
conqueror haki

uncle can I take revenge? ,asked anilu

ok just give them shock treatment but don't kill them give them a shock therapy ,i said

after few hours anilu gave a shock therapy to all islanders ,as he is still a kid he was exhausted ,i helped them to give a beating .

now anilu sat on my shoulder back i started journey on my raft to sky island .

seeing anilus weak physique i decided to give him a training with iron fist of love .after two days i dont know may be it's because of thunder fruit this anilu became very arrogant.

but result was same getting beaten but i feel good after i beat him it's a good feeling to bully anilu.

i must beat this old big man good ,thought anilu .

staring at sky ,feeling good but thinking that i cowardly took Robin to escape without even letting her see her mother last time makes me guilty and made me more determined to protect companions and never let that mistake happen again a,frustrated anger came from heart and as anger erupted a beastly feeling awakend and anilu beside him was fainted .

i quickly came back to senses as i saw anilu unconscious and felt that my conqueror haki was awakened .

although i awakend conqueror but ,i can t use it again as i can't control how to using it conciously .

conqueror haki is must for top powerhouse , i want to be strongest and stronger than white beard i must cultivate haki to top and .

arnment haki be cultivated to top by constant accumulation but conqueror haki cannot be cultivated and even conqueror entalgment is only used as hole cards ,because conqueror hakis consumption is terrifying and it's difficult to develop.

red hair strongest conqueror because

he has a massive amount of conqueror haki which can be seen by him scaring green bull admiral by haki .

anilu beside woke up asked ,uncle what happened ?

i told about haki and types ,he asked excited uncle do i have conqueror haki

boy i dont know whether you have or not ,it's innate .

after two days i went to sky island there without paying money but the angel at entrance didn't stop us .

after i enters i saw a man and horse waiting for me I guess it's gaunefur sky land god .

who are you , its not a place you should come he treated me waringly.

old man who are you ,go aside told anilu arrogantly .

i am God of sky island you two intruders go away from here otherwise i am not welcome he said .

then i am of God of thunder, anilu retorted angrily.

ok man come and fight me , anilu step aside i said .

ok man careful anilu went back ,unwilling.

it's the first battle i want to see how strong i am i , after wards with a shave i came to gaunefur and kiked ,.

too fast gaunfeur thought but liked by massive force he flew back twenty meter and coughing blood .

not bad i thought , although gaunefur is weak but he do have some skills he can fight luffy for some time, he quickly got up and came to me i sensed his position using core and legs quickly squared and got his leg and thrown into island guanfer flew back to middle of island and got planted .

seeing the their got planted , all soilders surrounded me but this time anilu gave shock

and all soilders fell.

after wards i asked about weipa people

soon we reached the weipa people saw a group of people thought i was from sky island surrounded me and after a fight first thought was that they are too weak .