
Hostile Organization!!


Upon hearing the rage-filled voice, everyone turned around. It came from the direction where to conference room was. The man they saw was Mason, who seemed to have fire in his eyes. Mason was in the conference room and left because he heard a ruckus outside. He had good hearing compared to his comrades in the room, this was most likely due to his devil fruit ability. When he came out he was shocked to see that Frost had returned, he had heard from Elise that he was on the animal Islands she went to but the Island nearly sunk from some sinister earthquake.

Mason didn't say anything because he was dazed from seeing Frost so suddenly. But when heard the guard wanted to kill him, he instantly raged. Mason already had a problem with this guard, he didn't like him at all actually. He himself was a scum bag to some degree at one point, so he could tell he was just like that. This didn't help the fact that the guard was given his position by Jayce, who he competed with a lot.

Lara and the group of women were shocked as their eyes bulged. Did he just say the Leader of God Bless!? She couldn't believe what her ears were hearing. So what he said was true!? Lara felt like she was about to vomit blood, Frost had explained to her that he was the leader and even showed her his card, but she didn't listen. Mason was her superior, even though she only listened to Elise, she would have to respect his word on things.

"I..I didn't know. I am so sorry." Lara was nearly scared insane. Why did she have to listen to such a dumb bodyguard!? The bodyGuard Face turned uglier than it was before. Caitlyn's mouth was wide open in shock as she looked at Frost who was saying nothing. Frost had already detected Mason earlier with his Observation Haki. He just wanted to show Mason this corrupted bodyguard they allow to hang around under their watch.

"Little Bodyguard! You said someone should be killed earlier, who exactly were you talking about!?" Mason said with beaming red eyes. His eyes were literally glowing red, this scared the dogshit out of the bodyguard. Caitlyn was already used to Mason since he was always at the desk area and even gave her the job, so she wasn't scared at all.

"I wouldn't dare kill anyone, yes-yes, I wouldn't do such a thing!" The bodyguard was sweating hard. At that moment, multiple shadows appeared behind Mason. The group was wearing suits and sunglasses, they looked like the men in black. The one that stepped beside Mason was Morgan, the head of Intel. This position was given to him by Frost sometime back before he left the Island.

"Mason and Morgan, there seem to be some bad apples that formed in the Organization. We all know that this is not permitted here." Frost said as he looked at the bodyguard. Mason nodded as he understood what frost meant. There were obviously more corrupted people in the Organization that need to be Cleaned up.

"Morgan, Capture him and throw him in the Prison on floor 9" Mason commanded with cold eyes. He was afraid that if he captured him, he might actually kill him.

"Haha, Roger-Roger!" Morgan disappeared from where he stood. In the next moment, the bodyguard face was slammed to the ground with "slap sound" that resounded the area.

"Ah!" The bodyguard screeched in pain from the slam. There was no way he could resist Morgan's strength, Morgan had started training after Frost left, he was no joke for this bodyguard. Frost was surprised and Appraised Morgan.

Name: Morgan

Age: 25

Strength: 5000

Defense: 3000

Stamina: 3700

Dexterity: 5200

Speed: 4700

Will: 1200

Charm: 56

Luck: 3


Martial Arts:

Geppo:(Elementary-Lv10) Tekkai:(Beginner-Lv2) Soru:(Beginner-Lv3) Shigan:(Elementary-Lv10)

Breath Control:(Low-Lv2) Presence Conceal:(Low-Lv1)

Devil Fruit:

[Clear-Clear No MI!]


Observation Haki: (Begginder-Lv2) Armament Haki:(Beginner-Lv5)

Life Skills:

Breath Control:(Low-Lv2) Presence Conceal:(Low-Lv1) Cooking: :(Elemenatry-Lv2)

"What the hell is this!?" Frost was shocked, wouldn't this guy be better as an assassin instead!? Frost felt regretful, he should have given this guy a chameleon devil or something that would boost his strength further. "Damn it!" Frost cursed at the loss, though he could just take it away with some special means.

