

He looks up with his eyes upon the darkening sky. Wondering to himself, where should he go upon this big world?

"Hey sir!" someone from behind called out to him as he walked down the rocky road towards the shore in the distance.

He turned around and saw that it was the female from before, and he sees her with a flustered face as she holds onto the cloak of his.

'Has this woman been running towards me the whole time?' He noticed the footsteps that's coming his way, but didn't give it much notice since he doesn't since an ominous intent from the aura rushing his way.

"Please..." she's obviously trying to speak, but the words couldn't come out as she was still trying to regain her breath. But he didn't hurry her, and instead just stood there with his face still hidden underneath the cloak while waiting for her to catch her breath.

She takes a deep breath before bringing a smile, saying to him, "Thanks for what you did back there."

"It's nothing," Leo says in a husky voice before turning around to leave. But finds that the woman still tugging on his cloak.

"I kind of...just got fired..." Her face had a blush as she slowly tells him of the news.

'Lady, you still had a job a second ago, so how did you suddenly get fired?' Leo thought to himself inside, yet didn't speak the words out loud. He continued to glance her way and sees that there are two men from behind that's watching in their direction.

"It's that girl!! Catch her!" Leo could see the guys from behind her running in their direction, holding weapons in their hands.

"So much trouble," Leo muttered quietly under his breath. As the men approached him with the large iron pickaxe, he could dodge it while giving the man a slam of his feet that knocked him far away.

Without a second for a response, he produced an intimidating aura that shocked all of their spirits. The girl from behind could only see something strange had gotten into all these men before foam comes from their mouth and their eyes turning white.

He gives a glare at the girl behind him, as though saying, 'Why did you bring more trouble upon me?'

She pouted her cheeks before saying to him, "Hey! It is really not my fault that you messed with that guy's hand back there in the bar."

He swapped away his cloak from her hand to make sure she was not holding him back from leaving this time. "Don't disturb me, woman!"

"Hey! That's so rude!" She continued to follow behind him while having a big smile, "Alright, I'll be honest. After you left, I whacked that guy's face with the metal tray."

He paused his footsteps and looked at her strangely. He wasn't expecting her to do that in a pub full of pirates.

"Yeah, that's right, I'm totally a badass," she says, proud of herself, and slowly lowering down her tone. "That's why I had to find you before I get hacked into pieces by them." He pointed at the group of pirates that collapsed in the middle of the street.

"What's your name?" He asked her, without looking at her eyes, and continues marching his steps towards the front.

"Marnia," she says with that big smile on her face.

'What a strange girl,' Leo thought to himself. "But can you please stop following me?"

"Why? I really have no place to go now."

"What? Don't you have money on you?"

"Nope. Not after I gave the boss the middle finger when he made me say sorry to that idiot back there," she says to him brightly.

He chuckled after hearing her deeds. "Not bad! That probably explains why now."

"So that's why I'm left homeless now," she says sadly before tugging on his arm, "I don't have any place to go."

"Stop looking at me with those eyes," Leo said to her. He can't stand the power of cute animals, and especially a woman giving him those puppy eyes. "And watch it, even despite saving you back there, I'm still a guy. So think twice before saying those things to a man in the future."

"I don't care," she says, continuing holding onto his arm. Saying to him, "I got a feeling that you're a good guy."

"What gives you that idea?"

"Back there when you save me." She looked at him, and from her eyes, he could see a pure, innocent trust in him. The way she looked at him kind of reminded him of his brother, Luffy, that idiot who is probably getting into a lot of trouble back there in the village.

"Well then, if you're not afraid that I'll do something to you, then you're welcome aboard my little ship," Leo said to her. Taking her into his arms as he landed down on a small boat with no cannons that he robbed from those pirates when he swam through the Grand Line. "Say, do you know how to navigate a boat?"

"Nope, not at all," she says before sinking down onto the coach by the window inside. "This is so comfy, I think I can get used to this. It's just sad that I didn't bring my clothes along." Bemoaning in complaint to him, before rushing in excitement to see the other rooms that are below the small ship.

'Honestly, is she really a girl?' Leo asked himself, as he sees her acting like a boy. It is almost like the author of One Piece made a clone of Luffy and set her gender to that of a girl. He turns his face in embarrassment as he suddenly sees her clothes flying in the air before heading into the shower. 'Yep, it's decided, I will kick her out after sailing to the next island. I can't get used to someone riding my boat."

"Can you hear me? I'm telling you, I'm kicking you out of our destination," Leo says to her before removing his cloak and sets it out the seat before the steering wheel.

"Nope, I can't hear you at all," she says back, while the sound of the water from the shower comes from a room below.