
One piece :Jane's third reincarnation

magic emperor reincarnated in planet earth.  live a normal life lives and has a big family and after 90 years on his deathbed he remembers deep in his heart that he still longs for magic and regrets that he did not train physically in his previous life. After dying bitterly, he finds himself in a world he never expected to..... I hope you'll support me in a comment for this.novel to add and correct if I have mistakes in order to get better. (^_-) Important note : I do not have any rights to the story or characters One Piece, and credit to its authors The cover is made by me with pictures taken from the Internet. This is my first novel. I hope fans support a comment to become a write-in pusher. (^_-)

ichigo7ma · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
9 Chs

Dimensions Store

"Why after the pocket has an official in the first place?"

Jane looked at her with a clear doubt on his face.

"Of course to help you. Because I'm literally in charge of the dimension store, you don't have a cheating system but you just have a dimension store. You can buy some things but you can't earn EXP from killing people or animals.

simplified as a half-system "

The cat concluded as she preyed on her new body.

After Jane absorbed her words he smiled,

"If I can buy anything from the store"

She looked at him as she raised her palms on his face to shut up. She knew what was on his mind.

"You can't buy things from a non-world like the Sinzo pill from the DBS world or Sharingen from NARUTO."

Amal Jane came out, sitting as he put his finger on the floor and drew randomly. The cat looked at him and noticed. How bleak. She laughed and then said.

"You can only buy items with dimensions from this world."

The pocket turned to her and then angrily answered,

"Why would it be called a dimensional store if I couldn't buy something from the world?"

Jane looked at her with apparent indignation on his face.

The cat almost jumped and kicked his head, but she had her nerves.

"Don't rush. I'm not done yet. The dimension pocket should be upgraded to Level 4 so you can buy some things from non-worlds. "

"Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.

He answered her enthusiastically as he jumped on his feet. optimism.

I looked at his point like a little boy on the outside and on the inside. Then she sighed and met.

"Promotion to level two is the defeat of all Shishibukai."

Jane looked at him and turned his face green.

"What the hell are you kidding me?"

He started jumping out of the rampage but unlike now jumps out of his discomfort and anger.

The cat expected this sudden behaviour from him and then followed him and did not care if he did not listen to it.

"You must be defeated. [Jiko Moria] [Jeenby] [Dunquichot do Flamingo] [Crocodile]

[Boa Hancock] [Bartholomew Kuma]

"،[Dracule Mihawk]

He calmed down after hearing her words and his mouth twitching.

"If what are the requirements for the third level upgrade"

He's muttering.

She said with a nice laugh and a demonic smile.

"Are you sure you want to know?"

"No. I know your answer is shit. I don't want to listen.

"I don't want to change the schedule, especially the Lofi crew's itinerary because if I kill Crocodile how much stronger Lofi should get if he doesn't exist, and when Robin leaves. with CP9. How will he save it if I remove the obstacle he was supposed to face, well either kill him after Lofi defeats him, or defeat them on remote and abandoned islands send Shichibukai

In which I say that I will not care less if the world government learns of their loss in the challenge because they will not expose themselves, especially Shichibukai '

He laughed after calculating his brazen plan as he thought of Hancock and her beauty as he smiled foolishly, when he noticed the cat that looked like a dog and a cat whether he looked down on him. Like she knew what was going through his risk,

After thinking a little bit about the subject,

"How do I buy from the dimension pocket then and what are its requirements?"

He asked what came in his mind.

I responded to him sitting down.

"As you already know, each side has different proportions of the meanings of office and power.

The General is a pirate group represented by a whole system quite different from the General.

In Government and Justice (Maritime)

General Dragon and Sabo Chairman of the Staff

They are not equal by force.

In front of General General Kong and Admiral Fleet Acaino

The UNIFIL system has been developed as follows.

After we understand the previous speech, we will conclude:

Navy and Chipukai = Four Pillars

What does this mean?

As we said, each emberger has a full fleet, and three generals like his pirate powers,

In practice, the Navy has three most powerful leaders and is headed by Commander IV.

They won't tackle that huge amount of power alone.

Oda included the seven sea princes' chibukai system as a type of mercenary pirate,

which the Government uses as a benefit for pirates in return for its support in emergency situations.

When we speak of a world government with large institutions and areas of influence and ownership under its path,

It will not be fair in confrontation with the lawless,

It's like saying that 6 terrorists should be met by 6 security men:????

No way, the State will do all possible means of not losing it.

For any material or human losses.

For this reason, the outlaw was represented by a war that brought together all its forces;

For the sake of the least possible losses

It is Marin Ford's war against Edward Newgate.

The Navy did lose some spirits and land, but came out with a landslide win.

And that's what we can represent in our reality.

6 terrorists, for example, would be a complete nuisance.

They can even stop the movement of a whole city while all the security forces come in.

Or a whole squad to annihilate this gang cell.

