Y/n would you date me" he asked still looking at the kid that was being a dick to me. Would I date him, not will, so he's not asking me. I'm sure he's just making a point here.

"Yes I-you hear that, she said yes. Which mean she's my girlfriend, which also means..." he cut me Off then he took his arm back from around me and started to crack his knuckles with an intimidating smile.

"I'm going to kick your ass for talking to my girlfriend like that" then the kid ran away with ace hot on his tail before the kid tripped over his feet giving ace his opening to start wailing on the kid.

I ran over and pulled him off the kid, after ace gave him a bloody nose.

"Stop it ace, you'll get suspended again and get kicked off all the sports teams. Besides I want to go home, it's Friday"

"You're lucky" ace said before he kicked the kid in the side for good measure before he started to walk away. I smaked him in the back of the head.

"Hey, what was that for"

"For being a dumby" he chuckled and rubbed the back of his head before he unlocked his car and got in. It was a nice mustang with a red paint job that when the light hit it at different angles it looked like it was on fire.

"ACE, IM SLEEPING OVER AT ZOROS HOUSE SO IM GOING HOME WITH HIM" luffy yelled from across the parking lot.

"SOUNDS GOOD" ace yelled back before he shut his door and I got in. He started it up and played some old school rock and roll before he pulled out to head home. He was driving for about 5 minutes before he spoke up.

"Why are you so quiet, normally you tell me all about you-"

"I know you were just trying to make a point but you shouldn't have said that." He made a confused face so I continued.

"Alot more people were around us then just that kid. Now everyone will think you really are with me and it's going to ruin your image. I know you really don-" he pushed the voice recognition on his steering wheel.

"Call pops"

"Calling pops"

"Ace, what is it my boy"

"'Y/n and I are going to spend the weekend at the lake house. I'm going to drive us straight there, can you tell her parents for me"

"Alright my boy, but you behave y/n is a beautiful girl and I know you love her very much but you make sure you treat her right"

"I always will pops later"

"Bye son" the call ended and we sat in silence again. He knows that ace loves me? He dose as a friend, he would never care more. He is the most popular guy in school and I'm just…. bleha.

He's just taking me to the lake house cuz I always talk about how much I love being there. I must have been in my own world for a while cuz he pulled in underneath the tree along the side and turned the engine off.

"I was being serious y/n" he said as he looked at the lake.

"But I guess that's my Fault for saying would and not will. I was asking if you would go out with me, l alway-"

"Dont play with my feeling like that ace, I know that someone like you could never love someone like me like that" he opened his door and got out and slammed it shut harder then he should have making me jump. I watched him stomp around to my side and whip my door open.

"Ace I didn- HEY PUT ME DOWN" he reached in and picked me up throwing me over his shoulder.

"I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU THROW ME IN THE LAKE AGAIN IM GOING TO SKIN YOU" | yelled as I was smaking his back. However he was walking to the house instead, but before he got there he yanked on the back of my leggings effectively pulling them down so my ass was out and smaked it.

"Thats for talking down on yourself"


"ya who, that squirrel over there, no one is around for miles" he kicked the door open with his foot and went to the big bedroom that he normaly sleeps in and flipped me off his shoulder to slam my back on the mattress.

"Ace this isn't funny" my legs were hanging off the bed slightly as he bent down over me and put his hands on the bed next to my head.

"I'm not trying to be funny. You talk down on yourself all the time and I hate it, and now you're telling me that I dont love you. Well that's the last straw missy" he looped his fingers in my leggings and yanked them down and off my legs, throwing my shoes off in the process.

"I'm going to show you just how much 'guys like me' adore 'girls like you'. Now be a good girl and scream for me" he grabbed my ankles and pulled me down so my ass was on the edge of the bed and got down on his knees between my legs. I was trying so hard to close them so he didn't see me, but his grip was strong but gental.

"W-w-wait a-ace h-hang o-on- oohhhh" I was trying to plead with him and get away before I felt him give me a nice long lick that lead to him circling my clit making me weak.

"Fuuckk acce" he started to suck on my clit making my back arch and my hands travel down to his hair. He started to massage my thighs as he hummed vibrating my clit. I whined and grinded against his face as I pulled his hair. I've had sex before, and it felt nice, but fuck was it always supposed to feel like this. He suddenly stuck two fingers inside me along with his tongue.

