
Chapter 109: Celestial Dragons

Dialogue "sample"

Thoughts 'sample'

Author notes -sample-

Disclaimer: One piece and all of its characters belong to Eiichiro Oda.

Chapter 109: Celestial Dragons

"Ahh!" Exclaimed Luffy after seeing the man explode.

"Slaves are always restrained by chains attached to their necks, and if they somehow break their chains and try to escape, the ring around their necks will explode." Explained Hacchi with a grave expression.

The burned pirated started to scream in pain. He had somehow managed to barely survive the explosion.

People around him screamed in fear.

"Stay away from him!"

"A slave runaway!"

"Shit, let's get out of here before the owner arrives!"

"Poor man, we should help him!" Suggested Brook.

"You idiot! You promised to not get involved no matter what!" Shouted Pappag.

"What's wrong with this town?" Cried Chopper.

"Hacchin, what do we do?, there must be Celestial Dragons nearby!" Said Camie with worry.

"Strawhat!, get out of the bon chair" Said Hacchin.

Luffy noticed his serious tone and complied.


A few seconds later, a big dog wearing a fishbowl on its head approached the downed pirate and peed on his head.

Everyone after seeing this got on their knees and keep quiet.

"Is that one of those Celestials whatever?" Asked Luffy while looking at the dog.

Hacchi and Camie did the same. "You guys get on your knees too, you don't want to gain their attention! Also, don't even think about approaching the dog. The Celestial Dragons are right behind it!"

Several figures approached. Two of them an old man and a young girl on the front wore white suits with fancy decorations and fishbowls on their heads. Behind them was a giant man walking on all four and wearing a ring around his neck, with a chain attached to it. The rest of the group were strong-looking guards wearing full sets of armor.

"Alas… dearest father. Yet another one has been ruined." The girl said.

" Did you remember to give him the tranquilizer this morning?" The man asked.

" Of course!" She exclaimed. " But it loses effectiveness over time…you will have to buy another."

"Hmph…your disciplining skills are lacking, my dear Guu. Ruining my collection of pirate captains, one after another."

The woman called Guu approached the downed pirate, who was barely alive, and kicked him several times.

"Oh. This thing is certainly useless now."

People around them just looked away and pretended that nothing was happening.

The woman continues to kick the man.

"When you are close to your end, you start crying about your family?" She said with a mocking tone.

Luffy was clenching his teeth.

"He can't even move anymore"

Vivi was no better. She was clenching her fist hard enough to draw blood. She did not care about that man, but could not stand the superior attitude of those two.

'Can't kill them now…that would bring the full force of the marine headquarters on our heads and it will be our end' Vivi had to keep reminding herself in order to not snap.

"A mere human like yourself…" The male Celestial Dragon approached and pulled out a gun.

"Frankly…it sickens me"

He discharged the gun on the dying pirate's head.

Vivi had to contain Luffy from shouting.

"Captain now is not the time to face them. We will put everyone's life at risk if we do"

That seemed to bring Luffy back to his senses and they were able to get away from that place as the Celestial Dragons were discussing what type of slave they should get next.


" I feel sick after seeing that," Said Luffy.

"I told you, Celestial Dragons are the worst kind. They view themselves as Gods...humans, fishmen, giants and any other race are just something to be used as toys for their amusement"

"No one did a thing to help him either, they just looked away and pretended that nothing was happening," Said Luffy with frustration.

"Of course not!" Shouted Hacchi. "As Vivi said before, if you lay a finger on them, you will have a marine Admiral coming after you and everyone you care about. Celestial Dragons are truly ruthless, especially with those that offend them."

"But what makes them so special? Are they really Gods?" Asked Chopper.

"Of course not. They are the descendants of the twenty Kings that formed the world government 800 years ago. By the way, my family, the Nefertary was one of those twenty families." Said Vivi.

"Does that mean that you are a Celestial Dragon?" Asked Chopper.

"What? Vivi is like those fishbowl guys?" Exclaimed Luffy.

Camie, Hacchi, and Pappag stared at Vivi with complicated expressions.

"Of course not!" Cried Vivi. "My ancestor must have rejected the 'honor'. And I am damn glad He did."

"Right, Vivi is nothing like those guys, and she has never worn a fishbowl on her head," Said Luffy with relief.

"Your ancestor rejected the chance of becoming a world noble?" Said Hacchi with disbelief.

"He must have been a man of high morals. " Said Brook with admiration.

"That's amazing," said Camie.


"Bazooka" shouted Luffy.

"Blast" called Vivi.

"You did it" Cried Camie.

"You guys are truly strong" Exclaimed Pappag.

There were wounded men all around the Strawhats. They were bounty hunters who wanted to get a chance to cash in their rewards.

"Those bounty hunters are very insistent," said Brook.

" Yes…this is the third group that attacks us. Why do they keep doing that?" Asked Chopper.

"Out bounties are very high. Our Captain alone is 300 million. That is enough money to retire and not have to work again. That can be very tempting." Commented Vivi.

"How much longer do we have to travel to meet this mechanic guy?" Asked Luffy, as he was starting to get bored.

Hacchi took out a map and show it to them.

"As you can see here, the groves are divided into groups of 10. Right now we are inside the first group That contains groves 1 to 9. The mechanic is in grove 13 which is right here" He as he pointed at the map.

"We are close, right? Right now we are in the middle of the grove. We need to get to this place to the left" Vivi pointed at the map.

"Wait…" Vivi realized something.

"It says here that coating mechanics are in group 50…why is this one on grove 13 that is marked as a lawless area?"

" Well, he is a bit of a wanted man. But he is a very good person. I would trust him with my life!" Hacchi assures them.

"I have never met him, but I heard goog things about him," added Camie.

"I don't care if he is a wanted man. Arent we all wanted here?" Said the Captain.