
One Life Ain't Enough. Ball. Is. Life

I find myself dead. Killed in a freak accident only to find myself in some kind of room with a man in white providing me with a pen and piece of paper. What was on it? ... Me. P.S. - I don't own the Artwork whatsoever.

Purplish_Red · กีฬา
21 Chs

Chapter 15 - Talk: 1 = A Different Life & Unlikely Family

The spotlight was on 'God' who looked over to Richard who was frozen. "Enjoying your life right now, Ricardo?" A panic sensation made the young-man; he was confused yet he knew this man.


Only for him to faint.



Richard's eyes opened before he felt... odd... Looking around only to see himself appear different. Smaller and Older where his hands drifted all-over in shock before he tried to understand what was happening. "H-How. Wh-" Verbalizing his amazement at the current state of events only to see himself seated at a familiar place.


The room where he met 'God!' Looking over to the end of the table where he was seated. An *Ahem* interrupting his words where the powerful, being just said. "I assume that you are enjoying young Richard's Life, Ricardo." A brow raised from the man who looked back only to reply. " 'Enjoy?' R-Richard? What do you mean?" Just as the deity put down some of his paper-work only to look at the one opposite to him. A low chuckle escaping 'God' who stated.

"It's simple. Your mental traits and initially ability was grafted into another version of yourself, Ricardo. He differs slightly but I made it that he'd different alot more, later on." Confusion and wonder appearing on the human's face who was trying to understand everything - He felt like he was in control... Was he? Did he share his body with this 'different version of himself' or something.

"Your understandably confused... I'll explain it... When you were young... You got into alot of fights, correct?" A nod was followed. "Yes. Did you hurt them, badly or just make them give up?" ... Pondering this before the adult Richardson stated. "I... Just fought off anyone who messed with me." A long "Hmmmmmmm" came from God who shifted in his seat before he saying.

"Well... Richard wasn't so kind to one kid who had messed with him enough. Broke his jaw even and sent him to hospital - It was determined that it was an altercation that was blown out of proportion by the school. He was simply going to be suspend for a month... Yet... That kid's family found out... And they just so happened in his neighborhood." Ricardo's head flickered up to hear what was being told to him whilst he was attempting to process it all yet he was struggling with it but the next thing was a boom. "Well... Some Divine Courage was given and Richard found himself out... Leading to your attaching to him."

Shock was an understatement to the man who couldn't process it all. "W...W-W-...Why?" Whispering it aloud making 'God' nodded and speak aloud. "... An injured body and mind is simpler to graft a soul onto. If he wasn't harmed... You would've been in limbo, still. Ricardo."



"I-I'm thankful but all of this is too much... I though it'd be si-" Speaking to state that what 'God' had done caused to happen to a little kid was too much only for him to snap. "Reincarnation isn't simple. It's not like those little cute stories about 'magic' or 'fantasy.' It's not just - 'I'm alive, again!' No... the process requires hundreds of details. Be grateful; rather than question." Silenced by rather angry action making Ricardo quiet down.


"Listen and understand this clearly; I can take away the chance that has been given you." 'God' stated making Ricardo's eyes drifted further down in discomfort where the wisen-being then stated. "However... I will say this... You have done a good job; guiding Richard... Keep on doing-so." Ricardo looked up but his sight was overcome with an overbearing flash of light.



"*Exhale* Ah." Early in the morning where the sun wasn't even close to being seen coming up from the horizon that Richard snapped open from his slumber to sit up - a cold, sweat coating his body before his eyes shifted around. His hands were sweaty and uncomfortable along with his brow feeling cold - numerous odd feelings came over which his mind didn't recognize any of them but understood?

"Whoa... That was... Weird..." Upon waking up from that odd dream space, Richard exited and decided to get cleaned up. Heading to the bathroom where he proceeded to wash his face and hands free of sweat where he also cleaned himself off with a light shower rinse - Exiting and feeling much more refreshed where Richard sighed with ease that sleep was claiming him following with the Big-Man heading back to his room with him collapsing onto his bed to return to his slumber.


His mind was completely blank as soon as it felt like a blink. Sight taking in the sunlight that was peering through his window's blinds only to sit up and rub his eyes; Richard stretched out his upper-body where creaks and cracks sounded off from his shoulders, elbows & waist strained to create the noise but a sensation of relief came at those certain parts of the body. Arching his back as well which his spine cracked all-over that made him feeling much better.

"Damn. Stiffy as a rock, today." Speaking up to himself where he head over to his tablet and begun to check some of the notifications alongside the time as well.

