

On an island in the West Blue.

The sun still shone brightly in the sky.

The sound of waves ebbing and flowing echoed against the white sandy beach.

The sea breeze rustled dry leaves from the trees, but before they could touch the ground, they froze.

"Ice Block: Pheasant Beak!" came the lethal skill of a lazy-voiced man.

Simultaneously, a giant bird made of ice soared swiftly, freezing anything in its path.

A young man with black hair, not yet 25 years old, panted as he avoided the deadly attack.

He wore knee-length trousers and an open brown jacket. A gleaming cutlass, one meter in length, was held in his hand, and a flintlock was holstered at his waist.

Using his newly awakened Observation Haki, he managed to dodge.

However, the onslaught from the Navy admiral didn't stop there. When the giant ice bird crashed into the ground, a bone-chilling aura spread rapidly, capable of freezing human bones.

"ARGHH!!" the young man cried out as his feet began to freeze.

He nearly unable to escape the deadly fate.

He rolled on the ground, trying to get away from the spreading deadly attack.


His body came to a halt as his back slammed against a large tree, causing air to rush out of his lungs.

Despite looking pathetic, his eyes still showed a determined spirit as he gazed at his approaching enemy.

His mouth clenched tightly, his teeth chattering to resist the creeping cold from his frozen feet.

His trained instincts, honed through various life and death experiences, told him that there was not even a one percent chance of winning this fight.

"Oh~ still alive, huh? Uuu… you're really troublesome, just like a cockroach~" came the lazy, deep voice again, mocking or perhaps just annoyed by his weak yet persistent adversary.

The young man stood up again, gripping his cutlass tightly and facing his enemy.

He knew his opponent's terrifying name: Kuzan, known as Aokiji, one of the three Navy admirals.

That's what he heard from his friend, who was currently crying and screaming behind him.

"Eto! Enough already! Get out of here! I don't need your help!" he heard repeatedly, making the young man named Eto feel irritated.

"Hmm~ Perhaps you should listen to what she says, you know~ There's no way you can defeat me with your current strength~ If you don't interfere, maybe I'll let you go, maybe~" Aokiji replied lazily, a tone that had become familiar to Eto's ears.

But Eto, like a deaf person, didn't hear the words of the two.

He had no time to heed his friend's advice or Aokiji's annoying lazy voice. Neither of them had the right to command him to do anything.

In this sea, he would live according to his own wishes all for the sake of achieving his dream.

A dream that gave meaning to his life, which had previously felt meaningless.

Eto stomped his frozen feet hard into the ground, crushing the frozen clumps of ice and tearing his skin.

Although the pain was so severe that it could make even the toughest man scream tears, Eto easily ignored it.

Pain was familiar to him; he had known it since he was young and lived with it into adulthood.

With one stomp, Eto rushed quickly towards Aokiji like teleporting. His cutlass remained steady, and his swift strikes aimed for Aokiji's neck. "Soru? Where did you learn that?"

"Ice Saber!" By blowing air from his mouth, a long ice saber appeared in Aokiji's hand, deflecting Eto's cutlass strike.

Knowing his attack could easily be blocked, Eto had prepared his next move.

In the blink of an eye, Eto grabbed the flintlock from his waist and shot it at Aokiji's head.

*Bang! *Bang! *Bang!

Three bullets lodged into Aokiji's face, but the damage caused was negligible because his head became ice.

Eto landed on the ground and immediately kicked at Aokiji's knees, but all he found was Aokiji's legs turned to ice.

Eto's kick succeeded in breaking Aokiji's ice legs, but it didn't affect Aokiji's balance at all.

Eto clicked his tongue and quickly leaped back to avoid Aokiji's ice saber strike.

"Sword Bullet!" With movements too fast to be seen, Eto stabbed his sword into the air three times.

"Now it's high-level shigan?" chimed Aokiji.

Simultaneously, wind bullets shot out rapidly, aiming for Aokiji's head, abdomen, and thighs. But the admiral dodged them with ease, indicating that his Observation Haki far surpassed Eto's.

Eto charged forward again, slashing rapidly with his cutlass.

Aokiji parried Eto's attacks with his ice saber, occasionally looking very sleepy, almost yawning.

