
1 intro

F....k, my head, i swaer i would never drink so much again. Where am i, what is going on, Is anyone's here?. I am opening eyes and realizing that im in forest . Wait the nearest forest near my city is in 150 mile. How the f...k i got there. I need to stand up and move or animals will eat me, as i remember wolfs inhabit in this jungle,While i try to get up and move i see huge wooden pirate ship and i

was stunned because that ship was attacked by 20 meters long fish. In my head is only one thought no god please no, as fast as i could i run from that place. i cant go deeper in jungle it's too dangerous think Bili think i need to stop and look around i need to know where i am. I hear a voice near me it was like something fall and i see newspaper. I look at the sky there are giant bird that holding newspapers and i got that i am in one piece world NOOOOOO, i need to return in my world this was first and last in my mind. become stronger, fight in marineford kill blackbeard this is bullshit i need to save my as. K Bili calm down you need to calm down don't panic, first you need to set up priorities: first i need to find city, second i have to find out where i am ,if its grand line i am going to make grave, third money i need money for food, house and so on. I start move around i was moving for hours however, I couldn't find city, village, or people. I am waisting might, i am hungry i have to find something to eat.i need hunt stop hunt am i crazy how i should hunt i have never killed animal in my life. K belly you need to shut up i dont have time to think about food, its getting dark i need to find place for night. Three days passed after my appearance in this world and I haven't ate and drink

anything. I can't even eat plants it may have poision. One good news I haven't met any kind of predators only monkeys. I was trying to catch one monkey that was alone, but i fail. Two days passed i am out of strength, i need water and food. only chance to escape is pirates i hope they won't kill me and at least take me as slave. Last what I remember is how i am going to pirates, one of them saw me and shout stop where you are. I fell down and thats all, next was darkness.