'10:15AM' Accepting this where Richard chose that this day was intended to be a chill day; no need to strain himself after playing a couple serious 'games' where he became the main offensive and defensive threat later on on the second day but... He did feel... alittle bit different?

Maybe; it was Badges that he acquired from Malcom but his nose felt more... sensitive where he could smell some... cooking? Hearing was able to hear the gently singing which he only assume it was his mother whilst he could see things much clearer. 'Whoa... Malcom's Perk is so effective!' Blinking slightly before his feet pushed him upward and the baller got up to get changed and exit his room.

An even finer smell whiffed his nose. '*Sniff* Pepper... Salt... *Sniff* Not... Sea Salt - not Table. *Sniff* Bacon... Turkey Bacon?' Coming around the corner before he looked around into the kitchen with his mom was cooking some breakfast with a hot pan loaded with a dozen strips of bacon - On the countertop, he had noticed that a package that had been label as 'Turkey Bacon.' 'What? ... How did I know that Turkey Bacon smells different.'

*Pop* The sound of fat popping on the heated-pan had been so loud and sudden it had startled him which made his mother turned to Richard before exhaling. "Ricky! Don't Scare Me." Coming off and giving him a playful chop on his head making a small *bonk* sound. "Aaaah. Sorry, Mom. I just smelled food." Sighing to herself that she pulled his head down and gave him a small kiss on the check where she said. "Good Morning - I know you're hungry but give me a minute to make the food." Pushing her son who got a smug look after hearing about the fact that he was hungry - A *Guuurrrrl* coming from his stomach making him chuckle and his mother give a stern look.

Raising his hands above head that Richard turning fully and sitting down at the Livingroom table where he proceed to wonder. 'Maybe that Badge... Has alot more bonuses than stuff on the court.' The clatter of platters and opening of drawers alongside the shifting of utensils drawing his attention where his mom put down a plate of breakfast. Some boiled and sliced eggs, the said turkey bacon with pepper and salt with a couple loafs of toast. A large and full-glass of water was to his side with a fork and knife. "Thanks, Mom." Speaking up to his mother whom nodded and replied. "It's okay but eat your food... Your father wants to talk to you."


*Gulp* "W-What A-About?" A slightly sweating Richard asked that he took a small sip of his water before grabbing his utensil to dig-in yet an nigh-overwhelming sense of 'FLEE!' ran through his mind where his mom openly said with a side-ways glance. "Your father wants to speak to you about... 'tattoos.'" Looking at her son in the corner of her eyes yet a twisted, reddish glow could be seen from the depth of her pupil whilst she spat out the word in a faint-bit of disgusting-familar followed by a full-body shake as if to throw the bad energy she had been producing before return to the kitchen to pick up her plate to head over to the kitchen-table to eat with a mug of some tea if Richard could presumed from the smell and seeing the heat-vapors coming off it.


"Aaaah." Looking down sadly where a mentally-sobbing Richard ate his breakfast without his usually enthusiasm compared to normal whilst he knew how his father was when it came to his occupation. He also knew slightly about his father's rules towards customers about Tattoos. 'Why did I ask that stupid question?!' A pounding thought came up to mind where the boy ate robotic-in-nature. Practically creaking and clanking as if he needed to be oiled or something where his mother visibly deadpanned at her son's actions.

After breakfast was eaten by the two Richardsons' - Richard opted to grab his mother and his own dish to begin to clean them off of additional grease or sticky flaks of seasonings before placing them into the dishwasher. *Ceaaaaaeeeehhhh!* The familar noise of the front-door opening was sounded making Richard flinch whilst his mom spoke up out of sight. "Oh. Good Morning, Honey. Quiet Day?" Asking aloud before taking a small but loud sip of tea making Richard's hand jerk and smack the counter-top at the odd noise making him twist up in discomfort only for a head to poke inside.


Richard's Father was looking at him where the boy was playing dumb by avoiding to face the older man. '...' Slowly turning where a sweat-ridden and nervously smiling Richard spoke up to his dad in a manner of playing dumb. "O-O-Oh, H-H-H-H-Heeeey... Daaaaaad~." A singing tone at the end followed by closed eyes yet a twitching and forced smile that made his father sneer and say. "Sit your ass down, boy." Snapping his eyes open and holding his head down; nodding at the command before the youth headed over to sit down.

His father came over but taking off his coat to rest it on his chair, yawning aloud yet his eyes were glued to his son. Tossing it onto his chair where he sat down. "Hey, Honey. Easy Morning?" She nodded as her husband got adjusted to his chair whilst her son meekly headed over to the chair opposite of them on the table.


