
One Piece Gold List: The Strongest Teacher!

Follow Rifan our mc on the world of pirates as he changes the fate of his disciples. —read the Auxiliary for more info. .... ... ... ... [Tl/n: Support us on our Patreon if you want to read more chapters. [Patre0n.com/LazySeeker]] We're recruiting! We're looking for talented individuals to join our team to help us pump out high-quality chapters and pick up new series! Our current open positions are: > *Translators* > - 1$ per chapter > - Must be fluent in English, no previous translation experience is required so long as you pass our test. If you have any questions or want to submit the test, dm me on my discord: MyYandereWife#6736 Ps: There are still two open spots.

Novelette_Seeker · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
571 Chs

Chapter 429: Next List—

—"Oh? It actually gave me three Zanpakutō?" Looking at the three "virtual" Zanpakutō that suddenly appeared in front of him, Rifan grinned,

"Interesting, the golden list is really generous, giving me three directly." 

"However, if this is used by an ordinary person, liberating one Zanpakutō alone will be problematic if he/she has not much physical strength.

"If this thing can be like the Zanpakutō in my hand, it will allow people to unlock spiritual power."

Unlike the Zanpakutō handed to Mihawk and Whitebeard that cannot open up the human Reiatsu, Rifan Zanpakutō can unlock the human reiatsu. 

But unfortunately, the three Zanpaktō given to him by the golden list don't have the same capabilities as his Zanpaktō. 

Instead, it consumes human stamina to use the relevant skills of the original holder of Zanpakutō.

From this point of view to Rifan, although the strength can be kept consistent, the efficiency is a lot worse.

At this time, Rifan was already thinking about how to enable his disciples to turn on Reiatsu.

As the rows of golden letters fell, a screen dedicated to the demonstration of the power of the three Zanpakutō appeared in the golden list.

The first to bear the brunt is the image of Grimmjow Liberation [Pantera].

After the demo screen of [Leopard King] was over, immediately followed by the demos of [Supernal Shark Empress] and [The Wolves].

Looking at the leopard claws that cover the sky and the sun from [Pantera], the water blade that cuts through the sky from [Supernal Shark Empress] and [The Wolves] the uninterrupted and continuous Cero attack, everyone watching the Golden List had their eyes widened one by one.

[Red-haired Shanks: Good guy, Whitebeard just got himself a Zanpakutō, and now Rifan has got three of them directly, and without challenge, he unlocked the permission to liberate Zanpakutō directly! Should I say as expected from the ranked 1st reward?! ]

[Hawkeye Mihawk: The "virtual" Zanpakutō? It seems to be very different from the Zanpakutō that Whitebeard and I have. ]

[Dark King Rayleigh: The release of power is also different, there is always a power that is opposite to Zangetsu and Hōzukimaru. ]

[Charlotte Smoothie: Rifan should know something. ]

[Rifan: The Zanpakutō of my sword, and the Zanpakutō obtained by Whitebeard and Hawkeye belong to the two opposing teams. It is normal that there is a difference. ]

[Whitebeard Newgate: It turns out to be the case. Then, Rifan, this Zanpaktō should not be of much use to you, are you planning to give it to your disciples?]

[Rifan: You don't have to worry about this, Whitebeard. ]

After replying, Rifan took the three Zanpakutōs back into his treasure house. 

For these three Zanpakutō, although they can be called excellent among the excellent, but the inability to unlock spiritual power is always a shortcoming.

If nothing unexpected happens, Rifan is more inclined to take out the Zanpakutō he got from the system.

It's just that the only Zanpakutō he possesses that can turn on Reiatsu are Sode no Shirayuki, which can neutralize everything, and Ryūjin Jakka, the strongest flame.

But those two swords are really inconvenient for his disciples to use.

Especially Ryūjin Jakka, after all, this sword, if the holder is not strong enough, it is very likely that it will hurt the user.

-[The Ability List] has been announced, and the [Power List] will be announced after January.

--[Power List] Judgment is based on reputation, strength, and location power. 

[Tl/n: Suggestion for new name of the Power List is much appreciated.] 

- Stay tuned!

As the three-line golden characters fell, the golden list that had lasted for several hours suddenly dissipated, leaving behind a trail of golden fluorescence.

Im: "Is the Power List judged based on reputation, strength, and location Power? The World Government should be among the best. The only opponent should be the power of Rifan."

Thinking of the strength and reputation of Rifan and Rifan's disciples, Im frowned tightly.

If they are talking about the location, Rifan lost to the World Government, but now Rifan is well-known, and his strength is known to all the people of the world. 

If the World Government wants to beat Rifan on the [Power List], even Im finds it very difficult.

"Is it the Power List?" TheBlonde Elder tapped his fingers on the desk rhythmically. "The World Government has more than 170 participating countries and is the largest international organization in the world today.

"We have Marines, Scientific Forces, Enies Lobby, and CIPHER-POL all over the world.

"Even though we are not as good as Rifan in strength, we are better than Rifan in terms of territorial influence!" 

"Perhaps, we may get first place on the [Power List]!"

Hearing this, the elder with a long beard nodded in agreement.

"Rifan, and his disciples are strong, but they radiate to only a dozen islands.

"Even the Four Emperors Pirates have more territory than Rifan has."

"In comparison, we have an absolute advantage on the site! "

"We deserve the first place!"