But Eto didn't feel insulted by Aokiji's lack of seriousness; he knew their levels of strength were vastly different.

In a matter of seconds, they exchanged a hundred blows and attacks.

Some parts of Eto's body were frozen and covered in ice, but he didn't stop his onslaught.

His frozen skin shattered and fell to the ground as his body continued to move.

Covered in blood, anyone who saw him would know the immense pain he was enduring, yet his gleaming black eyes showed no sign of doubt.

Aokiji, gazing lazily, began to feel impressed by this young man. Someone who knew there was no chance of winning yet still fought on deserved respect.

Whether out of foolishness or stubbornness, those unafraid of facing death were usually the ones who could endure in this harsh sea.

Aokiji also noticed that as the fight went on, Eto's movements became smoother and faster.

Attacks that Aokiji could easily read at first now became highly uncertain, to the point where if he wasn't a Logia user, he'd have to be careful about receiving them.

Until a powerful kick to Eto's abdomen sent him flying. The force of the kick was so strong that Eto's body crashed into a large tree, piercing through it instead of stopping.

Eto rolled on the ground, clearly showing the severity of the damage he had taken. But with lightning speed, Eto rose and charged back towards Aokiji.

Seeing this, Aokiji yawned, his ice saber disappeared, and he no longer blocked Eto's attacks. Eto's rapid saber strikes pierced through Aokiji's body, but he received no damage.

This was the characteristic of a Logia fruit, something Eto had never encountered before today.

Nevertheless, Eto continued to attack like a machine with no off switch and an endless supply of energy. Aokiji only looked at Eto with his lazy eyes, his right hand raised and slowly approaching Eto's head.

Eto sensed the danger of Aokiji's approaching hand, but he had no choice but to keep attacking.

This was all he knew; he wasn't as clever as his friend who knew how to fight cunningly. Only his cutlass in his hand was what he could trust in this fight, and he wouldn't betray that trust.

Somehow, Eto felt like he was getting closer to something, a hidden power, much like when he mastered Observation Haki.

"Just a little more," Eto whispered in his heart.

"Just a little more, and I'll be able to hurt him!"

Eto felt like he was looking at a huge door in front of him that he couldn't open. He had the key, but he still couldn't unlock it. It frustrated him. That's why now, for some reason, he felt like he might be able to open that door.

"Just a little more," Eto whispered once again.

"Ara~ Ara~ What's just a little more? Hasn't this fight already ended?" Aokiji's voice snapped Eto back to reality.

He lifted his head and saw Aokiji's towering figure blocking his view.

Aokiji's hand, once moving slowly, now gripped Eto's head firmly.

Eto stopped swinging his cutlass and stared into Aokiji's eyes with unwavering confidence. There was no fear in his eyes, only a strong sense of self-assurance.

"Whatever you're going to do, believe me, I won't die!" Eto said slowly.

"Oh, what a dreadful look in your eyes," Aokiji said with a smirk expression that had never been seen before.

Then his expression reverted to the usual lazy one, as he said in his deep voice, "Ice Time!"

And Eto's entire body was encased in ice.

"ETOOO!!" screamed the girl who had been Eto's companion for seven years.

Aokiji no longer paid attention to the frozen Eto in front of him. He began to walk slowly towards the girl.

There was no haste in his steps because he knew there was no escape for this girl.

This girl was the same girl who, fifteen years ago, had been saved by his friend, Jaguar D. Saul, at the cost of his own life. Aokiji didn't know why Saul had risked his life to save this girl, but out of respect for his friend's last request, Aokiji let the girl go.

The girl eventually became known as the "Devil Child" Nico Robin.

For fifteen years, Aokiji had observed Robin's life from afar without interfering or helping her. The little girl grew up betraying everyone around her.

That continued until seven years ago when she met Eto.

At first, Aokiji didn't care about Robin and Eto, assuming Robin would eventually betray Eto like she had betrayed others in the past. However, their companionship lasted for seven years.

But as he promised to Saul before Aokiji will do not do anything to this girl until she do something that force him to move.

Until one day, Robin and Eto launched an attack on a Marine ship carrying secret information.

