
One Piece: Transmigrated as Rob Lucci

A random soul from Earth is transmigrated in to the body of Rob Lucci after his defeat in Enies Lobby. Armed with a new Devil Fruit and knowledge about what is to come, he is determined to make his way to the top! Watch him as he ascends from a discarded and disgraced agent of W.G. to the seat of an emperor of the sea! Mythical Zoan Devil Fruit - Human Human Fruit Model:Absalom ``the Life God`` (A.K.A. Vampire God) An evolved version of the non-cannon vampire fruit, similar to how magma fruit is for the fire fruit.

Kaydo_XD · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
25 Chs


In the vast nothingness a ball of light was floating aimlessly, it was a lost soul left alone to fade.

'My name is ... I don't seem to be able to remember, but I do recall that I died in a car crash. I was just starting my adult life, but I was already happy having a big family that cared for each other, but it all ended in an instant, I feel sad just by recalling my former life.

My life was rather average noting too extraordinary, but it was filled with family, friends, a good job, what more could one ask for... My only regret is that I didn't take more risks and lived in a more exciting way.'

As the soul was self reflecting in silence, a voice resounded in the big nothingness.

"A lost soul... how peculiar... Just how did you get here, I wonder ?" said an ethereal entity.

"There is someone in here ? Where are you ? Who are you?" Said a panicked soul.

"Now, now... calm down, young one, you will not be able to see me but know this I'm just a godly traveler looking for some entertainment during his vacation I have no intention to harm you." Said the ROB.

Soon the soul regain his calm and saw this as an opportunity to escape the never ending darkness he was trapped in.

"Please, can you help me get out of here, whatever 'here' actually is !?" Said the soul.

"Well... Tell you what, young one... You caught me in a good mood during my vacation, so I'll make you an offer you can't refuse! I'll get you out of here and get you a body, I'll even throw you some wishes and in return you promise me a story worth watching during my spare time!" Offered the ROB.

'This offer was unexpected from a being as powerful as this one, which can travel in to this place like nothing, seems I just got lucky I can't miss this opportunity! I don't think I'll get another chance like this here, so I should take his offer! Even if he's suspicious I don't have a choice, it is like he said an offer I can't refuse!'

"Sure, you have a deal !" Answered the poor soul.

"Magnificent, then let's get right to it ! I'll choose the body in which you'll be reborn, as well as the world and the period of time in which you are going to be sent over. And in exchange, you will tell me three of your wishes. But be careful how you pick them as they have to fit in the theme of that world and are they are quite limited, so you have one big wish which will be your main source of power and two smaller ones. Oh... also don't worry the person you are going to take over is a rather cruel individual, so you don't have to feel guilty for taking over his body." Said the ROB.

"Hmm...OK! I've decided! I'm going to send you to a world you know about quite well, so you can adapt better, namely the world of One Piece from the shows you have been watching in your free time. You are going to be transmigrated as the CP9 agent Rob Lucci after his defeat in the hands of Monkey D. Luffy! Ah!... Yes, just a reminder, at this point in the story he is quite old, so you might want to take that in to your consideration when you make your wishes. After all, you don't want your life in this new world to be a short one, right?." Said the ROB.

'The world of One Piece in real !!! More importantly... Rob Lucci... after CP9 was defeated, that human scrum Spandam put all the blame on them, and they become wanted fugitives barely escaping W.G. restless chase. But the strange part is that just after they swore revenge on him, during the period of the time skip they will still end up working for the World Government and together with Spandam again... This is weird, very weird, but I can guess what happened to them in this time... they should have been caught by CP0 or other forces of the W.G. and brought back to be made in to useful and obedient tools for them to use again, this has to be what happened, and I have to change that !' Thought the soul.

' Rob Lucci is said to be the most talented agent of W.G. in the last few centuries, but all his talent turned in to a joke as the story progressed. In the show he is 28 years old and does not know anything about haki, not only that, but he also owns a garbage Zoan Devil Fruit, with the might of World Government I don't believe they could not find a better fruit, even a random Paramecia Devil Fruit would have been better than any normal Zoan. So from this I can already conclude that they purposely try to stop him from becoming too powerful to keep him in leash! After all, with all that talent, he could become an emperor level powerhouse, right ? ' Thought again the soul.

"Have you done monologuing? It is time for you to decide what are going to be your wishes." Said the ROB.

"Before that, I want to ask just one more thing." Interrupted the soul.

"Sure, go ahead!" sounding rather tired.

"I'm still going to retain Lucci's talent and the combat power he already has, or do I have to train again from the start ?" Asked the soul.

"Hmm... Sure, after you get transmigrated his soul will be absorbed by you, so all his training, talent and knowledge will become yours." Said the ROB.

"Cool... so as my first wish, I would like for you to change Lucci's fruit with a new one created just for him. As for the fruit specifics, you can just read my mind, but I want it to be a new addition to the already existing four god fruits named Human-Human Fruit, Model: Vampire God."

"Hmm... interesting... I take this is going to be your big wish, no ? I already read your mind and integrated the powers you want your fruit to have. From now on in the Zoan Devil Fruit category there will be a new god level fruit beside the Sun God, Forest God, Rain God and Earth God, named Life God!" Said the ROB acting in a dramatic manner.

"Go on with the rest of your wishes but don't forget they have to be reasonable unlike the previews one. "

"Umm... for my second wish, I would like something simple yet necessary, which is luck, as much luck as this wish can grant!" Said the soul.

"Hmm... Ok, granted ! It will not be at the level of Buggy, or Luffy, but it will still be quite a lot. What about the last ? " Replied the ROB.

"Can I get access to advance haki of all three types?" Asked the MC, trying to force his luck.

"I'm afraid this wish is too much, little greedy one, but I can give you a basic mastery over all three types together with the knowledge on how to train them. What do you say? " Inquire the ROB.

"Yes! Thank you, that would be great! " Exclaimed the soul, not thinking his wish would be possible.

"Good, now is time for you to go young soul and write a new legend, I hope you don't forget what you have promised !" Exclaimed the ROB.

... At the same time, in a hospital room in the town of Spring Queen...

It has been a few days since the Enies Lobby incident, after which the CP9 members were declared wanted and were force to flee in disgrace using the water train railways to escape without their pursuers notice. Fallowing the train track, the CP9 former agents ended up in one of the stops of the train, the town of Spring Queen. All of their members still bearing the marks of their defeat, being full of bruises and blood. Due to the extent of Lucci's injuries they were forced to look for a doctor and with a team effort they managed to rise up the money needed for the treatment doing all kinds of jobs.

And finally after all that work from his team Rob Lucci awakens but unknown to anybody he is not the same person he was before.

"Ugh… My body is full of injuries, but this should fix it!" Exclaimed Lucci as a weird fruit appeared in his hands, immediately biting it he felt the pain go away as every little scar he had new or old has gone away as if it was never there.

And just as he got up from the bed the window opened, and the white dove named Hattori landed on the window frame making a lot of noise, happy to see his owner awake.

"Happy to see you too, buddy! "