
One Piece: Reborn as a D

A young man is fortunate enough to be reborn into the world of One Piece after his untimely demise and with the mysterious name of D. no less. Follow him on his journey to become pirate king. Assembling the strongest crew to ever sail the seas as he does so. Notice: This story will be slightly AU.

ArifuretaForever · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
79 Chs

Chapter 6: Setting Sail

Time sure flies.

Six years have passed since that group of pirates attacked Spades Town and I am now sixteen years old, while Alfia is fifteen years old.

During the past six years no other pirates have launched an attack on our home.

Which we, and everyone else who called the island home was thankful for.

Moving on from that, shortly after Alfia agreed to be the first member of my pirate crew she began joining me in training.

The marines on base didn't question it much.

They probably thought Alfia just wanted to learn to protect herself given what happened to her during the pirate attack.

The marines were right, but also wrong at the same time. Given that Alfia was going to set out to sea with me when the time came.

I wonder what kind of expressions the marines of Spades Town will get on their faces when they see the wanted posters of Alfia and I. Man, I would pay money to see that.


Other than training with the marines in swordsmanship, some marksmanship, and a few other useful skills Alfia and I did our own private training as well.

I specifically worked on my devil fruit abilities. But my training in that area was severely restricted since once again my powers only work on living beings. Plants not included. I know since I tried my powers on draining the energy from trees and got zero results.

Due to this I had to be very careful when expanding upon my abilities, since I didn't want to accidentally kill anyone in town. Given that they were my unknowing and unwilling test subject for my powers.

The results were mixed, but I generally got some excellent results.

Which I will expand upon, since once I am sailing the open sea I can really let my powers fly against the enemies and opponents I will face.

Just thinking about it brings a smile to my face.

Concerning Alfia's private training there wasn't really much too it.

Unlike me she didn't possess any devil fruit powers so there was only so much she could do.

Though we did talk and came to the decision to secure her a devil fruit in the future. Since we both agreed that would be the best way to help her grow stronger.

We also agreed to secure a Rokushiki manual as well. Since the marines in Spades Town never revealed any of the six powers to us when we trained with them. Though considering those powers are supposed to be a marine and World Government "secret" martial art it makes sense.

But I will learn those powers someday.

Since I will learn anything and everything I can to become stronger.

Now then, onto haki.

I have have no clue if I possess the conqueror's haki, and I haven't made any progress in armament whatsoever. Neither has Alfia for that matter.

But on the observation haki front both Alfia and I have managed to unlock it.

We did so three years ago and have both slowly been progressing in making it stronger.

So yeah, progress.

Other than that nothing much else has happened.

Except for the fact Alfia confessed to me and told me she likes me as a man.

I'm not kidding.

It was shortly after her fourteenth birthday. She worked up the courage and told me her feelings.

But that didn't shock me.

After we entered puberty I noticed Alfia started looking at me in a different way. She also started acting different towards me as well. I suspected she had developed some form of romantic feelings for me, but didn't press the issue since I thought it might just be puppy love.

Boy was I wrong.

The look Alfia gave me when she confessed was serious. So I knew her feeling for the real deal.

Faced with such earnest feelings I truly had to consider how I felt about her.

After taking some time I realized I liked her as more than a friend as well. She was exactly the type of girl I dated in my previous life. So with that I made the decision to enter into an intimate relationship with Alfia.

So now you're all caught up.

One more thing in our pirate crew I am the captain.

While Alfia is the musician. Since she has an excellent singing voice.

Just one of her many talents.

I am truly thankful to know her.


Standing near the coastline of Spades Town I loaded the boat Alfia and I had secured a few weeks ago with various supplies we also managed to obtain. Including food, drinking water, some medical supplies, belli, etc.

(A/N: Imagine the boat is a medium-sized boat that can fit eight to twelve people)

Since today is the day the two of us are setting sail and officially starting our journey as pirates.

The excitement running through my veins at the moment is something I can't even describe.

Finally, after all these years I'm finally going to set out and see the world of One Piece with my own two eyes.

There are adventures out there just waiting for me. So they better get ready, because here I come.