"Wait! I've done nothing but right for GodBless, could you forgive me, please!" The man pleaded, then Caitlyn spoke up.

"This man is really bad, he has blackmail several women and so has the little clique he hangs with. He was looking at me with a perverted look not too long ago before being suppressed. They act arrogant and do what they want here!" Caitlyn said loud and suddenly. The faces of everyone completely changed, this definitely so for frost. What the fuck did she just say!? How could something like this happen!?

"Drag this man out and beat him first, then throw him into the prison!" Mason almost leaped to the bodyguard and crushed his head. He had to hold himself back. Caitlyn and Mason were buddies, she was actually helping him get with one of her girlfriends that Mason took a liking to. This was one of the reasons she was able to get the job she had now, they were benefitting from each other, you could say.

Morgan was surprised that such things were taking place under their noses. He then took him out and the man was beaten and sent to floor 9th floor above.

"Mason, that man should be questioned. You guys have to find out who is doing these corrupted things, then kill them!" Frost stated, even if the man didn't speak, frost could easily find all of them, this was just a mere test.

"I understand as it will be done." Mason said this and all the men in black left the area. The women were still in a daze about what just happened. How corrupted was this situation and the Leader of GodBless was right before them! Mason continued. "Follow me, everyone is in the conference room talking about a situation that I think you should hear about." Frost nodded to Mason words and Mason led the way. Frost just told Caitlyn to wait for him.

Frost followed him and they both came to a Golden Door. Mason opened it revealing a nicely designed room, it was huge and spacious! Everyone was present in the room. Baron, Athena, Elena, Xena, Elise, Agni, Agna, Jayce, Sarah, and Sena. Everyone turned their heads and were surprised to see the person next to Mason. Only Elise, Sarah, Sena and Mason have seen Frost's face, so everyone else was just confused about who he was. The people who'd seen his face before were shocked, then their face turned to complete joy.

"Oh my goodness, You couldn't have come at a better time. Have a seat, It about time you showed your face around here." Sarah said as she stood up and patted Frost's shoulders. Everyone who didn't understand who he was at first finally started to understand something, he was the Leader!? This youthful looking guy was actually the leader of the Organization!? The guy who recruited us at that time!

"Yes, It is nice to see you all. Oh, and what your thinking is right, I am indeed the guy who recruited you, hehe. " Frost said with a smile as he took a seat. everyone face turned to that of joy knowing what they were thinking was right.

"This is perfect, we have a situation." Jayce said as Sarah sat next to Frost. "We were attacked by some unknown organization, they call themselves The Triforce Alliance. From what we know, they are growing rapidly in number. They even have some forces in the grand line or even the New World." Jayce's eyes flashed as he said this.

Frost was surprised, organization were starting to pop up now, this wasn't good! Sarah then cut in to explain further. "We've also learned that this is, in fact, other organizations forming alliances with each other. This is why they are growing at a rapid rate more than usual, they attacked us to display their dominance and killed a lot of our people." Sarah's eyes turned cold when she said this, there was killing intent coming from her. The room started to turn cold, cold energy was unconsciously leaking from her body, this was clearly here Devil Fruit ability.

"Mom, do you want to freeze us to death, relax!" Sena said across the table. She got up and walked to frost and sat next to him. She had literally brought her seat over just do so since Mason and Her mom were sitting next to him on each side. She gave Mason a hmph and crammed her seat between him and Frost.

"You Little!!" Mason's mouth twitched seeing this unreasonable little girl doing such an act. She was obviously still holding a grudge against him from "old times" back at Goa Kingdom. "Ah, Yes, Sorry about that." Sarah came back to herself after hearing what her daughter said.

"Do you guys know the location where the attack took place? I can go check it out later with my pirate crew." Frost suggested, he was all for adventure and gaining experience. This would also give his crew some experience as well.

"The location is in the North blue Lord Boss. If you want, I can accompany you as well." Athena, who was sitting next to her sisters spoke up before anyone. She had been staring a Frost face full of joy, she was glad he wasn't some old man who'd been hiding his face. She found that he was handsome and very young to top it off, this was her type.

