
Chapter - 36

"Nami... give it here." Luffy sighed in defeat. "It's a last resort, I've been having doubts myself about taking it. But you have my word I won't take it Nami. You trust me don't you?" He asked inching closer to you.

The orange haired woman could only look away slightly flush. "Idiot. Of course I trust you... it's just I really worry about you. I want to keep you safe Luffy." Nami confessed causing a look of surprise come across the captain's face.

"Here." She handed him the chest back. "But you promised me!" She quickly added placing her hands on her hips. He immediately got it, giving her an understanding nod.

Both satisfied Luffy took the chest and propped it under his left arm, he suddenly grabbed Nami's hand intertwining their fingers. The contact causing both of them to look at each other.

"Come on." Luffy said pulling a flushed navigator outside towards the deck. Once outside the night sky began to light up and loud music began playing the Amazonian ship. Brook's concert was starting. The couple saw more and more people gather on the Amazonian ship, with the Revolutionaries dancing to the music crowding the deck of their ship. Nami realizing everyone was off the ship had an idea.

"Hey Luffy, meet me at the sunny head in a few minutes." Nami said hurriedly running off. Starting to nod his head to Brook's groovy song he made his way toward his room to hide the mystery fruit.

Nami quickly ran too the woman's dormitory gathering her make up and heading for the bathroom. She looked herself in the mirror after a minute or so making sure her hair was in her perfectly placed bun, her bangs slightly out of place.

Heading back outside she could see Luffy still hadn't emerged so she headed off to the kitchen. The navigator pulled out two tall glasses before pouring some orange juice along with some of Zoro's most expensive bottles. Just enough to get a buzz. Devilishly Luffy's drink had slightly more alcohol in it surely it would be a good night.

Sure enough Luffy was waiting atop the sunny head when she emerged, he was busy watching Brook's concert in awe.

"Luffy can I get a hand?!" She yelled holding the two full glasses up. Her captain excitingly wrapped his arm around her waist lifting her in front of him nearly on his lap.

He'd caught her off guard nearly causing her to spill her drinks.

"Thanks." She said turning softly too look at him. "Here thought you could use a drink." Nami smiled handing him the drink.

"Appreciate it Nami, I was really thirsty!" The captain gave his signature grin that she was so fond of. She was glad he still kept his smile after everything that happened.

She rested her back against his chest causing his to slightly jump out of the contact, before quickly settling back in.

The two were equally as nervous as one another. Between watching Brook's concert and sipping their drinks they were content to be like this. After a few minutes Luffy slowly wrapped his arm around her waist like he always did, hand resting on her abdomen. Nami turned back to smile slightly at him before placing her hand on his face pushing their heads together. The navigator could see the Captain looked as happy as ever with her like this. She couldn't help but feel the same way, just holding each other like this.

Brook's began to speak on the loud microphone echoing throughout the speakers reaching the all vessels.

"Alright thank you everyone for having me and being a great crowd. Now... it's time to slow it down for the all the lovers out there, if you got someone special hold on to them and enjoy this soulful song yohoho." Brook said strumming his guitar softly. The skeleton's voice changed to a lighter tone. Everyone on board the ship's began to slow down listening to Brook's love song.

"Hey Nami.. why did you leave the feast so early? Were you mad?" Luffy asked wondering what it is was. He had a pretty good guess but he wanted to hear her say it.

Nami couldn't help opening herself to him. Anyone else she would've brushed it off and told them to forget about it. His grip on her waist and innocent, curious way he was looking at her made her concede.

Sighing Nami told him everything, even that she was Boa touching him and making him laugh made her irritated to the point she couldn't stand to be in the same area.

"Shishi, Na it isn't like that at all were friends. She's actually a cool person. Hancock was the one told me to come find you." Luffy said hoping to put her mind at ease.

"But were.." Nami didn't even want to finish her thought. "Friends aren't we Luffy?" She asked a little cautious.

"Yes, we are friends. But your the only friend I have that has my heart." The captain said without batting an eye.

Suddenly Nami was blushing at words. Her captain just admitted that she was the only friend that had his heart. Meaning that what they truly had was a special bond.

"You have my heart too Luffy, you always had it since you freed me from Arlong, and even if you didn't feel the same." Luffy could tell she was looking for her words trying to place them correctly. "You would still have my heart." Nami said not quite looking at him.

"Nami," Luffy lifts her chin to look at him for the second time that night. His hand pressed tighter against her so she was in his lap. " your the only one I've ever wanted, the only I could only ever want."

It was all she needed to hear. She closed the distance between their bodies crashing their bodies together. The two went at each other like two dehydrated animals and their lips were the only water available for miles. Nami threw her arms around his neck pushing her down under him.

"I'm the only one you think about huh?" She said straddling her captain. The navigator straddling him could already tell he was telling the truth.

"Yeah I could care less about any other woman, I want you." He spoke intently sitting up to attack her neck, the spot he missed so much.

He remembered after the last time in the library, how she wore sweaters and turtlenecks for at least a week. He had a feeling it was the purple bruises he left on her neck, and chest. He wanted to do that again, to show everyone she was his.

