
New ability

Viktor eventually stopped hurling and Raven looked at him concerned, " Hey Viktor, you good? Was it really a devil fruit?"

" Oh yes, it was a devil fruit. I've eaten the Data Data no mi and become a data person. I have the power to gather data from the outside world and use that data however I deem fit. Unlimited knowledge is at my fingertips and Knowledge is Power!!!!!!"

After hearing this, Raven sighed in relief. Since Viktor was on his typical knowledge is Power rant, that meant he was doing fine. Although, his devil fruit ability didn't really seem that op.

" OK, good for you, I guess. Just to clarify, your now the world's greatest bookworm. Not exactly what I'd call all that powerful. "

Viktor looked at her with disappointment, " I thought you of all people would realize that knowledge is Power, and this devil fruit is the best way to realize this ideal."

Raven then argued that the most knowledgeable people they knew were the scholars here ar O'Hara and they weren't exactly what you'd call powerful. If they were, then there parents wouldn't have been killed.

" While It is true that I'm not overpowered immediately, I believe that I can use this power to be the strongest. However, it can still help me immediately. For example, I'm now a natural sniper. All I would need to do is pick up a gun and I'd be able to calculate how to aim to hit my target."

" OK, good for you I guess, so what's next on your quest for 'Unlimited Power!!' as you like to say?"

" Well, I want to see how effective my devil fruit ability is, so we're off to the library."

Viktor and Raven then went to the library and Viktor pulled out a book to read. While flipping through the book, he activated his powers and memorized each page.

However, he got greedy and tried to digest the content at the same time. This caused him to lose stamina at an alarming rate. He was only a quarter of the way through the book when he realized how drained he was and stopped.

While this happened, only a couple of minutes had passed. He then said to Raven, " Yawn, I overdid it and I'm about to fall asleep. Could you cover for me? Also.. "

Before Raven could respond, Viktor had already fallen asleep.

Raven was pissed," What the hell man, you can't just ask me to cover for you then fall asleep. I'm guessing, though he fainted before finishing, that I should keep his new ability a secret. Shit, Dr. Jones is coming."

Professor Jones looked exactly like Indiana Jones's father in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. He even had the same name, Henry Jones Sr.

Professor Jones approached Raven and Viktor," Hey kids, having fun reading? "

" Ha ha ha, of course we are. In fact Viktor is just of in his own world, nose deep in a book. He's definitely not sleeping." Raven replied with sweat rolling down her face.

It was at this moment that Viktor decided to start snoring.

Professor Jones then realized Raven was spouting nothing but lies," Oh, so your saying he's not sleeping, then what's that noise he's making?"

" Cmon professor, you gotta get with the times. Nowadays,kids pretend to sleep while in class or the library so that when adults call them out on it, they can tell them how wrong they are in the most obnoxious way possible. It's the kids are smart and adults are stupid movement."

Professor Jones looked at her with a deadpan look, " Is that really the explanation you want to go with?"

Raven realized she couldn't cover for Viktor anymore and just gave up " Welp, I tried Viktor, oh I really tried. Even I can't spout this much nonsense with a straight face. You win professor. Viktor is using this precious opportunity to read in the greatest library in the world to catch a few zzz's."

Then Professor Jones channeled his inner Garp. " Damn brat. How dare you take a nap here. Iron Fist of Love!!"

After being introduced to the legendary Iron Fist of Love by Professor Jones, Viktor woke up screaming, " Ah, it hurts!! Who the hell hit me?!"

" Hey brat, did you have a good nap?" Professor Jones inquired sinisterly

" Not really, someone punched me awake. Bu the way, who the hell punched me? The only people I see are, oh, you're the one who punched me because I was snoring in the library.

Viktor then dropped to his knees, " Please spare me O great one. You whose greatness knows no boundaries. I shall repent for all my life for my transgressions, if you would allow it."

" Yeah, yeah, whatever. Why were you sleeping anyway? It's not like you to sleep in the middle of the library. "

Viktor's stomach then grumbled loudly. " Soooo hungry. I haven't eaten anything all day. In hindsight, I probably shouldn't have ran here on an empty stomach. Once I got here and started reading a book, my exhaustion caught up with me and I fainted."

Viktor then begged with a puppy dog pout on his lips, " Could you please spare some food for a poor starving orphan like me? "

It was at this moment that Raven's stomach also grumbled. She then joined Viktor for their ultimate attack: the double puppy dog look. " Pleaseeee professor, could you spare some food for us. We're sooooo hungry!"

Under fire from their ultimate attack, the professor gave in. " Alright, you guys win. I'll give you guys some food. Don't expect me to keep doing this for you guys. I'm starting to develop an immunity for your antics."

Professor Jones then brought some food for the kids. Ounce they got their hands on the food, Viktor and Raven devoured the food like a pack of wild hyenas. They finished all the food in 5 minutes, sporting big bellies as a result.

Viktor and Raven then chimed, "Thanks!! We finally got some food. Its probably best we head on home now. "

" Alright, but you'd best remember to never let me catch either of you guys sleeping in the library again, or I'm going to give you guys the Iron Fist of Love!! "

Raven then said, " Even a cute little girl like me? "

" Yes, even a cute girl like you. Just like the protagonist of a fantasy series that I love, Kazuma Sato, I believe in true gender equality. I'll smack anyone, be they a man or a woman if they deserve it. Mwa ha ha ha, you can't rely on your cuteness to escape Justice! "

Viktor and Raven then headed back to the orphanage. After arriving in Viktors room and closing the door, Raven then asked peeved, " Could you explain to me what the hell just happened? I had to embarrass myself trying to cover the fact you were sleeping and it still didn't work. Now I'm on the professor's radar and I'd rather not have to feel his Iron Fist of Love like you often do."

Viktor laughed sheepily, " Yeah, I might've went just a little overboard."

Raven looks at him with her eyebrow raised, " Just a little, huh?"

"OK, I went way overboard. Instead of just purely memorizing the content, I tried to understand it as well at the same time. It turns out that while memorization doesn't take that much out of me, understanding and analyzing the content does, especially when I tried to do it at the same pace as memorizing.I promise it won't happen again."

Raven channeled her inner Nami and punched Viktor, crying as she did it.

Viktor then exclaimed, " What the hell, why did you... " Then he realized that Raven was in tears.

" Do you have any idea how worried I was ? I just saw you collapse out of nowhere. It took everything I had to not tell the professor everything and try to get you medical attention. Don't you ever do that again, do you understand me?! "

Viktor gulped, " Yes ma'am, I understand."

Raven yawned, " Good, now it's getting late. We should get some sleep and figure this situation out tomorrow."

Then Raven left, heading to her room to go sleep. Viktor also seemingly went to sleep.