Hearing about this, Aokiji immediately went to intercept Robin and Eto, who at the time were heading towards the Grand Line. In the blink of an eye, Aokiji froze Robin's legs, but Eto, moving faster, managed to evade.

Aokiji thought Eto would leave Robin at that moment, and perhaps Robin thought the same. But neither of them ever expected Eto to attack Aokiji.

And so, their duel began and ended now.

"Robin..." Aokiji addressed Robin, who knelt helplessly before him.

Robin neither answered nor lifted her head to look at Aokiji.

But Aokiji paid no mind to Robin's behavior and continued, "What's your reason for not leaving immediately? Shouldn't you be able to save yourself? I know if you sacrifice that young man, you'll be able to escape my pursuit and head to the Grand Line."

Robin remained silent, only bowed with an expression Aokiji couldn't discern.

"Hmm~" Aokiji's intention to find an answer faded.

It was time for him to finish the task that had been pending for fifteen years. At least he had given Robin time to live, and that also meant he had fulfilled his debt to Saul.

As Aokiji had told Robin at that time, if she tried anything, he would be the first to catch her.

In the blink of an eye, a spear of ice formed in Aokiji's hand.

With a single swing, the pointed end of the spear aimed swiftly at Robin's abdomen. Aokiji had no intention of killing Robin; he would only imprison her in Impel Down.

But before the ice spear could pierce Robin's abdomen, a sudden black shadow swiftly intercepted its path.


The ice spear pierced Eto's abdomen, which suddenly appeared in front of Aokiji.

Before the tip of the ice spear could touch Robin, Eto grabbed it tightly, stopping its advance. Aokiji's eyes widened in surprise at Eto's unexpected arrival.

Aokiji should have been able to perceive the movement of Eto, but he was too relaxed to fully utilize Observation Haki, and besides, the Eto had no intention of attacking him.

"Ara~ Ara~ Truly like a cockroach~ How can you still be alive in your condition?" Aokiji asked in amazement.

Eto, who stood before him, no longer looked fine. Half of his body was destroyed, with skin missing, leaving a view of his muscles covered in blood.

With half of his face missing, he looked terrifying. But his black eyes still showed toughness and resilience as he smiled at Aokiji.

With a firm grip on the ice spear piercing his abdomen, Eto threw a punch, which was now blackened. Aokiji was once again surprised and allowed the blackened fist to strike his cheek.


Aokiji was thrown far, his body flying and crashing into a large rock, shattering it.

"Eto..." Robin's voice was heard along with her tearful eyes.

"Robin, are you still alive?" Eto asked, relief evident in his smile.

"Eto, your half body, your abdomen... why?" sobs began to be heard.

"Robin, what do you mean why?"

"WHY? Why didn't you leave me? Why are you still here? WHY? WHY? WHY?!!" Robin cried out with a hoarse voice, tears streaming down her face.

Hearing that, Eto flinched, still not turning to see his friend. He answered, "Oi, Oi, Oi, Robin, what the hell? Why are you shouting like this? Did you just return to your puberty phase? Ugh... You really give me goosebumps..." Eto hugged himself, showing that he was trembling.

Hearing Eto's response, still able to joke despite his shattered body, Robin grimaced. "Just answer me!"

"The hell? Robin, you don't have the right to command me! I—"


Suddenly, the boulder where Aokiji had fallen exploded.

Along with the flying dust and gravel, Aokiji's lazy voice could be heard, "Hmm~ I don't intend to interrupt your flirting session, but it seems I have a question of my own for the young man over there~"

Aokiji walked leisurely, patting his Marine coat.

He seemed to feel nothing from Eto's recent punch, which caused Eto's forehead to furrow. However, upon closer inspection, a slight bruise could be seen on Aokiji's left cheek, which quickly disappeared due to his strong body regeneration.

At the moment, Eto no longer had the strength to fight Aokiji.

Even opening his eyes required immense effort. Therefore, Eto didn't immediately attack as before.

He prioritized protecting Robin, who was behind him.

"Young man... Ah~ Your name is Eto, right?

"Then~ Eto, what makes you fight?

"What are you aiming for in this ocean?

"What is your dream?

"Do you know who the woman you're protecting is? She is Nico Robin, the Devil Child.

"She lives by betraying those who protect her.

"In the end, you will also end up like those who became victims of her salvation.