In no time at all I was finished loading the ship.

Right after I finished I heard a rustling in the forest behind me.

Placing on my left hand on the hilt of my sheathed cutlass sword I turned around. "Who's there?" I asked.

"Calm down, it's just me." A familiar voice spoke. A moment later Alfia stepped out of the trees. Sporting her usual cold expression upon her face.

But knowing her as long as I have and like I do I know that's just the way her facial expression is. She's not actually angry.

Trust me you'll know when Alfia is angry.

Seeing Alfia I removed my hand from the hilt of my blade.

"Good morning." I told her.

"Yeah, whatever. Let's just get a move on." Alfia bluntly spoke.

She then walked right past me and climbed aboard the boat. Crossing her arms under her chest after she took her seat. Which emphasized her chest.

And what a glorious chest it is.

Once puberty started Alfia went from cute to sexy almost overnight.

[Image Here]

At first I was a bit shocked by this development, but then I remembered I was in the world of One Piece where women like Boa Hancock, Nico Robin, and Nami exist.

The moment I remembered this Alfia's fast bodily development made perfect sense.

'A body which is all mine.' I thought.

I feel truly blessed to have been reborn in One Piece.

"Hey, stop standing around daydreaming and let's go." Alfia spoke.

"Yes dear." I said.

I then boarded the ship myself. After I did so I weighed the anchor and unfurled the sail. A moment after I did so it caught the wind and we were off, finally sailing on the open sea.

Leaning over the left side of the ship I ran my left hand through the cool and clear ocean blue.

"Hey, what are you doing? Get back from the edge of the boat. What if you fall in?" Alfia spoke to me.

As she did so I pulled my hand up from the water and closed the distance between us. "Don't worry. That won't happen. And on the off chance I did fall into the ocean I'd know you'd rush in to save me and give me mouth-to-mouth. Isn't that right, my silver-haired siren?" I spoke. Using the nickname I came up with for Alfia some time ago.

At my words Alfia lost the usual cold expression she wore on her face and got a faint blush instead.

Seeing this I grinned.

"Roberts, you!" Alfia raged a bit.

But I ignored it.

I then leaned in and gave her a kiss on the lips. Because when I see her get flustered from my teasing I really can't hold myself back.

Breaking our kiss I moved toward the sail. I then started adjusting it.

All the while Alfia was giving me a dirty look which I promptly ignored. A few minutes passed before she finally dropped her glare and sighed.

"Whatever. So, where are we headed?" Alfia asked me.

Since she let me plan the navigation route. While we both studied navigational skills during our training I ended up being better in that area than her. Which is why until we get a full time navigator as part of the crew I will have the honor of the position.

"A place known as Swallow Island." I answered.

"Why?" Alfia asked.

"Well one day I heard a couple of the marines back in Spades Town chatting about a rumor surrounding that island. It is said a doctor who can perform miracles resides there." I explained.

Lying through my teeth as I did so.

It's one of the only ways I can use my foreknowledge to my advantage without being questioned as to how I possess such knowledge in the first place.

Since I never plan on telling another soul in this world about my previous life.

"But a rumor is just that, a rumor." Afia said.

"True. But most rumors generally have a hint of truth to them. That's why we're going to Swallow Island to investigate if a so-called miracle doctor exists." I explained.

But I already know he does.

"And if this so-called miracle doctor does actually exist, what then?" Alfia asked me.

"I thought that'd be obvious. We'll recruit them to join our crew." I said.

Along with another member I wish to recruit who is also on Swallow Island.

Hearing my words Alfia gave me a flat look and then nodded.

Once she did so I went back to directing the sails.

Sailing our ship towards the place where our crews future doctor and navigator resided.


A/N: And that's the end of Volume 1. I hope you enjoyed it.

Now to answer some questions you readers might have.

The MC has a personality like Shanks. Meaning he wants to have adventures but he will also plan things out.

Seconds, this story will be slightly AU in several regards.

Finally, there will be lemon/segs scenes in the future. So stay tuned.

That's all for now.


Current ages of the crew:

Soren D. Roberts: 16 years old.

Alfia: 15 years old