
Chapter 50: Fifth Emperor of the Sea

Few Days Later

World Government, Mariejois

The Five Elder had called for Fleet Admiral Sengoku to had a talk with him about the news of Marines' failure on capturing a pirate. This failure had caused the trust of the civilians on both of the organizations declining and they need to act on it.

"Sengoku, what is your opinion on this matter? These pirates openly declared war on us, World Government." an old man with a hat over gray dreadlock asked.

"Devil King is strong. His crew were also strong. As of now, we could only take a cautious stance. We didn't had enough firepower to deal with them." Sengoku replied

"CAUTIOUS STANCE!? This event had caused our public image declining. We can't afford for the civilians to put us in a bad light." A bald man with glasses holding a samurai replied

"I KNOW! Our public image had also declined! Those were my men who had died under those pirates! Yet you Elders sitting here prioritising on your public image!" Sengoku shouted

"The death of your men had nothing to do with us Celestial Dragons! We care not about them! This was your job to begin with! Deal with it properly!" the youngest looking among them said

Sengoku didn't reply and quickly went out from the room with an angry expression. The door was slammed hard showing how angry he was on the Elders' attitude. As if now, he planned to find a replacement for Akainu's position or finding a new devil fruit for Akainu to use. Many things been display in his mind on his motion after this.


The news about the defeat of Admiral Akainu and three Vice Admirals by Devil King Narmi and his crew members was spread everywhere. Never could they thought a Marine's symbol of strength would be defeated by a pirate.

Video of the fight between Akainu and Narmi was displayed everywhere. Even video on Law's fight with the three Vice Admiral and Henry-Nami conquering the Marines base was displayed. Naturally, this was Narmi's intention to show the world that he declared war on the World Government and the Marines. He ordered Law and his crew member to spread the video using the underground intelligence.

This video had created unrest in civilians' minds as for them, the Marines was their protector and the fall of an Admiral could lead to a negative impact. Newspaper was spread everywhere saying Fifth Emperor of the Sea has risen.

New bounties had been posted on Narmi and his crews. Narmi's bounty had reached 1 Billion, while Law's bounty had reached 700 Millions. Henry and Nami got their first ever bounties with both of them were 500 Millions. Robin who haven't done anything also got her bounty raise to 400 Millions.

In addition, Law, Henry and Nami got new nicknames. Law's nickname were Devil Sword, Henry were Devil Cook and Nami were Devil Navigator. Newspapers worldwide had named them as Devil King and four Devil Aide.

Whitebeard's Pirates

"Old man, it seems this Devil King was a force to be reckoned with. Even Akainu couldn't match him" said Marco towards an old man with huge white mustache.

"Gurarara, Devil King Narmi eh!? It seems so. This old man thought that he hadn't shown his full power yet." Whitebeard replied.

"Really!? It seems he really had concealed his power deep within him. What do you think if you were to fight him old man?" Marco asked

"Haha, I don't know. I need to see him face to face."

Marco was shocked when Whitebeard said that as he knew Whitebeard was an arrogant man. Even he himself said he didn't know. He secretly thought that he needed to be careful with them.

Red Hair Shanks' Pirates

"Devil King Narmi eh? The Fifth Emperor of the Sea" Shanks said in a low voice. "It seems the sea wouldn't have been in a peaceful state after this."

Kaido Pirates

"A new opponent had come. Maybe he could kill me with his power." Kaido said

Mt. Colubo, East Blue

Two old man was seen relaxing while reading newspaper. Both of them were Dark King Rayleigh and Arnold Beckman.

"Hahaha. Arnold, it seems the kid that you take care of had become the Fifth Emperor." Rayleigh said while laughing

"I know. I knew from the start that he would become a prominent figure."

"His feat was very grand. He showed himself with an interesting motion. I wonder what those geezers at the World Government would do. Even the Marines had taken a fatal blow with the loss of Akainu battle power."

"They couldn't do anything. Marines would take a prudent action. Unless they want to destroy themselves, they would ignore him."

"Yeah. Well that would be their job to settle. Us, these old geezers should lay back and relax. This is their generation to shine."

After that, both of them continue to do their own work.

Foosha Village

A boy wearing a red vest and blue short with straw hat on his head was seen reading the newspaper on the newly nominated Emperor of the Sea. This boy was Luffy. He usually would not pay attention to the newspaper, but this time he was attracted to its title.

He saw the picture of the young man on the front of the newspaper and recognize him, who started journey from here.

"Wow. He is amazing. Fifth Emperor of the Sea. But, I would not lose to him because I am going to become the King of the Pirates."

Luffy vowed with his hand thrust upwards.