
One piece: Blessed Light

He was someone who's name struck fear in every criminal's heart. He was someone who's wealth rivaled that of countries. He was someone that everyone had to respect. But those factors still did not prevent that tragedy. he had failed once again and this time, He had also lost his life. All because he lacked power. power to keep those corrupted ones in their place. Now, he was born in a familiar world, a world he had grown quite fondly of. a world where he could grow strong. Strong enough to finally fullfil his dreams. what would this man do in a world where the seas are ruled by the Yonkos and Inhumane scum that arrogantly proclaim themselves as "Gods". That is for you to read and find out. ## Author's note: Schedule 9:00 am CT. at least 2 chapters per week. no chapters on Fridays and Saturdays No system for this fanfic. ## Join my discord server if you want to. Discord server link:- https://discord.gg/GqMKJsCUNN Please make sure to read the rules and react to the emoji else you wouldn't gain access to the discord server. It's a precaution against bots. ## Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction. All characters, settings, and original concepts are the property of their respective authors and their associated entities. I do not claim ownership of these characters, settings, or concepts except what I have introduced myself. This story is created purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended for commercial gain. No copyright infringement is intended. ###

Rillik · อะนิเมะและการ์ตูน
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18 Chs

Chapter 007: Tyrant Bekori.

Previous chapter Recap:-

After four months of physical training, Rayleigh brings Kuma, Ginny and Lucius to an island located somewhere in the calm belt for their haki training. Lucius after unlocking Armament Haki with record speed. Decisively told Rayleigh about his stand although he deliberately portrayed it as a combat ability instead of exposing his 'Luck' abilities.


"Observation Haki is like a Sixth sense. When we arrived here, I had used it to determine how many targets there are on this island and roughly how powerful they would be." Rayleigh then told Lucius "Throw some rocks towards me." as he closed his eyes and showed his back to Lucius.

Lucius quickly grabbed some rocks and ran quite a distance away before he threw them towards Rayleigh, who despite facing the opposite direction was casually dodging them while walking backwards to him. "You achieve this state by having a calm mind state despite the chaotic world around you. 'I firmly believe, No matter where you might hide I can see you.' That is the statement you should understand while unlocking this haki." Rayleigh spoke before finally stopping a few meters away from Lucius.

"While each Haki is versatile. If you reach an advanced mastery of this haki you would be able to see the future and change it.." Rayleigh spoke as he picked up some stones and threw them towards a seemingly random direction yet it had hit a leaf that was floating around in the Air. "Yes. Indeed That feat is still possible by accurately sensing it but it's far more difficult." Rayleigh casually answered Lucius who was mildly surprised since he was about to question him about it.

Rayleigh turned around with an amused smile then said "I can also sense you are only mildly surprised implying you either knew about this ability or have seen it happen. Both are likely, considering your mother has one of the best talents in regards to observation haki we have ever encountered."

"Now, The best way to train this haki is by trying to dodge attacks coming from an enemy while you close your eyes and maintain a calm state. But that would be both dangerous and your stand would probably not let it happen. So I will be the one looking over this specific training until you awaken it." Rayleigh said, casually bringing out a blindfold and a hard stick he had prepared."Don't use Haki and Your stand. Just try to dodge my attacks while maintaining a completely serene and Calm mind." Rayleigh instructed while firmly tying the blindfold on Lucius.


'Amazing! Truly Amazing! Just Two days.. He is truly a prodigy when it comes to Observation Haki!' Rayleigh internally exclam, outwardly he had already started to smile with excitement. Unaware Lucius had awakened Armament in three days.

Lucius calmly dodged each of Rayleigh's attack 'Finally! No more hits-*ugh* I got distracted.' getting hit on the head when Rayleigh senses he was distracted. While Lucius might be glad he awakened Observation Haki but almost half of came due to the grievance he has felt after being repeatedly hit by Rayleigh. It did not feel nice at all knowing he couldn't beat up his teacher yet.


"Finally! Some delicious food!" The trio Exclaimed in happiness as if they had practiced it beforehand. Getting sympathetic looks from the Roger pirates. Especially Shanks and Buggy who understood their pain very well although inwardly they felt a sense of schadenfreude.

They had been isolated from Society and training nonstop for the last six months in that miserable island while only being able to eat bland food without any spices. So despite the Oro Jackson being parked outside the island for the last few weeks they could only lament and wait until Rayleigh thoroughly checked their Haki progress.

Aside from Lucius being a Haki monster and thus causing Rayleigh to slowly feel immune to his bizarre growth pattern. What interested Rayleigh more now was Kuma and Ginny's Progress because both of them had surprisingly unlocked both observation and armament Haki.

Rayleigh mainly found it interesting because while everyone has the potential to unlock both haki types but It is quite rare in the weak seas unless.. 'They are from a unique race or a D. Clan member… But that doesn't matter. I am quite pleased with their progress.' Rayleigh thought internally after a subtle glance towards Kuma and Ginny.

