
cremony and top 10

On the big stage, there are some people standing there with a different color of dresses but all have one thing in common and that is the white coat which is resting on their shoulders.

The white coat has justice kanji on the back with the World Government symbol in the center. Everyone has their own dressing theme which somehow shows their own personality and represents their own Idea of justice.

I hate this thing about the one-piece world that everyone has their own justice definition. They use justice to justify their own dark deeds. It is not justice. Justice is the fair treatment towards the people. Justice is the quality of being fair to everyone. I don't think I have it but I will find someone who will have it.

Justice, in its broadest sense, is the principle that people receive that which they deserve, with the interpretation of what then constitutes "deserving" being impacted upon by numerous fields, with many different viewpoints and perspectives, including the concepts of moral correctness based on ethics, rationality, law, religion, equity, and fairness.

What they have is just an agenda that they promote in the name of Justice. I will show them true justice. I will bring those to justice who sit above the world with haughtiness.

My seat was in the front row with 9 other seats beside me. Our seats look like thorns rather than the normal chairs. I was late because of all the tests and all of the other 9 members of the student council of this generation were already present and I only know 3 of them.

The first one is a young man in the same dress code as me with somewhat white skin. He has no facial hair. He looks older than me by 2 to 3 years. He was as tall as me. But I have muscled and a build like that of a bodybuilder while he was thin but have muscles underneath, He was more like an athlete. This man was wearing glasses. He was giving off a vibe which was saying that everything was boring. The most distinguishing feature was the shoes he was wearing. They were, you know at least 19 numbers by the standard of my previous world. I too am abnormally tall but still, My shoe size is 11.

He was Borsalino from the west blue. He looked toward me and released a boring sigh. Well, that's Future Admiral Kizaru ( THE YELLOW MONKEY) for you.

The very vibe of kizaru makes you yawn and that bastard did it. He yawned, no excitement on his face and it feels like it is just a boring thing and he wants to go to sleep.

And after he was sitting a dark skin color person with an Afro. Actually sitting might be a far fetched thing. Sleeping is more accurate. He is sleeping with a sleep mask on and a nose bubble-like Luffy and Garp was also present. This guy was even lazier than Borsalino.

This person was also very tall albeit somewhat smaller than me but still in the 10 feet category. He looks slim but you can feel the power oozing from him. He was hiding packed muscles under the clothes.

Now he might be sleeping but if someone attacks he would be dead in a second that's the kind of feeling he was giving me. I can feel the cold oozing from him. He was also a future member of Marine Admiral's Kuzan A.K.A. Aokiji( THE BLUE PHEASANT).

Aokiji is a very peculiar character for me. I have various theories about him. One of those Theories was that Aokiji was the son of Brook. And if it is true then he was already in the fold.

After Kuzan was sitting Abel. Abel is a 19-year-old young man with tight muscles and a lot of scars. Some marine says that these are the scars that he got when he dismantled a pirate group of 50 million Beri with his bare hands.

Abel has dark hair and yellow eyes with height being 194 c.m. He loves pranking others but his pranks are all harmless and leaned toward practical jokes rather than harm.

He has a strong dislike for all pirates and bandits. And it is said that Abel holds the seat for 5th strongest on the student council.

And After Abel is sitting, Aron. D. Samuel. Truly I didn't think that I would be seeing a D clan member. Navy and D clan members are like fire and ice.

Aron is the 6th strongest person and 6 the seat of the student council.

Aron is 210 c.m. tall with white spiky hairs. Which defies gravity. He was not wearing the hat and had a serious look on his face.

Aron is supposed to be the emo kid in every anime. Really this MotherFucker is handsome.

He has that mysterious vibe around him with fair complexion. His eyes are red which gave him quite the looks. His face is of oval shape and he is lean, not buff like me.

In short, totally a woman's man.

He has a Zoan category Devil's fruit of Bat Bat model: ANCIENT VAMPIRE BAT.

It allows him two wings and greatly enhanced senses. His Observation Haki is going off the roof once he awakens it.

It also increases his strength to a superhuman level. He can see in the dark as clear as in the day.

After that comes the 7th seat Tyron. Tyron was a boy of age 17 and has above average height. He has toned muscles and was a member of the long ear tribe.

Tyron is a very big bully. He looks down on other people and everything. He is also very perverted and many times was found groping. He is also an Asslicker.

I hate this kind of person the most. Well boy, I will be waiting for you to make a mistake and then to execute you. He is on the list. No matter what 16 years old or nothing Justice should be the same for everyone.

Oh yeah, He too has a Zoan Devil Fruit that is the Snake Snake Model: Black Kobra. It allows him flexibility beyond human compression and also gives him immunity to various poisons.

He can also shoot poison from his mouth.

The 8 th seat is none other than Jaguar. D. Saul. I somewhat anticipated it.

As a giant, Saul was many times larger than a human. He had long, orange hair and a big beard that seemed to connect around his entire face, which somewhat resembled a lion's mane.

Saul is a shy, timid, cheerful, and fun-loving guy. He followed moral justice in the show which makes him defy the standard Navy justice twice.

I will try to change your fate, if possible big guy.

After that is Violet. A cold, Gold digging psychotic BItch. Violet is a girl with great curves and violet color eyes.

Her eyes are so cold that you can literally feel the cold from her stare.

Some say that she has slept with every high officer in the marine and then reached here. She is 26 years old. And she joined the Navy when she was 23 years old.

It is even said that once when she was a normal sea woman recruit she framed many people of false crimes to get promoted.

Now you might be wondering how she is here. Well, the Marine Academy accepts from all the Blues and anyone below the captain level can file their admission. And there is no age limit.

Once you apply for it there will be a competition and you will be chosen from there.

And she gets her place because of her Devil fruit the Dung Beetle. The fruit might be disgusting but it gives great power.

She is second on the list.

She is the 9 th seat.

Now the 10 th seat is a Black guy named Samuel. L. Jackson . He is quite rude and Has a verbal tic of MotherFucker. He is of average built height and weight-wise.

But he is quite strong. He uses guns and swords and is quite skilled at them. He is around 22 years old. And he is bald.

And in the end, I saw the star of the show MONKEY. D. DRAGON sitting at the second chair beside me. A man whom I respect from the bottom of my heart in One Piece World. A man who will be changing the world. He sacrificed more than anyone In this world. I always wonder what would have been the reaction if Luffy at the war would have said that A DRAGON DOESN'T BREED A DOG. He is the legend and the myth himself and now he will be my sword.

Monkey D Dragon is a man who is even taller than me. what's with this height. He has long spiky Black hair with a widow's peak. I can't understand how he is wearing that marine hat with those hairs.

Dragon is every bit I imagine he would be. He is seriously looking which is really a surprise as he is the son of Monkey. D. Garp and will be Future father of a Certain Someone with a hat and Grin.

Dragon has a unique aura around him. He looks completely determined but I feel something different from him.

He moves his head towards me and looks me in the eye.

" Any problem," he asked me.

" No. Not for now. " I answered.

He was staring at me and sizing me up and In return, I too was doing the same.

He looks ready to attack at any given moment. He is the most physically fit person beside me here. He has the muscles which were packed with powers.

Me and him both were staring in each other's eyes. For normal people, it was staring but for us, it was a battle we were fighting through our spirits. we were fighting with each other at that moment. The one who first blinks would be the loser and I am not one and neither is he.

Our spirits were generating pressure which was too much to stand for a normal person and many of the new Marine soldiers backed away in fear.

With every passing second, our battle was becoming more fierce. We were forgetting that we were in a ceremony and this battle was going to be more fierce if it wasn't for the announcement.