
One Life Ain't Enough. Ball. Is. Life

I find myself dead. Killed in a freak accident only to find myself in some kind of room with a man in white providing me with a pen and piece of paper. What was on it? ... Me. P.S. - I don't own the Artwork whatsoever.

Purplish_Red · กีฬา
21 Chs

Christmas Times - Family Celebrations and Fun (Christmas 2020)


Link: Fuck is this shit?! *A confused Link appears in a blank space. Pissed off and concerned about his situation.*

Joe: How would I know?! *To the side - Joe founded infront of Link. Collar snatched by his big brother who put all of his anger on his brother despite how unfair is was.*

Link: Alright... Alright! *Releasing his grip on his bro and looking at him.* Where are you, yo! This shit weird.

*Speaking up for the both of them - as they looked around only to notice a flash of light that ceased with a sheet of paper floated to the ground.*


*Looking back at each-other where Link spoke up first.*

Link: Yo; I ain't the White Girl in the Horror Move. You get it. *Speaking out with Joe shaking his head.*

Joe: No. Nope. Nah. Nah-dah. No-way. Hell-No. I'm not doing anyth- *Founding himself grappled by Link who was pushing towards the paper.* No! Bro, Please! Come On!

Link: Pick. It. Up. BITCH! *A hefty shove lead to Joe being flung forward that he fell in front of the paper where a blinding flash of light made the two look away with Joe scrambling back as best as he was able to.*

*The light stopped and the paper floated right into the chubby boy's lap. A flinch of fear came over him... Looking down at it and picking up.*

Joe: *Beginning to read some words only to freeze up and turn over to Link who was a couple steps away.* B-Bro? I-I-It wants us to read i-it. *A faint pang of fear inside of the boy.*

Link: Read? I AIN'T DOING SHIT! FUCKIN' WHY SHOULD I! *Shouting at the younger teen who stuttered back a reply.*

Joe: I-I-It s-s-says that w-w-w-e'd get sent b-back home. *A blank look came over to Link's face only to twist in a curious expression before he spoke.*

Link: If this don't work... I'm gonna fight someone... Joe! *Point at his brother whose shoulders dropped at the threat.*

*Coming over - Link helped his brother to his feet and looked over the paper whilst they read it into their minds. ... .... ... Looking back to each-other only to finish reading. Link sighed where Joe exhale to keep himself confidant.*

Joe & Link: 'Dear Readers - How are you all doing? I hope that you are in all good spirits and health. Hopefully; you are spending your times' with your loved ones and your friends are safe as well. Right now at the moment, I am hoping that my novel is providing entertainment during this time and I hoping even more that you continue to support it. Lastly - This message is from not only I, the creator but also my creations.

A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year'


Link: Fuckin' What? Who the fuck are the readers? I ain't no creation or some funky weird bullshit. *Complain in annoyance.*

Joe: *Nodded slightly* This was weird.

*Suddenly - A dim glow surrounded the two making their eyes widen.*

Joe: What is happenin- *Unable to finish as he vanished into thin-air. Link exploded.*

Link: YOU SONS' OF BITCHES! I'M FIND YOU AND KILL YOU! HOW BOUT YOU SHOVE YOUR CHRISTMAS RIGHT UP YOUR A- *Vanishing as well before he had a chance to finish.*

*The two brothers only could find themselves at their apartment home! Noticing that they were both safe and sound but their Grandmother was also safe! Hugging the hell out of the poor lady where they noticed that it was Christmas! Tree decorated and gifts all-around - The two didn't realize but they enjoyed their own day.*


???: Ugh?! Fuck am I *Suddenly - Ralph was in the void with a piece of paper on his lap.*

Ralph: *Looks at it.* ... Fucking is this? *Reads* Bitch! Suck my Di- *Interrupted by a flash where the paper put up some... images of a beautiful woman.*


Ralph: You tellin' me... That... If I read this... What gonna happen?! *The paper surface changed and his eyes widened.* Now you speaking my language! Ahem!

*Clearing his throat before he proceed to read-alot in a crispy and firm voice.*

Ralph: 'The experience of making this story had felt nice. Every character has their own little flairs that I hope people like; Link and Ralph's excessive curse. Malcom's animalistic attutide. Joe's subtle. Richard & Jackson being oddballs and super-powered styles. Of course; Off-court characters' are alittle bit more difficult to write however they are funny in their own ways.