"Ah, Athena, I've heard about you and your sister's achievements so far." Frost said then continued "Where exactly in the North blue did this happen." Frost said afterward

"It is around Germa Kingdom, we have reason to believe that they have a base set up around there somewhere." Xena Intervene and said. They were just as eager to destroy this threat as fast as possible, they killed their people, they must die! She thought.

"I understand. I think its time to pick up my crew a month early and head to the North blue. Athena, I need you to do more important things. That goes for all of you, I want some of you to head to Alabasta and find a secret area for me so I can set up our second Base there." Frost said to indicate that he could take these people down himself.

Athena was a bit reluctant, she wanted to go with him, so she could spend time with him as well. He usually disappeared and wouldn't appear for a long time. "I understand. I will head to Alabasta with my sisters, Baron and Mason." Athena said this because she knew that Baron and Mason didn't want to hang around the base all the time. Frost nodded and stood up.

"You guys have done a great deed, but this base needs to be cleansed of some corrupted people. Please be sure to do that. I will now promote you guys as well. I even have some gifts for all of you." Everyone was excited when they heard that they would get gifts and a promotion. This would allow them to actually get access to more things and recruit subordinates like they wanted to.

Frost looked at all of their stats and could see that they improved allot. This was mostly so for Mason and Baron. This was because they hung around the base all the time and just trained in their spare time. Frost promoted Baron, Elise, Athena and Sarah Straight to Captain Grade 1. Frost Promoted Sena, Elena, Xena and Agna to Second Lieutenant Grade 2. He promoted Agni, Mason and Jayce 1st lieutenant Grade 2.

"Alright, Here are the rewards." Frost started to hand out rewards. He gave Sarah the Heart Of Eternity Robes and everyone else other rewards. Everyone was extremely satisfied with what they got. He then gave them a Controlled Armored Fortress Token which would summon a huge floating armor fortress. He got this when he opened his pack on Rusukaina Island.

"Guys, I know I just got here but it is time for me to leave again." Frost said sadly, he really wanted to relax for a month but he couldn't, he had to get rid of this threat quickly.

"Its okay boss, next time we'll throw a party and we'll drink until we faint, haha!" Jayce said with a smile, Frost nodded with a smile and walked away after shaking his hand. Frost walked out and saw Caitlyn standing next to the group of women from earlier.

"Has everything been done, b..boss?" Caitlyn said in a quiet voice. Frost sighed seeing her take on a new attitude.

"Caitlyn, there is no need to act that way. I am leaving now, here take this as a parting gift." Frost then passed her a Chest. "See ya later Caitlyn, hehe!" Frost smiled lecherously and slapped Caitlyn huge ass and Soru'ed himself away afterward.

"Ah!" Caitlyn cried out in shock. What the hell was that just now? Caitlyn's face turned red, that little pervert! Caitlyn looked at the chest she received and opened it. Frost had scanned her talent and found that she was pretty good in that department, she had an 8.4 talent rating which surprised him.

The items inside the chest was a devil fruit and a bag of pills. The pills were obviously all types of pills. This included the ones that could raise one's talent. She was shocked seeing these pill, she knew what they were since most people would eat them to gain strength. Some people didn't eat any because they wouldn't have an effect on them since their talent was to low. The group of women was surprised to see Frost's perverted hit and run move, was he really the leader!?

"So this is a Devil Fruit, I wonder what type it is. Oh well, he gave it to me so I should eat it. Its better than nothing I suppose" Caitlyn said this a took a bite of the devil Fruit, her face turned unsightly after taking a bite and nearly spat it out but held on, swallowing it.

Frost, at this time, had already made it the beach. "Hmm, I better head back to Conomi Islands and to Cocoyasi Village." Frost decided to change things up and bought a Motorcycle from the system store and hopped on it, driving it across the sea while turning it to ice and heading to Conomi Islands.

Author Note: The Devil Fruit Caitlyn got was The Snow Snow No Mi! :)