
Chapter 43

As we continued our exchange, I also kept a keen eye on Mihawk's movements, utilizing my observation Haki to anticipate his strikes and movements. His attacks were lightning-fast, but with my heightened senses, I managed to dodge and weave through his onslaught, turning defense into offense whenever an opening presented itself.


"You are good," Mihawk remarked after one particularly close encounter. "I was right to seek you out."

I grinned, the adrenaline fueling my movements. "I'm just getting started."


The clash of our swords continued, the air crackling with the energy of our Haki-infused strikes. Each collision sent shockwaves through the grove, disturbing the natural serenity of the surroundings. Leaves rustled, and birds took flight, their instincts sensing the intensity of our battle.


With a swift rotation, Mihawk aimed a horizontal slash infused with armament Haki that I narrowly dodged. The sheer force of his attack sent a shockwave rippling through the air, but my own Haki-enhanced defense held firm, allowing me to counter with a flurry of strikes of my own.

Our swords clashed again with more intensity, and the sound reverberated through the grove like thunder, setting birds into a panicked flight from nearby trees. The ground beneath our feet trembled ever so slightly, as if nature itself recognized the gravity of our confrontation.


I maintained my focus, utilizing observation Haki to read Mihawk's intentions. With heightened perception, I anticipated his next move, sidestepping a sweeping strike aimed at my legs. In that brief moment of vulnerability, I countered with a swift thrust, my blade tinged with armament Haki, aiming for Mihawk's side.


Mihawk, to his credit, managed to partially deflect my strike with his own Haki-infused blade, but the impact still sent vibrations through his arm, a testament to the strength behind my attack.


The clash of our swords continued, each strike resonating with the clash of armament Haki. The intensity of our battle drew the attention of nearby wildlife, their instincts alerting them to the powerful forces at play.


With a sudden burst of speed, Mihawk aimed a decisive blow, channeling his armament Haki into a devastating strike. I raised my own Haki-infused blade to meet his head-on, the clash sending a shockwave outward that rattled the trees and disturbed the very air around us.


The force of our collision created a brief moment of stillness, the air charged with the remnants of our Haki clash. It was a standoff; each of us was locked in a battle of wills and strength.


But then, in that split second, I saw an opening—an opportunity born from the interplay of observation Haki and my instinctive understanding of Mihawk's style. With a calculated maneuver, I feigned a retreat, luring Mihawk into overcommitting to his next strike.


As Mihawk moved to capitalize on my supposed weakness, I countered with a lightning-fast strike aimed not at him directly but at a nearby tree. The impact was thunderous, with the tree splitting cleanly in half and crashing to the ground with a resounding thud.


Mihawk, momentarily taken aback by the unexpected tactic, left himself open for a fraction of a second. It was all I needed. With a massive burst of energy channeled through my armament Haki, I executed a series of precise strikes that culminated in a single, focused blow.


The clash of our swords echoed like resounding thunder, a symphony of steel infused with Haki. Mihawk, who did not have a firm footing due to the earlier misstep and was not able to muster enough Haki to counter my attack, was sent flying through the air. His body crashed into the tree behind him, the impact resonating through the grove.


The dust settled, and I stood unfazed, my sword held at the ready. Mihawk emerged from the debris, his expression a mix of surprise and respect. "Impressive," he acknowledged, a rare compliment from the genius swordsman.


I nodded, a sense of accomplishment and relief washing over me. "Thank you, Mihawk. You've pushed me to new heights."


It had been years since I arrived in this world, and from the moment of my arrival, I had innately awakened my Observation Haki. Throughout these years, I diligently trained my Haki, never slacking off. While there was a quantitative increase in my abilities, the qualitative change was minimal since I had already awakened most of the features of Observation Haki, including thought sensing and intent sensing. However, there was one aspect that had eluded me all this time: future sight.


But now, as I stood facing Mihawk, I could feel a shift within me. It was as if I had broken through a barrier, a barrier that had kept me from fully mastering future sight. I could instinctively sense that something had changed within me, that my connection to the surrounding world had heightened to unprecedented levels. I could feel everything that was going to happen, glimpsing into the future with newfound clarity. Though it was not yet stable, I knew that I had made a significant breakthrough.


As I felt this surge of power within me, I couldn't help but feel grateful to Mihawk. It was his formidable presence and skill that had pushed me to this point. With a smile, I tightened my grip on my sword. I was ready to put my newfound ability to the test. I was ready to extract everything that Mihawk was worth.

Outside the battle, there were only two spectators, both of whom stood shell-shocked after witnessing the near-suicidal maneuver that Ross had executed. Contrary to their expectations, it was Mihawk who was sent flying by Ross's bold attack.


Now standing in front of me, Mihawk bore a deep gash on his chest from the last attack. Despite his injury, he stood tall with Yoru in his hand, his eyes ablaze with renewed vigor. For the first time, a change was visible in his stoic expression. I could detect a hint of delight on his face, as if he had rediscovered a long-lost feeling.