Your comments also help me out. :D'


*A white light surrounded Ralph's outline making him say.*

Ralph: Whoever you are! You know what you offered! *Pointing to the sky only to vanish.*

*Suddenly - Ralph found himself on his bed. Looking around to find the woman from the images where he nearly snapped where a feminine voice came out.*

???: Ralph? Ralph~? Look at me. *His eyes was drawn to a... barely clad woman whom was at his doorway. Looking her up and down only to lean back with a smile.*

Ralph: Ooooooh Yeaaaah~. *Happy where she came over and crawled onto his bed that she lowered herself on him. Straddling him that her smile formed.*

???: Ready, Ralphy~? *A cutesy tone came from her lips where she dropped and whispered into his ear. Licking his neck causing goosebumps and full-body shiver where Ralph simple said.*





*Sadly; what was happening... Wasn't what it seemed. Ralph who was blissful slumber in his bed - Layers of sheets keep his body warm where his face appeared annoyed or in discomfort... shifted... A small smile appeared and he sank deeper into sleep.*

[Another place]

???: MALLY! SAVE ME! *A familar and high-pitch voice screamed out where a girl was hugged the hell out of her brother who was annoyed. It was Malcom!*

Malcom: SOMEONE SAVE ME! SHE'S LIKE A SNAKE! *Hugging him to death had been Liz - his sister who had tears in her eyes.

Liz: PLEASE! I WAS WATCHING BRONNY ON CHRISTMAS DAY! I WANNA GO BACK! MALLLLLLY~! *Begging and annoying her brother who simply shouted.*

Malcom: For god's sake! I dunno what is happening! *A flash of light appeared before the two founded a piece of paper in their hands.*

Malcom & Liz: Whu? *The siblings looked over that they noticed what it said.*

Liz: Mally! Read it! *Demanding her brother with a fiery look in her eyes.*

Malcom: H-Huh?! I dunno if this is gonna kill me or not! *Suddenly - His neck was grasped by two small hands who had a vice-grip!*

Liz: DO IT! *Scream and shaking the hell out of her brother who squeaked out.*

Malcom: O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-KAY! *The hands were released that made the girl gasped and sigh in surprise where they spoke together. Malcom's voice weak whist Liz put on her best behavior.*

Malcom & Liz: 'The first Volume is almost coming to an end! I personally don't want to provide monstrously long singular volumes of chapters but detailed reads for views who are invested - If anything; every Volume is based around a particular part. Some more characters are gonna be introduced alongside some key rivals!'

Malcom: *Eyes squinted where he said* What does that Mean? *Liz shrugged her shoulders as a glow surrounded her and she vanish - Leaving Malcom to attempt to get a word in.*

Malcom: Whaaaa- *Vanishing as well with his sister.*

*Just as they had been screaming - their mother came to her children. Wondering and scared as to what had frighten the two so much but she only got sobs from her daughter and low whispers yet all of it ceased when she brought the two some hot coco that they proceeded to open gifts which brightened their mood.*


*Richard's Parents slept in their bed where they snuggled up to each-other - Being early in the morning yet the two woke up.*

*Why? They were feeling lightly bit.... frisky.*

Richard's Father: Merry Christmas~. *Kissing his wife on the lips where she held the large man and replied.*

Richard's Mother: Merry Christmas to you two~. Now how bout you open your present? *A sly smile came that they entertained one and another.*


*Dozens of shadows formed in this blank-void where they all screamed togehter.*



*A dancing Monny was playing a Christmas tone on her phone as she twirled and enjoyed herself - An event that made her parents cheer for her whilst her extended family cheered as well.

A small smile formed on the nervous girl whom displayed confidence.*

[An empty court]

*Both Richard and Jackson were playing a powerful 1v1 game - The two had been going back-and -forth yet one play was the deciding one. Richard drove past Jackson and dunked the ball over the older play - Pumping his fists in victory yet the two noticed something in the sky.




Smiles forming on their faces before the two point to You - Yeah. You reading this.*

Richard & Jackson: Merry Christmas, Readers. Blessings to you.



Merry Christmas - Everyone! I hope that you are all enjoying yourself!

This story is something that I hope that I can continue to make in the future despite my sechdule getting hellish. (College making me broke!)

Overall; I support you all and wish you safety and joy for the time to come.

Blessings and Be Safe, Dear Readers.

Purplish_Redcreators' thoughts