

The protagonist was not Devil Fruit user

master1983 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
4 Chs

chapter 2

The next morning I took a bath & there is no soap only river water though. I have 2 spares of clothing & pair of pants. So my living conditions was poor. Sabo & Ace brought gigantic dead boar. I come to them & clean the boar for roasted. I have giant bear strength could lift the boar alone. I cut the boat into 4 pieces equally & marinated it with honey. There is a bit of wild spice bear by the tree house. I mixed with a of salt. Technically there is cooking oil from animal fat. So I kept the boar fat for making self made cooking oil. Right now I am concentrating on roasted this boar. I could see 3 brat drooling their saliva waiting for the meat. Without waiting all 3 of them eat their share after I finished cooking. 4 of us have stomach full. It was pleasantly good breakfast. I planning to practice my abilities a bit. I become huge giant American Eagle & flew above searching for prey. I caught 2 medium size cow nearby the mountains. I bring it to our tree house. The cow was still alive just a bit small injuries. I wanted to Breed this cow for milk posture farm. I also discovered natural herb farm in the forest. It was about 3 acres of land full of spices. Wow there is wild mint, parsley & so on. There is humongous sugarcane. I never thought one piece have this plant. I bet those 3 brat didn't know about plant at all. It was paradise in disguise. There is chocolate tree hidden beneath the caves. Wow it was so delicious, I planning to keep it secret from Luffy otherwise there is nothing left. 😂 It was fun adventures. I transform into snake & catch ton of fresh fish on the river & I caught gigantic crocodiles too. I can transform into King Class Mountain Bear enough crushed this crocodiles like ant..No problem. I kept the crocodile skin & dehydrated it. The meat was a bit stink but there is a lot of spices solved this problem. There is also noodle plant at the farm as well. So I can make fried noodles with crocodiles meat. I marinated the leftover meat for dinner. I have made large stone stove replace the fire pit. It can cook faster than roasted direct fire. Luckily there is kitchen tool presume that Sabo brought from his house. Anyway all food stock was kept under clean place & there is 5 used barrel for storing the food. I asked Ace & Sabo to find more empty barrel from Makino Tavern. I know about it from Luffy mouth. 😁 Luffy is totally meat foodies.

Sabo asked me why not killed the cow? I told him, cow produce milk. Milk can produce cheese or butter. Milk is good for bone. I also make water filter for drinking water. There is fresh fruit in the jungles. I can make fruit juices too. Since we are still kids, there is a dangerous risk of ambushed & robbery. So by having enough food stock. They can trained without worrying no food. All 3 brats is nodded. After 1 week, I have killed all those dangerous animal near by our tree house. There is a lot of animal skin for making leather suit or pants. The teeth can be made for dagger. The claw similar to. All the bone are crush into powder for make soup powder. Ace asked me whether I could become his chef. Sabo & Luffy also asked me the same question. I just told them I loved too but I am only one person can't work for 3 of them unless they are same group. Luffy frustrated & shout he will become Pirate King so he insisted that I become his crew. Both Sabo & Ace got headaches. After few argument & later they laughed. Luffy is a bit funny when stuck at the tree. Frankly I didn't even know what happened in the future. I still weak can't protect them. I need to start learning Haki ASAP. I have determined to do this for keep those 3 happy smiles. I only have them in this life. Small step I need to transform into Emperor Class size too. At least I could crush 10 marine battleship with slap. I am not confident in Lord Class transformation because it was similar to Lord Class Sea King under Mermaid Princess Shirahoshi.