He was wondering how the crew would react if they saw them like this. He knew some of them had an idea but they never seen them in action.

Nami began tugging at his red charigan urging him to take it off. He did right away much to her delight. Luffy started to slip his hands under her tank top laying his hands on curves. She moaned lightly into the kiss once again forcing him on his back.

"My turn." She devilishly grinned kissing his neck, chest, and abdomen. The navigator wanted to taste every inch of her captain. Only Robin knew of her fantasy to touch and kiss Luffy's abdomen. It was something that drove her crazy, she began having dreams about it once in awhile. Robin would wake her asking her if she had a good dream. That woman knew damn well what she dreaming about.

Now she had him in her grasp. The man worth 1.5 Billion Beli and the newly crowned yonko to the world. But to her he was Luffy; her Luffy.

"Nami finished licking his abdomen and kissing his neck before whispering in his ear: "you know, now that you're mine I should turn you in for that bounty of yours." Nami teased slightly.

"That's fine." The captain said simply surprising his navigator. "Let's enjoy this night first." Luffy whispered back. It caused her to squirm with pleasure. She was trying to joke around with him but he was in no mood to play. Luffy kissed her passionately lifting the woman to her feet, while picking up the glasses. The two ended up moving onto the grass area of the ship.

Now with a lot more room, the fire was reignited. Nami once again was ontop now tongue wrestling her captain. He was currently having a little trouble keeping up. Nami made sure when they met again she would win this time. She could hear the groans come from the captain. The navigator feels his hands slide from her sides to her ass giving it a firm squeeze. The pressure he exerted caused her hips to grind forward on him causing him to groan louder. There was no doubt now she was indeed the only one he felt this way about. Nami finally pulled back to see her captain was like her, searching for air.

"Nami... Your so beautiful..." he spoke. "More than any other wom—" Luffy was interrupted by her lips once again claiming his. She couldn't help but let out a moan as he ground his hips into hers sharply while attacking her earlobe, cheek, and neck once again stopping at her chest.

The orange haired woman giggled at his chivalry. He didn't want too unless she gave him permission, it was one of the reasons she wanted him so much.

Before they could continue a loud whistle came from behind them. It was Zoro, and he was holding two large barrel of Sake on his shoulder's. The two quickly separated and dusted off still slightly flushed.

"Don't mind me, we just came to get more sake but seeing this, HA! I think I can die happy now." The swordsman smirked.

"We?!" The couple asked seeing the rest of the crew emerge from below deck carrying more barrels of alcohol. Everyone was there of course except Brook.

Franky yelled from the nearest side of the ship. "Hey hurry up! Time is precious party time broskis!" The cyborg was growing a little impatient. Glancing up he could see everyone on deck emerging to greet the couple.

"Hey! Nami, Luffy!" He gave a thumbs up. "I think it's Suppeerrr!" The cyborg said with his signature pose.

Nami was a deep shade of crimson. This was the last thing either of them expected. She had a feeling who was responsible. Seeing the raven hair woman emerge rolling out a few barrels with a devilish look in her eye with a slight grin only confirmed her theory. Nami couldn't help but feel was always messing with the two of them, she was really starting to think Robin was still that same demon child.

"When did you guys get here?" Luffy asked as the crew started counting the barrels.

"We've been here Luffy, you guys looked like you were busy so we didn't want to intrude." Usopp said rubbing the back of neck.

"You guys saw us?" Nami said nearly exploding from embarrassment. The way they attacked each other like wild animals with untamed passion.

"Yeah we did, were not really surprised honestly. You guys couldn't hold it in forever." Sanji said smoking his cigarette as usual.

Robin chimed in as well, "we heard quite a lot too." Causing the two to take a small step away from the other. The crew heard what they were talking about. Blushes on both their faces appeared causing the crew to chuckle.

"Yeah ,Yeah we heard you guys confess your love for one another." Zoro teased as the couple looked like they were trying to run away in all directions. Young love was always the best for stuff like this.

"Hey Luffy grab Robin's barrels and help us load up huh? The chef asked rolling the barrels toward his captain.

"Sure" Luffy said scooping the barrel up following the crew to the side of the ship to start loading up.

Robin went over to Nami who still had blush on her face. "Y-You did this didn't you?"

The raven haired woman could only chuckle. "I only suggested we provide the alcohol since everyone else brought food, it was only fair." Robin said showing a warm smile to her the woman she considered a younger sister.

"We just wanted to check on you two. All of us care about the both of you. The crew is so happy for you two." Robin said nodding toward the direction of the crew loading up the boat currently arguing about irreverence.

Nami was touched the crew was concerned about them. They were just making sure the two were okay before heading off back to the concert.

The two women shared a tight hug in the middle of the sunny. Robin devilishly whispered something in the navigator's ear to make her go crimson again. Then continued to whisper causing another reaction from the younger woman.

"Are you sure that will work?" Nami said low enough so it was between the two of them.

Robin simply gave her a warm smile. "It'll work." Then she gave another hug before releasing Nami proud to see her happy.