"F-fucking hell" I moaned as I pulled his hair a little harder. He kept dragging his tongue out of me, up to my clit, and flicked it just to kept repeating it. He pumped at a nice pace, not too fast, not too slow. He started to slowly kiss up my folds and my lower belly.

"You always said that you didn't understand why sex was glorified so much, but judging from your face. l'd say you're leaving fast" he gave a sexy smirk that made a shiver go down my body right to my core.

"Oh, is someone getting what they always wanted" he smiled as he pulled his fingers out of me and stood up. He unbuckled his belt and undid his pants.

"Well other then me that is" he chuckled as he kicked off his pants and shoes then pulled his shirt over his head with one hand. I've seen ace naked alot, not by choice. For some reason he likes to run around naked alot. However this time his dick was hard and pointing right at me, and he seemed to be. gleaming? God he looks so fucking sexy right now. He reached down and grabbed my shirt, pulling me to sit up.

"You don't need this" he pulled it over my head.

"Or this" he unclipped my bra then put his hands under my thighs and lifted me up to him. My boobs became flush with his chest as I felt his shaft against my folds.

"Thats better"

"A-ac-" he cut me off with an open mouth kiss, pushing his tongue into my mouth.

"Ace i-i" I tried to break away to tell him that we shouldn't, but fuck it felt so good. I dug my hands in his hair again and kissed back with just as much force. I could feel him move around and then I felt the mattress on my back again and a pillow under my head. He started to kiss down my jaw and neck.

"God a-ace fuck" I cried when he found my sensitive spot on my neck and started to abuse it. He moved down to kissing my chest before he started to suck on my nipple as he rolled the other in his fingers making me cry out. He rubbed his shaft up and down my folds as he did so having the head rub on my clit. He poped my nipple out of his mouth and hovered his face over mine. I gazed at him with half lidded eyes, our lips barly touching.

"This is how it's supposed to feel y/n" he whispered then pushed himself inside me making my back arch and my eyes go wide. He just entered me and it already feels so good. A whimper left my lips from how good it felt. He leaned back on his knees and slowly thrusted in and out of me making me moan and whimper with each smack of our hips. I tried to reach his chest to glide my hands across his muscles, but I couldn't reach so I settled for his thighs instead.

"You feel so good inside me *whimper* ace" I whispered but I could tell from his smirk that he heard me. He moved a hand from my leg and placed it on my clit rubbing circles on it making my body jolt with a cry.

"Oh I can tell from how you're clenching me, are you going to cum, | can feel you twitching" he said keeping that smug cocky smirk as he looked at me and started to rub my clit faster.

"'W-wait w-WAIT ACE ACE I I I" something was building in me, something different from when I was always told when I'd cum. Ace leaned forward a little and put his hand on the bed next to my side.

"I'm not fucking waiting anymore y/n" he growled as he started to thrust into me faster and that thing building in me snapped and I screamed so loud it sounded like I was being killed. My hands shot to his sides and I started to scratch at his back as my body was fighting with weather to push him away to stop or pull him closer so he wouldn't. I was dragging my legs up and down his thighs as I squirmed.

"ACE ACE ACE, SO GOOD, SO GOOD, DONT STOP, DON'T STOP" it just felt to good. I felt like I was melting and for the first time I figured out why people loved sex so much.

"Shit, i-im gonna c-cum" he groaned with a studder and pushed his face into my neck as he went harder.


I cried making him groan and snap his hips against mine. He pulled out slowly and snapped his hips again and groaned louder. He did it again but pushing his dick so much farther inside me as he groaned my name with a whine filling me up. My hips wouldn't stop grinding on him as my breath hitched and I started to softly cry from it feeling so good. Once my hips stopped moving he pulled out of me and snuggled into my side.

After some time of me sucking down air I was able to speak.

"Thats what *pant* it feels like *pant* to orgasm *pant* I wouldn't have thought *gulp* sex would feel so good with you" I chuckled lightly and scratched his scalp softly as I yawned.

"Does that mean you're not changing your mind about being my girlfriend then" I closed my eyes to get some sleep before we hopped in the lake.

"Who said I was going to say no in the first place boyfriend" little did I know that we were going to spent the rest of that weekend fucking like rabbits.