"Did you have fun?"Amy asked her son as she fed him food using her own hand. It was a tradition she gained from her mother who used to do the same. Lucius nodded while he ate and said "Yeah, Sensei said I am a prodigy in Haki" Hearing that caused Amy to smile sweetly, feeling very proud.

"I am sorry, I won't steal your snacks ever again." Roger spoke sitting in a dogma position while his face was badly brushed after Rayleigh found out what had happened.

"Rayleigh-san! Don't believe him! He ate most of the food when everyone went to sleep" One of the crewmates who was a chef quickly complained.

Rayleigh's expression darkened the more he listened to the crewmates file a complaint against Roger who was trying to look away guiltily.

"Roger…" Rayleigh said with a smile that did not seem like a smile. Roger whistled while looking in another direction "Roger is not home.. I am his twin broth-*Bonk* Ow! Hey you used hak-*ugh* I AM SORRY!"

The more Lucius watched this crew interact the more he realized why Shanks and the others thought Luffy was so Roger-like. 'So carefree..I hope I can gather such a crew in the future.' Lucius thought absentmindedly. 'Maybe I should recruit brook so he doesn't feel more lonely than he already is'

"By the way, Lucius.. this is my Bounty" Lucius heard Amy's voice suddenly, He curiously looked to see Her handing him a bounty poster which upon seeing amazed yet puzzled him.

[Baruch D. Amara 'The Grim Reaper'] [Dead Or Alive] [Bounty: 1,666,320,310]

'Weird.. I feel a vague misfortune attached to mum's bounty.' Lucius mused internally before he smiled sweetly, feeling happy for his mom. "How high is your bounty on the crew?" Lucius asked curiously.

Amy proudly replied saying "I have the fourth highest. Gaban-san has only around 150 million more than me." Lucius nonetheless started praising his mom.

Soon, Kuma used his Paw Paw fruit ability to 'Repel' Oro Jackson to a specific location near Sorbet kingdom. 'Hmm, Do I need a devil fruit?' Lucius mused internally with tempting thoughts after seeing how broken Kuma's devil fruit is.

Lucius intently looked in the direction of the capital city. 'Misfortune is gathering there as well.. Something big will happen. Possibly connected to my mum as well but… why specifically her bounty picture and not herself?' Lucius pondered and for a moment frowned slightly.

"Luci-kun, you okay there?" Ginny asked with concern after seeing Lucius stand there absentmindedly. He merely smiled at her before shaking his head "Yeah, I am fine, I just missed the place a lot."

They eventually reached the church where some elderly folks were gathered playing some card game. Upon noticing familiar faces they quickly greeted Amy with a smile. "Amy-chan! How was your vacation? Did you all enjoy it?"

Amy smiled sweetly saying "Yes, It was quite fun. Did anyone experience any troubles while I was away?" An elderly woman shook her head and started making small talk with Amy and the others.

Amy in order to better hide her activities with the Roger pirates. had fabricated a convincing story of her being hired by a rich man, who had a very sick daughter that needed Amy's help. Thus allowing her to 'Vanish' Every so often. While the recent excuse was a vacation trip with Lucius,Kuma and Ginny.

After Amy found out her husband was alive she opted to use her previous identity of Amara and then joined the Roger pirates using it. Thus Her previous bounty was reinstated with a small increase and Her husband likely finding out via that, She is alive.

Just like that two more months passed by without any significant incident aside from Lucius occasionally looking in the direction of the capital city. there was an island wide announcement… A new king will be crowned in two weeks' time.

'Now it makes sense. It's bekori.. He will probably start his tyrannical rule soon.' Lucius thought with realization on why the city was gradually being covered in Misfortune recently.


Mari initially did not understand what was happening. She was surprised to see the noble who had hurt her brother become a king. Even more bizarre things happened in the following weeks. That noble named Bekori had started introducing unreasonable Laws that made everyone's life miserable.

Mari's brother now had to work 16 hours everyday and if he doesn't then they will get evicted. "Brother…" Mari mumbled with concern because Her brother was unusually late today.

Her stomach grumbled in protest. But she held it back because she waited for her brother to return home with food. She knew he must be equally as hungry. Since food had become quite expensive to afford. To the point they could only afford a single meal per day.

Her brother usually tried to convince her by saying he already ate before coming home. So she could have the entire meal but she knew her brother enough to not fall for it. Usually she would pretend to be angry if he didn't eat with her and that would make both of them smile.. Yet today her brother was late. He was never late before.

As more time passed her worry only increased until she heard footsteps coming closer to the door. She excitedly stood up and walked to the door. Initially she thought it was her brother so she felt delighted but the Loud knocking on the door made her think otherwise. "Open the door! You have been evicted by the order of the king!"

