
haki training

sir Rayleigh what are haki levels what are they divided into

saulo haki are divided into three arment , observation , conqueror ,i can feel that you have three but conqueror has not be awakened .

haki is dividided into quality and quantity

quality is obtained by tempering and although arnment is divided into skills but if you focus on advanced skills your strength of haki will be weak and , quantity of haki is dependent on accumulate and physique .

for example garp uses basic arnment haki but it's super strong and thick quality it even compete with Rogers sword covered with conqueror entalgment he may be strongest arnment haki.

you gaints are difficult to awaken haki but if you can awaken you basically have much more haki ,but it difficult to increase strength of haki.

i listened very carefully , i asked sir does arnment haki cultivate to bones , i asked . Rayleigh took a deep look and said arnent to bones can only be cultivated by too physical powerhouse and the steel bone marshal and garp but it requires talent and accumulate and battles .but it gives a qualitative destructive power.

how to train simmering i asked , then he smiled cunning and said it's ver simple ,to be beaten

then we started training ,that is Rayleigh is quite powerful he beat me very easily and after three months i finally Awakend armed

with adaptive cheat my anti beating resistance increased now the if i want to get hurt Rayleigh should use haki ,but finall abusment not changed .

i have thaught you basica now you should go on your path he said,.

i bowed to him,and said sir Rayleigh i remeber your favour i will repay you in future.

now i talked to Robin fir some time and prepared for my original destination bonjien islands where ussop trained .

after three months of swimming in sea with record pointer i finally found this plants island

for these three months i. trained my endurance and legs by swimming i can see that my legs are stronger than before and body coordination ability increased.

but i realises that i am not still not a month for even seven kings not to mention top powerhouse with my immature simmering and no good skills.

i went on island and took a bite of fruits it's very delicious and tempting suddenly a old man with beetle mask guy named Hercules came to me .

oy gaint kid do you want to die eating food here ,i quickly stopped eating with cold sweat

i thanked man and said about my traing plan .

although the food here is very nutrition but if you fail to exercise you will become fat and be eaten he said ,i asked for his help he thought for a while and agreed .

i want to see how far can you go kid he said.

sir ,can you please help me with another thing i asked him.

what do you want kid can you repeatedly stab me ever day , he dazed by my request it may seem lunatic but i have my reason for this i want to use my adabtibilty cheat to enhance my body eating ability and recovery ability

i want to forge perfect foundation .

i started training, in a jungle you can see a big fat man running and behind him a short masked man chasing hime and motivating him , at first time he stabbed me but it took several days to recover it seems worse than luffy ,but eating and running did not stop for a day i preserved .