
One Piece: The Rising Tide

No Harem, No System, No Op Protagonist Caspian Maverick lived his entire life bound to a wheelchair, but he didn’t let that stop him from sailing the world, or from getting a masters degree in engineering. He never resented his lot in life and did his best to make the most of his circumstances. After dying in a violent storm while at sea he was lucky enough to be granted an audience with an Elder God. This is where Caspian was given the opportunity of a lifetime; a second chance at life in another world. Not only was he given his legs back, but he was given abilities beyond his wildest dreams and the chance to explore a world 10 times the size of earth. With his knowledge of the future and the gifts he was bestowed, Caspian may just take the world of One Piece by Storm. The MC will grow to be quite powerful as the story progresses, but he’ll never be able to one shot an Emperor, or curb stomp an Admiral. This isn’t that kind of story. His power may give him an edge against most Devil Fruit users, but it’s not like he can strait up cancel their abilities. And as stated recently in the One Piece Manga by Kaido, powers alone can’t help one conquer the sea. In other words, I’ll do my best to make his abilities fit into the world of One Piece without messing up the power balance. He also won’t be following Luffy, Ace or Sabo. He will form his own crew and be an adventurer. I do not own the cover photo. I found it at Http://amarevia.deviant art.com If the creator would like me to take it down I will.

Professor_Zzyzx · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
45 Chs

The Light of Revolution

Without Bluejam to kick up a racket and with me keeping Luffy and Ace away from the Grey Terminal, there honestly isn't much else to do as of right now. But it won't be long until it starts. The sun has set and the gates to the city are closed. I took a deep, steadying breath and held it before breathing out.

"Well, there's no time like the present. I might as well get my preparations finished." With that said, I looked up at the sky as my eyes rolled back and my eyelids fluttered. Beads of sweat formed across my brow and I raised my hands to help my focus.

A series of meandering clouds stated to converge ever so casually at first,then at a quicker rate until a thin carpet of light grey clouds began to form overhead. I continued to draw moisture from the sea and funnel it into the atmosphere, causing the rain clouds to increase in size at a noticeable pace.


The sound of a massive explosion shook my focus, but I never wavered. I kept drawing the clouds together. That explosion only proved to be the first of many.

A series of well placed detonations rocked the Grey Terminal. All at once, kegs filled with black powder decimated the surroundings. Barrels filled with oil caught fire and exploded, spreading the flames to everything they touch. The chain reaction caused several larger trash piles to topple over, creating instant chaos. Small fires sprouted along my line of sight, spreading as quickly as only fire can.

It wasn't long before the flames began to converge and the entire terminal was engulfed in a sea of brilliant flames that climbed more than 30 meters high and scorched the earth until it was charred and blackened. Even from the tree line I can feel the heat wafting from the flames as they spread to anything and everything they touch.

While the fires raged I continued to do my work in the sky above. Even as screams rang out and the dark night was turned to day in the light of the blaze. My fists clenched in on themselves.

I couldn't help the unrestrained anger that threatened to boil over within me. I continued to stare up at the sky without even blinking. Then I stopped and dropped my hands to my sides. Looking down, I took in the shear devastation spreading across the hellish landscape spread out before my very eyes. I gathered all the emotions I felt and channeled it all into the dark grey clouds blanketing the sky.

In that moment, as the flames reached their peak, a single drop of rain fell on the trash heap below. Soon followed by another, and another. As those droplets sizzled out and evaporated on contact with the raging inferno they were replaced by a dozen others. Then a hundred more. Until a monumental downpour was wrenched from the clouds, snuffing out the weaker flames and threatening even the largest parts of the blaze. It felt as if the sky itself was crying out at what it was seeing.

I shifted my gaze. The cold rain water battered against my body, the sea pitched and roiled to my left, filling me with strength. The rain continued to fight against the flames, battling it out as a thick fog began to form in the air, but the intensity of the fire was too great for it be quelled completely.

Thankfully the rain helped life some of the burden. Many people were able to make it to safety due to the sudden downpour. There are going to be countless injuries after this. Every one down there is fighting for their lives. What surprised me most in all this, is the shear number of people helping others along the way.

The same people who fight each other for scraps of food and spare change, are working side by side in order to survive. I guess there really is honour among thieves. I watched it all unfold from my vantage point, taking it in without blinking.

Closing my eyes I listened to the sounds around me. The crackle of the fire as it spreads and scorches everything in its path. The pain filled cries of terrified people as the flames wake them from their beds.