"Why do you want to protect her?"

Without showing any alertness, Aokiji asked lazily but seriousness still can be felt from his tone.

Eto didn't immediately answer; he stared at Aokiji with narrowed eyes, making sure the Marine admiral had no intention of attacking when he was off guard.

Well... even so, Eto knew that he was no longer able to fight Aokiji.

Even though he now had the ability to hurt Aokiji now, the difference in their strength was still too great. But Eto wasn't afraid, even if this was the end of his life.

With a smirk on his lips, Eto pressed his waist and pointed towards Aokiji.

"Heh... You're all the same. Always telling me to do something as if you have the right to command me! But I'll be kind enough to answer your question!

"The reason I protect Robin is because we are the same!

"We were both born alone in this world, and we both live alone in this world!

"I understand the loneliness Robin feels because it's the same loneliness I've felt all this time.

"I understand Robin's distrust of the world because I also view the world in the same way.

"I am Robin, and Robin is me.

"Protecting Robin is the same as protecting myself!

"My dream?

"The reason I fight?

"Listen and imprint this in your rotten brain!



The laziness vanished from Aokiji's tone, and even now his eyes widened.

It wasn't just because of how ridiculous Eto's dream sounded, but also because he sensed a great momentum from the young man.

It was the same momentum he felt from those who currently held the highest positions in this vast ocean: the momentum of Conqueror's Haki.

It wasn't unknown to Aokiji that those who possessed Conqueror's Haki were individuals with grand dreams. The bigger someone's dream, the greater their Conqueror's Haki is as they say.

But the question remained: could Conqueror's Haki be possessed by someone whose dream was simply to find a wife?

For the first time, Aokiji realized the vastness of the sea.

Robin, feeling the immense aura emanating from Eto's body, was also surprised. However, this wasn't the first time she heard about Eto's dream. A dream she had always dismissed as Eto's jests.

But in this life-and-death situation, it was impossible for Eto to be joking, right?

Yet, Eto seemed to have lost awareness of their presence. He was deeply immersed in his fantasy.

In a state where he could die in an instant, Eto wanted to shout to the world about his grand dream that had accompanied him since childhood.

"I don't want to live alone anymore!

"I want someone to be with me through good and bad, in sickness and in health! To be with me from today forward, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, until death do us part!

"Every day, I wake up waiting for my wife to come. I want to meet her, but I know in this cruel ocean, the only unforgivable sin is weakness.

"That's why I fight, that's why I endure, that's why I train, that's why I become strong.

"If I can't protect Robin, who just like myself, then how weak am I to protect my future wife!

"If I'm so weak and die here, then it's better than dying because of my weakness in being unable to protect my future wife!


Eto's voice reverberated, filling every corner of the island, which lay devastated and frozen from their previous battle.

Robin was left speechless, stunned by the enormity of Eto's dream, which she had previously scoffed at and considered a mere joke.

Today, she felt that her dream of finding the Rio Poneglyph was much smaller compared to Eto's dream of finding a wife. Because today, she had decided to give up, unlike Eto, who continued to fight even alone.

Robin's hand reached forward, grasping what remained of Eto's jacket. She no longer cared about her frozen legs or the stinging sensation from her torn skin. Robin hugged Eto tightly from behind.

"Eto, forgive me for underestimating your dream all this time. If we both survive this, then I will help make your dream a reality. Maybe not entirely, but you have to help me achieve my dream while I fulfill half of yours," Robin whispered with a beautiful smile on her face.

"Huh? What are you saying, Robin? I told you! you don't have the right—"

"HAHAHAHA," laughter echoed from Aokiji.

There was no more laziness in his expression; his eyes showed admiration for the young man who was so weak to him at the moment.

"Well, Eto... If that's truly your dream, then try to survive this attack. If you manage to survive, then I will let you and Robin live today. Until we meet again in the future, then don't expect any mercy from me!"

"You're saying that again. I told you not to command me so casually!"

Aokiji just smiled, his palms touching the ground.

"Farewell, Young Man~ ICE AGE!"

And then, the entire island and tens of kilometers of sea around it froze.

Just give me stone and read my other story especially my new story : Pendant of War.

BugatiCatFormcreators' thoughts