
One Like No Other

surviving airplane crash in the middle of the storm, Rick found himself in another world. it is a different, yet somehow have a semblance of earth. trapped with no way back to earth, heart broken and desperate, Rick tried to rebuild himself into someone new. he will face difficulty, challenged beyond his limit, but in the end of the day he will do anything. he will be the One Like No Other

Northsouth · แฟนตาซี
14 Chs

Ep 2 truth

the next day arrived and Rick is ready.

he can't really tell times as he is in the room without any window, but it is well lit, as Rick just realize.

the young boy come again this time to take Rick outside.

"let's go. my dad is waiting outside. " said the young boy.

Rick just nod his head and then follow the young boy out of his room.

the house Rick stay is all made of wood. the wall is made of stacked wooden plate joint together nicely. the house column is made of 4 wood tied together into a single pillar. the floor also made of wooden plate, but instead of stacked, the floor is tiled in small plate placed in zigzag. imagine it like a wooden floor of luxury villa.

the young boy dad, is waiting outside the house.

he is there sitting straight on the grassy ground, eyes closed, breathing slow and calm in constant tempo.

"what is your dad doing? " Rick asked.

"he is cultivating. " said the boy short as he reach his father and tap on his shoulder lightly.

the man then open his eyes slowly then turn his head to Rick.

"Good morning! come sit beside me" he said to Rick.

"and Gunka, please kindly bring our guest some food. i believe i have some prepared in out storage. " the man said to his son, which is named Gunka

"yes dad. " the boy said as he leave inside the house.

" so.. can you tell me about yourself and what you remember until you wake up last night? " the man said to Rick as he straighten his back and put his arms ready in stance to his side.

Rick feels alarmed at the man position. but as he see him stay in that position for few second without moving, he can only sigh and start telling him what he remember about his accident until he awake last night.

after Rick is done telling him his story, Rick look at the man face. he didn't show any reaction at all but Rick is sure that the man become a little agitated.

"okay, first of all. i am sorry that i forget to introduce myself. my name is Gunda. my son inside named Gunka. and i have a wife, which is not here right now, named Kaila. " Gunda said without seeing Rick face.

"second is your story. i understand some of it, like airplane and accident and all that happen. but i don't understand about the country you mention in your story. as far as i know, and believe me i know farther than most, there is no country named Indonesia or England here. "

"What!? " Rick is surprised.

"then can you tell me how you find me? how can i be here in your house, well and healthy? " Rick asked in hurry.

"about that, my wife find you in the other end of this Silent Prairie in front of us. we are located in this end, and you are found in that end" said Gunda while he gestured the position where Rick is found.

"is there anyone else that survive beside me? what happen with the airplane? what-"

"hold your breath and slow down young man. i will tell you everything, including my suspicion about your origin. so you better listen. " said Gunda

"Kaila found you at the other end of Silent Prairie. she didn't hear anything like explosion or crash or any loud sounds at all. she just doing her daily routine of collecting medicinal herb and grass when she see the debris of your airplane.

then she found you, moaning in pain with body almost in pieces but somehow still alive. so she rushed to bring you, and your scattered pieces, back here and we put you together. "

Gunda take a deep breath, exhale calmly and then continue his story.

"as for my suspicion about you. it is nothing new for us but maybe you will consider it impossible. i think that you somehow transported here along with the explosion. in other word, you are in another world. a world other than your own " Gunda said as he look at Rick face.

Rick can't hide his shocked expression. but other than that he felt something else in his heart.

"can i go back to my room last night, Gunda? i think i need sometime alone. "

"sure, use it. i will be around this house if you need to see me. " Gunda said as he go back to his stance and begin his cultivation again. he know and understand what Rick feel, but he don't know how much is the damage in Rick heart. so Gunda let Rick go back to his room and let him sort his heart by himself.

Rick then stand up and go back slowly to his room. his mind blank. and his heart broken.

as he reach his room, he close is tight and right after he fall cowering on the floor, howling in cry.


without care for the world, Rick cry in regret. because he know there is no way for him to come back home ever again, just like his father has said.


for the next few days, Rick spend his time wasting his life.

he either just sleep away all day or sit in front of Gunda house. staring empty into the open prairie.

Gunda see that Rick has spent his time uselessly and think that it is not right for a man that young to be broken like that. so Gunda ask Gunka to take Rick for a tour around their village. Gunda hope that by seeing the village and its daily life, maybe it will help cure Rick wounded heart and spark new spirit in him.