Let us move on to calculate how much point you earn from the Navy's defeat. or pirate. or. equivalent catcher "

She went on to say!

* Seaman recruited or beginner sailor like Kobe two years ago

Or regular pirate 15 points *

* Secondary officer rank, slightly veteran pirate

30 points *

* Row officer or developing force after two years

40 points *

* Rank banner holder or Mr. 1 from Baroque Works 60 points *

* Captain or lieutenant commander rank such as Captain Morgan or Kobe after two years or Cavendish 80 points *

* Admiral's rank of deputies or the power of Yonko Shirohige

130pts *

* Admiral rank such as Kizarro, Okegi and Akayino two years ago

250 points *

* Fleet rank such as Senjuku two years ago and Akayino after two years 450 points *

"Each one you beat earns points and these points you buy them.

from the dimension store "

He nodded thinking. That's at least a good thing.

Points are not a karma. Or earn it by

He doesn't want to walk it. He may have saved many. But he wouldn't have enough confidence if the points were the catchphrase he had when he was Emperor of Magic.

At this moment, his eyes caught with clear enthusiasm and excitement.

"I won't say I'm not interested in... One piece... But I want to become the most powerful creature in the world, even stronger than Caido "

The cat marveled at his sudden speech but smiled at his enthusiasm.

"So what happened when your soul entered the box?"

It was as if a bucket of cold water had spilled over his head. Then it freezes.

He answers them. He answers it after looking at the fruit loathingly,

"My soul entered the devil's fruit. She seemed desperate to want to suck my soul for survival. That's what I thought.

"At first when I came across him. I knew that every 100 years if someone didn't eat devil fruit, the devil inside could get free of fruit and come back where it came from. "

The cat looked at Jane's surprise at the information she was hearing and ascertained that there was no such information in the anime. Because she has the same memory as Jane, to know how to deal with him, because their journey has just begun,

"But what does the withdrawal of your soul have to do with the return of demonic fruit where it came from?"

"I understood that she was locked in the box and had a seal that she could not break even if she came out. It seems this shrine was to make sure she never goes out into the world again. From what I know she was. about 123 years old ".

"Wait! Didn't you say that demonic fruit can't live more than 100 years? How did it survive ".

Jane looked at the open box looking at the fruit with shit. Then he sighed and answered.

"This devil fruit is a bit special, it was stealing the lives of those who found this place for survival. This cat appears to be pulling bodies after the devil's fruit eats the spirit of the intruder.

So you don't get suspicious. When someone else enters this place. The body is received in the shrine's basin, the body is dissolved and some of the Hakki are taken out. to continue to strengthen this place unbeknownst to him and to extract and extract the excess hake for himself ".

The cat looked at him with bemusement and whispering.

"This is a bit abnormal."

Jane heard it, "I know it's impossible, but what happened, I saw it with your eyes."

He answered it somewhat seriously because he remembered the creeping feeling.

"I inherited your memories, but nothing like this happened in the anime, right?"

I asked him suspiciously.

Jane said to understand her intention.

"I know it's a little exaggerated, but this demonic fruit is stronger than Yami Yami Nu Mi's

. Marshall de Tetch. "

I thought about his words. Then I remembered.

"You haven't told me yet how to break free from devil fruit if you eat the souls of those who came here before."

She looked at him with her eyes half open.

"I don't know how to describe it to you but. He seemed afraid of something in my soul and I don't know what it is. "

He told her frankly because he actually didn't know. It could be because he lived 3 lives, or maybe it was his soul. So powerful that a demonic fruit in a weak state cannot devour its soul, perhaps refining its spirit from the cycles of reincarnation,

After looking at it,

"By the way, are you a cat or a dog?"

Jane asked her,

"This mink seems to be a hybrid."

Jane understood what she was trying to say.

"By the way, what's your name, I haven't asked yet."

I asked Jane looking at the cat.

"I don't have a name."

"Well, your name from today is Sura, and symbolizes the high status and the high, clear sky,"

The cat smiled at her new name,

"At least a decent name. I look forward to working with you, Captain. "

"I'm doing the same thing, Sura."

I asked. Sura Jane suddenly,

"So what's your plan from now on, Captain?

"Of course to find treasures and undiscovered devil fruits. Like this. And find one piece. Return to half immortality or attain immortality. "

It looked like his enthusiasm was on fire like Sanji.

"Let's sail to our destination."

"Where are we going, Captain?"

Sura interrupted his speech as she looked at him.

Jane's words stopped in his throat, then he reddened his face from embarrassment, and then answered hastily to change the subject. ،

"Adventure, of course, I didn't identify a face, which is why adventure becomes when we discover the unknown."

He answered seriously.

The cat smiled at his embarrassment.

The boat sailed to an unknown destination.

Jane doesn't know he's gonna meet someone. From the new world. In this east blue sea.

A person who fought against Gol D. Roger, and is still alive

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

ichigo7macreators' thoughts