
-Gandalf the God

In the vast expanse of darkness, a soul was floating around without any destination. The soul looked like a small boy almost transparent, nearly invisible.

"Ahh, where am I? "the soul opened his eyes and asked while looking around.

"Hm, what is this place what is going on "seeing everything around him is a dark and empty the soul panicked and started shouting.

"No need to be scared my child " a loud voice rang in the vast space and suddenly the space around the soul distorted and turned into a white room with two chairs opposite each other with a glass table in the middle.

Soon, an old man with looks similar to Gandalf appeared in the room and sat in front of the soul who was now looking at Gandalf with a puzzled face but then calmed down remembering something.

"So let me get this straight. I am dead, you are god and this is a reincarnation room" after calming down the soul remembered he was dead because of an accident with a car not long ago and being an Isekai fan got excited about the situation

His name was Leonard Dammit. He was 17 years old this year and now he is dead but being an anime, manga fan he immediately understood the route his life was taking or would be if everything went well.

"Yes" the old man didn't mince words and replied with a gentle smile on his face

"Two questions first how can I believe you are a god? Second why me?" Leonard also didn't mince word and got right to the point

"Am I a god or devil that is up for you to determine. Either way, I can be both or neither at the same time. In clear words it is up to the said person's karma " the old man replied not having any change in expression by Leonard's remark.

As for why you? That would be your luck, nothing more nothing less. As many people had far higher or lower karma than you but never got the chance to be in my presence." The old man explained with the same gentle manner as before

"I see, so whats going on here even though I have a general idea of the situation. I want to be clear about it." Leonard asked while thinking about the possibilities after listening to the old man's explanation

"As I said before you are lucky. After death, you are supposed to enter either hell or heaven depending on your karma but due to an unnatural anomaly your soul jumped out of the natural cycle and entered the never-ending void and thus you are here. "the old man explained

"So what I have to do now?" Leonard asked accepting the old man's explanation

"Nothing, as all the things that happened were natural phenomena rather than a deliberate one. Not that you will be able to do anything even if you wanted to. As such, this mishap is not your fault rather mine.

Therefore let's see according to your memories and thoughts, you want to be reincarnated in another world. So be it kid, which world do you want to reincarnate in? " the old man asked after explaining the situation to him.

"After hearing the old man's answer Leonard understood the current situation and got excited about the chance of getting reincarnated in his favorite world.

"Is any world acceptable like a world from imagination or something?" Leonard asked thinking about the world he wanted to be in the most.

"No, a world from imagination is not possible as every world has its own rules and laws since their creation and will be there until their fateful destruction." The old man replied straightforwardly.

Leonard's face turned gloomy. As an anime fan what's more painful than not being able to live in the world of characters you always wanted to be with.

"But the world you are thinking about is as real as the world you lived in before(earth) therefore, yes its possible for you to be reincarnated in the world of TERRA 5692' also known by you as the world of One Piece." The old man replied with a light chuckle at the end.

Leonards face turned from gloomy to happy and then red as he understood what the old man did and replied with an annoying voice even though he was happy inside. "Old man it's not good to troll innocent young people"

"You? Innocent? Then why almost 70% of your thoughts about going to this world are above 18+ Hm??" the old man asked with a grin on his face.

"Cough! Old man stop reading my thoughts, will you? This is against my human rights " Leonard frantically replied with a red face. This geezer was reading all his thoughts. Frightening!

"Hahahaha! Now now, no need to be angry young man. I was was just teasing a little bit. I understand your youthful desires, therefore, no need to worry. These thoughts will always remain with me" the old man replied with a glorious tone.

"That's what worries me" Leonard replied thinking his image was all drowned in front of this old man.

"So I can go to the one-piece world and do I get wishes?" Thinking this old man was a god after all Leonard asked with an excited face.

"Mah! already so greedy huh. Well so be it, it's your extreme luck and my negligence that brought you here so I may as well give you some gifts. Ask what wishes do you want but it has to within the power level of the world you are going to reincarnate in.

"Huh?" Dammit

"For example, if you are going to the one piece world you cannot have the power of ultra-instinct, Hakai, or the power of some characters in your thoughts like Zeno or One above all or Beyonder, Truth, Saitama, etc." the old man explained.

"So what you are saying is I cannot have the powers such as reality warping, cosmic powers or some universe breaking shit," Leonard asked.

"You are correct but a little bit off. Let's see in more simpler terms it's more about the level of power rather than the type of power.

Suppose you are going to the Dbz or marvel universe then u can have those universe destroying power you wished for as those worlds have Beings that can already do the things you mentioned and adding one more being with the same level of powers won't break the balance of the said universe. But, the power of one piece world is not even close to the universal level of power and as such the 'One Piece' world itself will not allow this kind of power to be within it and reject you in a higher dimension as soon as you set foot in it." The old man described a few bits of intricacies between power levels while sipping a cup of tea which just came out of thin air.

"So how many wishes do I get?" after processing all the information given by the old man Leonard focused on the important part.

Hahaha! I see let's say u get 3 wishes and I will restrict your powers depending on the level of wish" the old man replied seeing his eagerness.

Leonard thought about the powers he could ask the old man as it needs to be within the level of one piece world also not something hax or he will restrict its power level.

writing Just for fun nothing serious.

BoredDWritercreators' thoughts