The clash between Mihawk and me intensified with each passing moment, our swords moving in a deadly dance fueled by raw determination and the mastery of our respective haki. As we traded blows, the air crackled with the energy of our clash, and the ground beneath us trembled with each strike.


Utilizing my newly upgraded observation Haki, I held an overwhelming advantage over Mihawk. Every move he made, every shift in his stance, was laid bare before me. It was as if I could see the future unfolding before my eyes, allowing me to anticipate his every move with uncanny precision.


But Mihawk was not one to be underestimated. Despite the odds stacked against him, he fought with a ferocity that bordered on reckless abandon. His strikes came faster and with more force; each blow aimed to test the limits of my defenses and push me to my breaking point.


I matched his intensity, throwing all caution to the wind as I met his attacks head-on. My Armament Haki, enveloped my blade, strengthening its edge and allowing me to parry Mihawk's blows with ease. Every clash of our swords sent shockwaves rippling through the air, creating a cacophony of sound that echoed through the grove.


But even as I held the upper hand, I could sense Mihawk's growth. His skill and strength were increasing at an alarming rate, and his movements were becoming more fluid and precise with each passing moment. It was as if the very act of battling against me was sharpening his abilities, pushing him to new heights of power.


The intensity of our duel reached a fever pitch, the clash of our swords reverberating through the grove like thunder. Each strike was a test of our resolve, a testament to our unwavering determination to emerge victorious.


In the midst of the battle, it felt as though time itself stood still. There was no past, no future, only the present moment filled with the sound of clashing steel and the rush of adrenaline coursing through our veins. It was a primal dance of death, a struggle for supremacy between two warriors willing to lay their lives on the line for victory.


And as the battle raged on, it became clear that neither of us would back down. We were two forces of nature colliding in a clash of titans, each striving to prove ourselves the superior swordsman. In the heat of battle, we forged ourselves anew under the blade of death, our spirits burning bright with the fire of determination and the drive to emerge victorious, no matter the cost.




As the clash of death continued in Grove 20, Vice Admiral Tsuru was engaged in a meeting with Fleet Admiral Kong at Marineford.


"Kong-san, I need your permission to form a special team to subdue the Donquixote family and bring them to justice," Tsuru explained earnestly. "I fear that if we allow them to continue growing at their current rate, they will become a significant threat within a decade. They already have a Logia user among them, and my sources confirm that they are proficient in Haki. They are a formidable group, Kong-san, and despite ostensibly following rules, they eliminate anyone who opposes them with ruthless efficiency."


Kong listened carefully, his expression serious. It was unusual for such a matter to require the Fleet Admiral's direct involvement, but Tsuru's urgency and determination were apparent.


"I understand your concerns, Tsuru," Kong responded thoughtfully. "The Donquixote family has been gaining traction, and it's clear that they pose a potential threat to stability in North Blue and beyond. You have my permission to assemble a special team to address this matter. But proceed with caution—we must ensure that our actions are justified and that we act within the bounds of the law."

Tsuru nodded in gratitude, knowing that she had the Fleet Admiral's support. "Thank you, Kong-san. I will handle this matter with the utmost care and discretion. We cannot afford to underestimate the Donquixote family's capabilities."


With their discussion concluded, Tsuru wanted to depart Marineford immediately, her mind already turning to the task ahead. She was determined to bring down the Donquixote family before they could become an even greater threat to the peace and stability of the world.

But Kong's following question threw a wrench in her plans.

"Hmm, Tsuru, have there been any reports regarding the status of the Roger pirates?" Kong inquired, his tone betraying a hint of concern.


"Kong-san, I believe their movements in the first half of the Grand Line were merely a distraction," Tsuru replied, her voice steady and composed. "If my intuition serves me right, they may already be in the New World. Additionally, we've received intel regarding the movements of Golden Lion Shiki. It appears he's mobilizing his fleet, likely preparing for something significant."


"Sigh, that's troublesome. Garp is going to tear my ear out with complaints," Kong grumbled. "If only he could accept the Admirals position, I could rest easy. Curse his hatred for the World Nobles. If only he could see the bigger picture."


"Tsuru, I want you to delay your plans concerning the Donquixote family for the time being. I need you here in Marineford," Kong instructed. Tsuru's expression remained neutral, though inwardly, she felt a pang of disappointment. She had been ready to depart for North Blue to confront the growing threat of the Donquixote family.


"I understand, Kong-san. I will prioritize matters here in Marineford as you command," Tsuru replied with a hint of resignation. She couldn't shake the feeling in her gut that every day delayed in addressing the Donquixote family only allowed them to grow stronger. Their recent attack on the Marine base was a direct challenge to the authority of the Marines.


However, there was a deeper unease gnawing at Tsuru's heart—a growing concern over the monster that Garp was grooming. She could sense the boy's lack of attachment to the Marines, his loyalty solely to Garp and those he cared for within the organization. His apparent connection to the Donquixote family only added to her apprehension.


The Donquixote family was already poised to become a formidable force, but if the boy were to join their ranks in the future, they would become unstoppable. The mere thought sent shivers down Tsuru's spine, and she couldn't shake the feeling of impending doom looming over the horizon.


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