The fear they felt spread almost as quick as the flames. I could almost feel it; like a tangible presence in the air. When I opened my eyes and took in the sight once more, my heart beat doubled and I felt it thunder in my chest. I grit my teeth in rage. Despite the distance I practically feel the pain and fear of all the desperate people as they scramble to survive.

All those voices, reaching out, confused, hurt and begging for help. I've never felt anything like it. That's when one of the voices went quite. My breath hitched and my pupils dilated. I know what that meant. I felt it, almost as if I was there.

'I can't hesitate any longer.' A powerful rumble boomed out overhead as dark clouds blackened the horizon. Thunder clouds rolled forth blocking the light from the sun and blanketing the sky In a sheet of pure darkness.

"This is where things change!"

Bending my knees I gathered my strength and leapt into the air with all my might, carrying me high over the flames and toward the clouds. With a powerful flap of my vestigial wings I flew higher and faster. The wind itself bending around me to aid my flight. Turning towards the ocean I raised my hand.

Reaching out while flying overhead, I began to search for the nearby water in the barrels I set up earlier this week. One by one I located them in my mind. Feeling my connection to the cold liquid within.

Clenching my fists with a silent roar, I forced all one hundred water barrels to explode simultaneously. Spreading my fingers and turning my palms towards the sky I pushed my hands upward while forcing the exposed water into the air. The feat created one hundred geyser's that stretched towards the clouds and sprayed water in every direction, dousing the flames at every turn.

With more of the flames snuffed out, I flew closer to the ocean to finish up. When I felt I was close enough I stopped and spun around, mimicking a water bender, as I followed the flow, turning my open palms as if to caress the air. A large wave rolled into existence as it heeded my call, drawing the nearby waters together, it crashed into the piles of burning garbage. A massive burst of steam erupted causing a thin fog to spread over the island. The waters waited no time drenching the entire area, smothering much of the remaining flames.

I can still see a large portion of the terminal burning. I flew off to douse the rest of the fire. Not long after I took flight in the direction of the largest section of burning debris, I noticed a rather large gathering of people. This is likely where the vast majority of the people fled when the fire started. Probably hoping to reach this shoreline rather than hold out hope that the people in the Goa kingdom might open the gates to help them.

Despite fighting through the intensity of the fires and making it out of that burning maze of molten garbage, a massive wall of flame blocked their path. Jeffy was at pulling up the rear, still carrying people on his back, rallying everyone around him and making sure no one gets left behind. If you look carefully, you can see the eyes of small furry kittens poking out of his shirt.

'Damn, I thought I told him to stay out of the terminal and stick to the forests today… what the hell is he doing down there?' I thought as I saw Jeffy stop to lift up a man who had stumbled beside him. The tanned pseudo-giant hefted the injured old man onto his shoulders with the other three people on his back.

I was about to call forth a dense wave from the nearby shore to snuff out the flame like a candle in a snow storm. That's when I saw it. A sight that caused me to lower my arms and relax completely.

Costing over the misty waters is a sight i will never forget. A large sailing ship with three dark masts and black sails, with an emerald green, serpentine dragon lining the exterior railings, starting at the ships bow with a dragon figure head and ending at the stern of the ship in a slender, wavy tail.

The Wind Granma. The flag ship of the Revolutionary Army.

It's majestic image as it sailed into the bay will forever sit within my mind. The massive vessel slid up to dock, gliding along the waters through the fog and towards the shore, right towards the wall of fire.

The moment the ship came into sight I felt a gentle breeze fill the air. What followed was a gale force wind more powerful than a hurricane. I struggled to keep afloat as the wind around me seemed to take on a life of its own.

The massive barrier of flame parted like the Red Sea. A massive trench carved its way through the dirt, formed by the intensity of that monstrous gale. It was so powerful, it cleared the burning debris and formed a deep gouge in the earth, creating a perfect path to the shoreline.

When the winds died down and the dust settled, a single man stood at the bow of the ship, standing on the head of the dragon. His hooded form was visible to all those fleeing the Grey Terminal. The hundreds of people who escaped the blaze stared up at him in awe and fear. His tattooed face was unmoving and stern. Yet there was a powerful light blazing in his cold eyes.

'The worlds most wanted man. Luffy's father, and the founder of the Revolutionary Army. Monkey D. Dragon.' A small smile graced my face. At least now the hard part is over.