
Chapter 7

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In the quiet solitude of the night, Vail found himself wrestling with an unsettling feeling. A heaviness weighed upon him, both in body and spirit, as if the very essence of vitality had been drained from him. It was a sensation he couldn't quite put into words, but the weariness in his bones spoke louder than any description could convey.

Raising his head from the crumpled sheets, Vail gazed out of the window into the night. The world outside seemed enshrouded in darkness, a reflection of the internal murkiness that clouded his thoughts. Roy, his supposed comrades, had left him with a sense of betrayal, and Vail couldn't help but question the reliability of those he had chosen to align himself with.

"Partnership, reliable or not?" Vail mumbled, scratching his head in contemplation. The flickering candlelight in the room cast dancing shadows, mirroring the uncertainty that lingered within him.

As he entertained the notion of getting up for a drink to drown his disquiet, an unexpected numbness gripped his body. A strange sensation, foreign and intrusive, pulsated within him. Panic seized Vail momentarily; he anxiously touched his body, half-expecting to find an unwelcome intruder. Yet, to his bewilderment, there was nothing physically amiss.

"This energy... a peculiar parasite, perhaps?" Vail pondered aloud. Fueled by a mix of anxiety and curiosity, he remained seated on the edge of the bed, delving into the mysterious nature of this newfound force.

Closing his eyes, Vail felt a distinct pattern to the energy. Tingling sensations, subtle and almost imperceptible, traversed his limbs, only to transform into searing pain when they encountered delicate organs. This wasn't an ordinary bodily response; it hinted at something more profound and otherworldly.

Confronted by the perplexity of the situation, Vail considered various possibilities. Was he the unwitting recipient of some Devil Fruit Ability? Or could it be a consequence of someone else's concealed machinations? Desperation clawed at him – the fear of organ failure, the struggle for breath – urging him to unravel the enigma quickly.

In a twist of fate, the energy surged toward his left arm. As he contemplated stopping its progression, an unexpected phenomenon unfolded. The energy halted, but not without a price. The initial sting in his left arm intensified into a sharp, almost unbearable pain, reminiscent of an impending unconsciousness.

A paradox unfolded as the pain peaked – an inexplicable weakening of the energy itself. Vail found himself caught in a surreal dance between agony and the gradual dissipation of the mysterious force. A cold sweat traced the contours of his face as he grappled with the fragility of life, an unfamiliar threat that transcended the dangers of the sea or encounters with Pirates and Marines.

Recollections of his past life, mundane yet cherished, flooded Vail's mind. A life marked by loss, the pursuit of knowledge, and a relentless drive to overcome obstacles. His journey to this place, where dreams held sway, felt like a distant echo of a bygone era.

Faced with the looming specter of death, Vail resolved to confront the unknown force within him. Slowly, deliberately, he extended his control over the energy, coaxing it into submission. His palm glowed with a soft, ethereal blue, accompanied by a subtle zī zī sound – the unmistakable resonance of Lightning.

"Lightning... Thunder Fruit? No, it can't be," Vail reasoned. Recalling his awakening on the beach, he debunked the notion of having consumed any Devil Fruit. The lack of elemental reactions, aside from the stunning impact of Lightning, further confounded his understanding.

In meticulous study, Vail examined the characteristics of the Lightning energy. Its formlessness, the gradient from light to silver blue, and the intensity variations – all perplexing aspects that defied conventional logic. He postulated a connection to a thunderous event on Earth, a transformative moment that catalyzed a metamorphosis in his soul.

Relieved yet plagued by curiosity, Vail pondered the potential development of this newfound Ability. Unlike conventional Devil Fruits, the energy's minute intensity posed no threat to ordinary individuals. However, its limitations became apparent – surface coverage or direct object contact, with no capacity for external projection.

Faced with this constraint, Vail determined to mold a technique centered on his own body. Despite the energy's modest shock, its sharpness and rapidity hinted at a unique cutting Ability. Strategically placing the energy at the center of his chest, Vail shortened its path, allowing Lightning to traverse his body with enhanced control.

As he meticulously refined the Lightning manipulation, Vail marveled at the transformation. His entire being radiated a soft blue glow, devoid of the hedgehog-like hair reaction observed in the mirror. The sight triggered memories of legendary figures – the Hokage shinobi, particularly the Third and Fourth Raikage.

Inspiration struck Vail as he recalled the Raikages' technique of stimulating cell viability with Lightning. Drawing parallels, he envisioned a fusion of his Lightning energy and cellular enhancement. The prospect of utilizing Lightning generated from his body promised unique advantages over Chakra-based Lightning.

Seated cross-legged on the bed, Vail embarked on an experimental journey. Gradually reducing Lightning intensity, he attuned himself to the subtle changes within. The initial signs were promising – a decrease in train-induced fatigue, heightened energy, and an overall sense of rejuvenation.

With dawn breaking outside, Vail opened his eyes to a new revelation. The intended increase in body strength, Stamina, and speed had yet to materialize. However, the fatigue from the previous day's training had dissipated, and his body felt notably lighter.

Undeterred by the gap between expectations and reality, Vail recognized the potential for improvement in this novel state. Adjusting to the minimal Lightning intensity, he acknowledged the gradual nature of this transformative process. Naming it the 'Thunder Method,' Vail envisioned a perpetual state of Lightning-stimulated cell activity.

Consuming Stamina in two forms – Lightning run through the body and simultaneous Lightning within and outside – the Thunder Method provided a unique solution to fatigue restoration. Vail relished the joy of progress, realizing that the strength gained through this unconventional method could accelerate his journey towards becoming an Expert.

The aspirations of Pirate kingship, world dominance, or overthrowing the World Government paled in comparison to the pure joy Vail found in personal growth. His desire to become stronger, to explore the world and stand alongside the reVaild Experts he had once only seen on screens, fueled an innate belligerence within him.

Placing a hand on his chest, Vail attuned to the Lightning energy coursing through his body. In a moment of introspection, he christened this transformative force – the core of Lei, or 'lei nuclear.'

Gazing out at the brightening sky, Vail felt a surge of optimism. The journey ahead was uncertain, yet the Thunder Method, with its limitless potential, had breathed new life into his quest for strength and knowledge.


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