Mari's world seemed to freeze as she paused for a few moments. Processing the implications of that. Her eyes swelled up in tears. Concern for her brother was beginning to bubble even more.

Perhaps she took a bit too long as she heard that loud voice speak once more "I said open the door! Please come out obediently!" the voice sounded urgent. As if they didn't want to do this as well.

Finally after calming down her heart for a moment and whipping the tears away she opened the door to see a King's guard. But what he said next made her pause once more. "You must be Omori's sister right? I am sorry to say this but… He has been imprisoned for acting against his superior. And new law says if a citizen does not have a job then they shall be evicted from their home within a few hours.. I hope you understand-" The man paused when he saw tears falling down Mari's eyes. For a moment he felt guilt but fear of his family experiencing the same caused him to harden his own heart.

But Perhaps due to that sense of guilt. He deliberately shared something he usually shouldn't. "Stop crying brat! That rebellious criminal deserves it for being so rebellious. He deserves to be put into the imprisonment camp! Hopefully it gives him some much needed education." The words were harsh and cruel but Mari understood the underlying intention was to direct towards her brother.

"Thank you.." Mari mumbled it so quietly anyone would have missed it. as if finally finding a straw to hold onto, She quickly ran towards a specific direction after cleaning her tears.


'Mari…' Omori muttered weakly. His body was now covered with many marks of lashes. Chained firmly to the walls as if he was a slave. Yet despite all that pain he felt more concerned of his sister who hadn't eaten waiting for him to bring her food.

He didn't know what happened. But today his supervisor had chosen to cut a portion of his salary. It aggrieved him since that wouldn't be enough to buy food for his sister today. So he had tried to reason with the supervisor multiple times. However the newly hired King's guards marked it as disobedience towards a supervisor thus they immediately pinned him down and branded him a criminal.

"Brother!!" Omori's eyes shot open wide when he heard a voice that was very familiar to him. "Mari… No.. Run…" He tried to warn his sister by trying to shout yet he didn't have enough energy to even see properly.

While entering the imprisonment camp he had noticed how the king's guards treated anyone who came near the camp without permission.. They would attack them with whiplashes as a way to 'educate' the emotional visitors who just wanted to meet their relatives.

Yet it was too late. his body flinched in agony when he heard his sister scream "Kyaa-". More than the lashes ever made him feel. A surge of brotherly anger rose up hearing that. Yet the chains held him back. He tried harder to break free from them But it was a futile attempt.

'Why.. Why does my sister have to suffer because of me..' Omori internally despaired, afraid if he voiced his words It would somehow anger the guards to hurt his sister. 'If only.. I wasn't so weak right now.' Omori thought bitterly.


"Go away brat! Otherwise your 'Brother' wiill be getting more lashes;" The man spoke spitefully. Annoyed that another brat has come for the nth time asking for the impossible.

Mari trembled with fear as the pain of that whiplash still lingered on her body. She quickly stood and ran away from there. Fearing if she stayed there any longer her brother would be the one to suffer.

Soon she sat quite a distance away along with a group of people who had tried to warn her but she was more worried about her brother to hear it. Her back leaned against the wall as she stared towards the imprisonment camp. Her fingers rubbing on the spot where the whiplash landed. Her eyes were swelling up with tears not because of the pain but because reason told her. Her brother was enduring all this and more inside that cursed camp.

She hugged her legs, silently starting to cry as she internally voiced a wish. 'Please.. God.. send someone save my brother.'


Kuma was beyond livid. His body ached from the reminders of that harsh past the more he looked at that imprisonment camp in front of him. But he didn't act rashly because Lucius had told him to have patience. Patience that was waning at his heart seeing such injustice.

'It's time.' Lucius thought inwardly, His eyes narrowed ever so slightly while looking at the camp far away.


Word count: 2426

Author's note:

Did I cook?

Anyways In the previous chapter I made an error regarding armament Haki. That thankfully a reader had pointed out. You see, infusion doesn't work like that. Internal destruction is a seperate advance haki technique

So to fix that plothole. I have made it an oc haki technique which this fanon Rayleigh unintentionally created and unconsciously uses because he hasn't thought of Emission and Internal destruction as something seperate yet. Tdlr Rayleigh is a goated haki nuser.

Internal Infusion (OC Technique): This is done by infusing Conqueror's Haki with Armament haki then having it flow into a targets body and destroy it from the inside out, which can be done by touching, grabbing, or even emitting Haki toward the object. Tdlr a more deadly internal destruction that can even crush the heart directly.

Internal Emission(OC Technique): Combining Emission with Internal Destruction thus having it flow into a targets body and destroy it from the inside out. User does not need to touch them but rather this depends on range. Tdlr: wifi haki attack is now possible.

Also I will be moving my schedule of upload by 3 hours ahead. So from tomorrow it will be uploaded at 9:15 instead of 6:15