
One Piece Gold List: The Strongest Teacher!

Follow Rifan our mc on the world of pirates as he changes the fate of his disciples. —read the Auxiliary for more info. .... ... ... ... [Tl/n: Support us on our Patreon if you want to read more chapters. [Patre0n.com/LazySeeker]] We're recruiting! We're looking for talented individuals to join our team to help us pump out high-quality chapters and pick up new series! Our current open positions are: > *Translators* > - 1$ per chapter > - Must be fluent in English, no previous translation experience is required so long as you pass our test. If you have any questions or want to submit the test, dm me on my discord: MyYandereWife#6736 Ps: There are still two open spots.

Novelette_Seeker · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
571 Chs

Chapter 367: Limbo: Border Jail—!

[Beast Kaido: Golden Lion, this guy is stupid.]

[Red-haired Shanks: Seeing his expression, he seems quite surprised. ]

[Iron Fist Garp: Hmph, it's rare to see this guy's expression like this; I have to say, it makes me happy. I've made the tea and have my favourite senbei and waiting for the good show to continue. ]

[Dark King Rayleigh: You, Marine and Shiki have a grudge; you are definitely in a good mood. ]

[Whitebeard Newgate: But, anyway, the power of Shiki is still there. Although there were twists and turns, he could control the two meteorites. As expected, his strength became the same as before after his injury was healed. ]

[Sabo: Huh?! Those are MetalTyrannomon, Angewomon and LadyDevimon of Rifan?! Could it be said that Rifan plans to let them also take action?!]

[Big Mom Charlotte Linlin: I'm really surprised; Rifan actually sent these three Digimon. At this moment, Shiki is completely finished.]

[Sengoku: Rifan sent these Digimon. Is it to take Shiki's Digimon as his own?!]

Through the screen of the golden list, Sengoku and others clearly saw the three figures flying towards Hancock from below.

Seeing these three Digimon, no one thought Shiki could escape this time.

After all, MetalTyrannomon is an Ultimate Digimon, and its strength itself can compete with the Admiral.

Needless to say, Angewomon and LadyDevimon can emerge and evolve into the terrifying Mastemon Beast.

Even if no one has ever seen the Mastemon in the real sense, but the Mastemon Beast that even Rifan warned them about, no one thinks that its strength will be weak.

Hancock naturally also noticed the arrival of Angewomon and others.

Hancock, who had originally planned to continue attacking Shiki, frowned and looked at Angewomon and others.

"What are you doing here?"

"I don't need a helper, and Teacher Rifan knows it."

Although Shiki is strong, Hancock is confident that she can easily defeat him.

"Don't get us wrong, Hancock." Angewomon said, "There are many Digimon on the island of this man. In order to prevent the battle between you and him from harming them, we are here to take them away."

"I see." Hancock nodded, "Then you go and do your job, but Golden Lion is my prey, so don't do anything to him."

As soon as Hancock's voice fell, a huge shadow suddenly enveloped Hancock and the others.

Hancock and others looked up. It turned out that after seeing the figure of the MetalTyrannomon and others, Shiki threw two meteorites under his control directly in fear.

"This guy has some power." Hancock squinted her eyes and took a step forward, trying to use her own power to control the meteorite.

But before she could use her power, MetalTyrannomon suddenly passed over Hancock, and at the same time, a flame of fire ignited in the hands of MetalTyrannomon.

"Giga Destroyer II!" MetalTyrannomon screamed, and the fireball with super-high energy between its hands slammed into the meteorite thrown by Shiki.


The moment the energy cannon hit the meteorite, a strong explosion enveloped a small part of the sky, and two huge meteorites were also destroyed into small fragments under the exaggerated power of the MetalTyrannomon, and fell towards the sea.

[Red-haired Shanks: It's so powerful! It's worthy of being an Ultimate Digimon. A meteorite that size can be destroyed with just one move. The firepower of MetalTyrannomon is really amazing. ]

[Fire Fist Ace: Yeah, and it also uses fire. I feel that my fire fist and flames used to fight are entirely different from how Tyrannosaurus used his. ]

[Kaido Kaido: Terrible power; the move just now should not be the limit for MetalTyrannomon. Rifan said that Tyrannosaurus is stronger than the MetalSeaDramon. MetalSeaDramon can drag the battle with Sengoku to such a situation. If MetalTyrannomon takes a shot against Golden Lion, I am afraid he alone will be enough. ]

[Iron Fist Garp: Shiki, this guy is causing trouble everywhere; it is indeed time for him to pay the price. ]

"Hey, MetalTyrannomon, didn't I say not to shoot?" Seeing that the meteorite was destroyed, Hancock frowned and shouted to MetalTyrannomon.

"Um, that, I'm sorry, I accidentally shot it." MetalTyrannomon touched the back of his head and said apologetically, "Well, I'll go there to find other Digimons first, and we will leave Golden Lion to you."

After speaking, MetalTyrannomon rushed to the islands below extremely fast.

"MetalTyrannomon just cares about his companions, don't be too angry." Angewomon glanced at Hancock and said.

"In the battle with that man, you should pay more attention to your safety.

"It should be her paying attention, not killing him." LadyDevimon said with a sneer, "Do you remember Rifan said that don't kill him for now, Hancock?"

After reminding Hancock, LadyDevimon chased after MetalTyrannomon together with Angewomon.

"Of course, I know that I can't kill him now." Hancock pursed her mouth. "However, to prevent him from escaping, it's okay to cut his legs and arms."

After Hancock whispered a word, she suddenly used Rinnegan's repulsive ability to rush to Shiki's side, who was frightened by MetalTyrannomon and others rushing towards his station.

"Golden Lion, where do you want to go?!" Hancock stood in front of Shiki.

"Asshole, what do those guys want?!" Shiki yelled, "Could it be that they want to come and take my Digimons!"

"Are you caring about those now?" Hancock looked at Shiki with cold eyes, "Facing me, are you still in the mood to consider other things? It seems that I did not exert enough pressure on you. In this case, how about you taste this?"

"Limbo: Border Jail!"

Hancock let out a low voice, and beside her, four figures similar to Hancock appeared.

At the moment they appeared, these Hancock used the abilities created by Rinnegan, and each stepped on Moonwalk and rushed towards Shiki.

But Shiki seemed to know nothing, looking at Hancock vigilantly.

It wasn't until these shadows really came close to him that his Observation Haki noticed the strong wind brought by their movement.


The sudden arrival of the shadow, the sudden arrival of the attack, although Shiki reacted in a timely manner, in the end, it was difficult to beat the eighth hand with both fists.

After being hit by a shadow in the abdomen, his whole body flew directly backwards.

To be continued—


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