

old man Hercules thank you for everything , i said

gaint boy becareful on sea it's cruel and i heard gaind are stupid and caught to became slaves.

uncle i will not be inocent anymore navy destroyed my justice made me see the world nature .

ok boy sea is very vast go and conqueror ,he said.

i will, see me on news papers bye man,after i said i took a rough raft prepared by me .got on it and took a pointer to an entrance of sky island ,it's not upstream i am not stupid but i heard there is wine points sky in west sea

the sea journey is terrible and boring but i spent my most time on swimming went to place after nearly twenty days of journey , i am not practising haki because i want to refine a best grade haki when i forge my body i want to have vast amount and endurance also important for top battles like akoji and reddog fought for 8 days .

i have good physical fitness but i dont have reached level of top physical fitness like kaidoo ,but i can feel that although slow but my arnment haki is changing slowly.

as i went to tree i can't see it's too ,i started climbing and as i went above a terrible pressure hit me at 8000 feet and i finally struggling and reached top of clouds took record pointer and went to direction it shows

after adjusting to low oxygen for several days i swimmed to island my luck is good and island went to is bika , as i moved around Many residents feared my height but despises me as i dont have wings i calmed down not to

beat them and asked about anilu .

at the same time i saw four kids beating a kid without wings but none of residents helping that kid and even adults around are scolding him i shouted angrily to stop

kids ran away and i saw the adults also ran away from there , i went to kid and sit beside him .

anilu saw a big man beside him suprised it's first time he saw a person same kind as him with no wings he asked uncle who are you?

i didn't reply ,anilu now is a good boy with good character bullied even not eaten well we can see that he is malnutrition from him

seeing uncle nit replying anilu,asked uncle

don't you have wings ?

i replied , i dont have wings , i am from sea below , do you want to come with me i asked .

anilu ,replied hurriedly - uncle i want to come

is sea.

i said ok

the sea is vast it's Same everywhere people will be bullied if they are weak , i said

uncle, i want to be strong he said , i dont want to be bullied and want to protect people i have he said .

i am suprised by anilus reply ,and asked back who do you want to protect ?

i want to protect uncle he said .

brat it's 100 years early for yo u to protect me with you weak body, i said.

you also have a sister you should protect her ,her name is Robin i said ,ok uncle i will protect my sister ,replied anilu.

ok good boy have you seen a different fruit whith blue patterns i asked ,

uncle i have seen one fruit it's there where i usually sleep under a tree he said .

i am amazed by anilus luck ,we both went to anilus sleeping place under a apple tree ,i feel sad ,and patted anilu ,boy from now on we are not alone i said .

i picked up thunder fruit and gave to anilu,

anilu are fruit and saw a sparks sound coming from him ,fet very grateful for new power and vowed to protect this feeling.