
One Piece: Reborn As Aokiji

What happens when an opportunistic MC dies in his deathbed and is reincarnated in a slight AU of his favorite anime with wishes/perks. Will he become the Pirate King? Will he join the Marines? Find out as our MC grasps his way to the top! WARNING’S!!! New Author Cover done by me Reaching for TWO Chapters a week

visxiin · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
4 Chs

The Beginning

Chapter 2

Title: 'The Beginning'

Words: 1248

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'<>' perks & skills '——' long time skip '….' short time skip '~ ~' POV switch 'W.W.L:' what we learned by the ending of chapter

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~Aokiji's POV~

'The time came. It was finally time for my birth, throughout my time in the womb was something people from the 21st century couldn't do or they'll be driven to insanity. Luckily that wasn't my probably as I had a strong will as well as mind, during my time I was doing one of our five things besides growing.'

'Which were planning, meditating, sleeping, refining my mindscape, going through previous memories of my past life in which I don't remember having recollection of previously meaning I had eidetic memory, and lastly testing my limits in the womb. Nine months or plus of this really would set me up for the future plans I had.'

'Anyways it was time, I pushed against my mother's cervix, causing it to stretch. This sent nerve impulses to the brain releasing oxytocin causing contractions. I didn't want this process to take all day, while I could wait I grew bored and wanted out. Spreading the cervix open with the biggest part of my body it eventually opened causing certain pain, going through a tighter and smaller canal which would make cave diving seem fun wasn't a pleasant time for either of us.'

'I couldn't rush this part, I had to wait but with my knowledge, I knew this process only took thirty minutes to two hours on average. This time passed by quickly compared to 9 plus months in the womb and must I say being this deep inside your mom was an odd flex (of muscles of course ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) not only did it stink, it was slimy, sweaty,

the list just goes on but that didn't matter in the end, if I had to go through this process 100 times to reach my goals I would. It was a small sacrifice for an isekai adventure filled life.'


'Yeah so about that 100 time thing uh… I take that back.'

As I finally slid out of my mother's vagina, gravity pulled me down, as I dangled from my umbilical cord. I expected to be cut loose but I realized I was in a forest-like setting when I inspected more I saw they were dead folks littered amongst the ground everywhere like dead mice. Eventually I looked up taking the initiative, trying to set myself free as I saw something I'll never forget. What I assumed was my mother's jaw was bashed and shattered open as she hanged from a huge tree.

'I couldn't even curse the snake who sent me here. He did too much for me but what I could do was ask why in the hell was I in this DAMN situation. No wonder it stunk like skunk ass and beneath the sea UGHHH. Holy fuck the inhumanity, this breached uncleanliness levels on a whole new chart. I take back the deep inside joke. I never felt so disgusted. It felt like post-nut-clarity all over again, OMG puberty I have to do it again once that realization hit. I probably died deep down somewhere.'

'If only I could somehow flip this situation into an advantage of my plans. I just needed to get free from this ACCURSED umbilical cord… A shower wouldn't be terrible in this situation either'

'It wasn't time to cry in contempt, I could do that later if need be. I needed to find a way out of this mess.. but this was indeed an unfortunate cause.'

'As I refreshed my mind and cooled down I observed and thought of my current situation as I was gonna be stuck here for a while. I was in a dead woman's womb so she must've recently died 3-5 days ago or even shorter, probably causing her water to break making me think it was time to be free.. yeah I had second thoughts about being free now.'

'Well on the brightside, I wasn't an average baby I could see straight away after birth and I had some muscle mass along with regular boosted stats like endurance and everything else, that <Strong Physical Body> skill was a bit broken also those <katakuri and carrot genes> integrated into my gene code probably had a part in that too, who knows if my real parents had a part in that, there was a possibility as well. Maybe I could even use my <GF> powers?'

'That's probably the last thing I wanna do is exhaust myself but that's better than hanging from my umbilical cord while my mother's blood drops from her broken jaw down onto me.'

'Now thinking about it my mother had long legs probably originating from the long legged tribe or probably a half human breed and had a dark/tannish skin tone with extremely curly hair. She probably was a beauty when she was alive from what I could tell.'

'Maybe she was a slave who was set free and this village probably got attacked from pirates later on or other external causes, I remembered slave members from the long legged tribe costed 700k belli and had no known homeland to date but at most these were just conspiracy theories, she probably could've just been half human and lived with her human counterpart, who knows.'

'After a long time of contemplating and dangling the pros seemed to outweigh the cons, I decided I should use my abilities. It shouldn't be hard since it's like a part of me like twirling my fingers.'

'I thought of back home in Antarctica and the freezing cool temperature that made me feel whole, I pictured a conjugation of ice coated sharply above my nail, as soon as it was created stamina drained from me like I just completed a saitama workout but as the 'ice nails' appeared I didn't hesitate to cut myself free once I did that I fell onto the ground then fell unconscious from exhaustion.'

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{A/N: Whew 😅 that was a lot of dialogue to write that chapter, hoped you guys enjoyed. Also working on next week's chapters as well, I'm thinking of doing two chapters a week for my naruto fanfic and one a week for this one until it picks up traction

W.W.L: once things hit the fan the MC is like everyone else what separates him from the crowd may be his perks, his past life experiences or his personality, but what we cannot dispute is when our MC is in a tight situation his brain is rewired to find solutions and observes every little detail to find an answer. Even if he stresses himself out over an exaggeration it's an even character flaw which makes him real.

We see he's talented and may even complete things first try, whether he puts his mind to it or not, but a little bit of ice on his nails and he faints from exhaustion.

The MC may be a certain age yet we see him act a little geeky and that's from being an elder otaku of his past life, keeping up with the newer generations societal norms to a certain extent he's also has great bonds with those younger than him because of it.

<GF> is referred to 'garden fruit' due to the events from the first chapter.}