
Chapter 53: Sabaody Archipelago

One Month Later

Sabaody Archipelago, Grove 50

A ship bearing the logo of the infamous Grand King Pirates were heading towards this island. Naturally, this ship was Errege, that belonged to Narmi. After a few minutes, the ship was navigated by Nami to dock at Grove 50 so that they could go down from the ship.

Occasionally at Grove 50, there were usually crowd of pirates that would merrily having fun. But then, the sudden appearance of Errege stunned them all silence. They all know the logo of Grand King Pirates.

They also know the captain of this crew is the newly established Emperor of the Sea. So, when the ship appeared, they felt like they had come to this place at the wrong time.

Back to Narmi and the others, they had just come down from the ship and walked towards the crowd of pirates. These pirates, open the path for them out of fear that Narmi would do something. They knew that Narmi is quite merciless towards anyone who opposed him, based on the available on him.

Seeing this action, Narmi couldn't help but feel that he wanted to have some fun. Quickly, he release his Conqueror's Haki. Heavy pressure was sent towards the pirates.

This caused the surrounding pirates to faint. Although, there were some of them that could withstand it but after a few moments, they fall down too. Narmi just laughed it out loud while walking away from there.

While walking, Narmi asked Henry and Nami on their activities.

"Hey, what are you two going to do at here?"

"Hmmm… I think I am going to find ingredients for our meals on the ships. Then, I guess I'm going to take a walk around the islands." Henry replied

"Well for me, I'm going to shopping I guess." Nami replied.

"Then, after you guys done with what you want to do, come to Grove 13. There is a bar there called Shakky's Rip-Off Bar. We will be waiting for you guys there."

"Okay then."

"Also, if you guys met Celestial Bastards and they demand anything, just ignore them. If they threatened you guys, kill them. Also, if the Marines bothered you guys, remind them about the negotiations. Contact me if there are any problems."

"Roger that."

After that, they part ways from there heading to their destinations. A Marines informant had followed them, and took notice of their destinations, so that he could informed his superiors. Not long after they parted ways, this informant quickly made his report.


Marines Base, Grove 66

"What did you say!? The Devil King is here!?" A Rear Admiral exclaimed loudly

"Yes sir. Two of them were headed to Grove 13, while another two were heading towards the tourist area." he informed

"Damn it! Why must they come at this time!? Right now, a family of Celestial Dragons were headed towards the tourist area too."

"Sir, the Fleet Admiral had remind us not to stir troubles with him or his crew members. What should we do?" the informant asked.

"Well, you go follow the other two that were headed towards the tourist area. Inform me their locations. I would ask the others that were escorting the Celestial Dragons to persuade them to change directions."

"Yes sir."

The Rear Admiral then proceed to pass his order on the Marines to lead the Celestial Dragons away from the tourist area.


Celestial Dragons Groups

"Captain, we got orders to lead the Celestial Dragons away from the tourist area. If possible, persuade them to not went there at all."

"What!? Lead them away from there!? Are you crazy!? Don't you know how hard it is to persuade them!?"

"But Rear Admiral said it is important. He said two of the Grand King Pirates member were heading there. Devil Cook and Devil Navigator."

"Fucking hell! This is serious! Okay, I will try!"

The Captain then walked slowly towards the Celestial Dragons Family and said.

"Saint Henry-sama, We can't went towards the tourist area right now. How about we go somewhere else?" He said in a polite tone

"Are you ordering me, a Celestial Dragons!? How dare a filthy plebians like you order me!?"

"This isn't an order Saint Henry-sama. It was a suggestion."

"Even a suggestion is an insult towards me. I am a Celestial Dragons and nobody had ever suggest me what to do."

"But Saint Henry-sama, right now there is a serious problem at tourist area. We just got information."

"What problem?"

"Right now there was two notorious pirates that were heading there too, and I suggest this for you and your family safety."

"You suggest me to change my destinations for two measly pirates!? Are you guys in Marines that stupid!? Even if they come, they would still kneel down in my presence! Hurry up, we are still going towards the tourist area."

The Captain turned his head back towards his subordinates and just asked for them to follow his orders. It was useless for them to even asked about this.

This Saint(Idiot) Henry was oblivious to his grim fate. Let's hope he would survive(die).