The amount of tension that formed as soon as Richard sat down... You could scratch it with a feather and it'd break. The back of the boy's neck was practically appeared more liquid than human flesh with how much sweat was drippling down his shirt where his eyes darted around all-over; attempting to avoid his parents' own eyes. "Richard... Look at Me." Like a crane; his head slowly begun to turn in the direction of the voice. It had been his father who had put his arms on the table whilst looking at him with hawk eyes.

"Last Night... You said something... 'Can I Have A Tattoo?'" His old-man turned his head up to look down at his son slightly where a slow nod came out as a result; an elongated and confused "Hmmmmmmmmm?" whilst his father was nodding more and more before he spoke once. "Why would you 'like' a Tattoo?" Openly speaking towards the young boy with a strong question whilst a pearly-wide smile reappeared on his face.

"U-U-Uhmmmm-" Fumbling his words where his father's demeanor shifted facing than a snake's strike where he stated. "Speak properly." *Gulp* Trying to clear his throat afterwards - Richard then spoke as clear as he could. "I... I-I... I'd like to have... something that's me...Something that others' don't have." Speaking up where his parents looked at each-other - His mother turned to her husband and twisted her face slightly to form a face of understanding or at least what the young boy could assume whilst his father nodded with a surprised face.

"Interesting... What image would you like?" Speaking to his son with a bit of intrigue at his son's sudden interest in the permeant body-arts - a long pause came from Richard who look down in thought. "Umm... A couple... Dozen... Dozen... Things?" A much-stern look came over which broke down into a fit of laughter that confused and shocked both Richard and Richard's Mother. The two looked at each-other before looking backwards; watching the man who was able to calm himself down. "MAN! RICKY IS YOUR SON, HONEY! HAHAHAAHAH!" A flush of tinted-black appeared on the woman's face whose teeth were beginning to grind against each-other, snapping to her feet before he smacked her husband on the arm who in response pointed and said.

"D-Doooooahahaahahh! D-Don't Worry, R-R-Richard. Your mother had Tats when she was 9 or something, right?" A stunned Richard snapped his eyes over to his mother where he said. "Mooooooom?!" Absolutely surprised by this information where the woman looked back at the two only for hell-fury and rage to be summoned forth!

"YOU TWO ARE DEAD!" Screaming aloud where some ethereal force super-charged her whilst Richard's father watched as her hair became bush of heavily, textured hair where he swore her eyes were on fire! "OH SHIT!" Hopping to his feet where he ran around with Richard find himself running around the apartment to escape the hellish grasp of his rather, angry mother.

Moments later - Richard managed to get away but his father?


Poor guy was cornered and... the audible sounds of something hitting something could be heard. Moments later - a sing-song voice was heard with knocking on the door was heard that made him freak out. "RICHAAAAARD~!" Screaming whilst his doors' lock was opened by a key and his mother appeared making him freak out whilst she came running at him before leaping in the air and dropping the kick her boy!


Both Richardson males were slump over in a cartoony-fashion with their eyes white and foam gurgling out of their mouths.

A still-flustered woman spoke under he breath. "Put in 3 hours on my hair and it's all wild. DON'T EMBRASS ME, TIBERIUS!" Shouting out at husband who weakly chuckled only to find rather hard-toes slammed into his core shutting up where the woman headed back.



The middle-age simply vocalize in his ruined state of conscious. "W-W-Worth It... Ugh." Falling out of conscious completely whilst Richard was out-like a light.





"Hm?!" A stary-eyed Richard snapped out where he looked over to see his mother who was slightly fluster whispered aloud. "S-Shut U-Up." Mouth out in a childish manner as she slapped her husband's arm who rubbed it with a smile yet he said. "Well... We both got Tats young but you got them; Yung!" Another slap came which stopped from speaking about the matter yet he was still giggling.

"So... Richard... You want Tattoos?" Realizing that he dreamt up that very weird situation but threw it to the very blackest, depths of his mind to ignore the utter stupidest in hopes of it never surfacing. "Yes, Dad... I just wanna keep a bit of home... before we leave." Looking down slightly sadly whilst a sadden expression came over whilst the two adults look at each-other.


They interlocked hands and nodded whilst his father said. "Well... Son... Perhaps... In a day or two... Come to my shop... I'll get you inked." Richard's head snapped - slight bit of water formed at the edges whilst he simply nodded only to whip away any tears that formed.

"I... I.... Yes.... I'll do it, Dad." The two stood up with his Mother come over before giving him a small hug and whispering. "Your father and I will be gone for a couple of hours - If you leave... Just take the back-up phone, your keys, wallet and lock the door... Okay?" Nodding his head in understanding where the two got up - His mother went to get dressed whilst his father's hand came onto his shoulder and rubbed it.

"It was kinda of funny that you asked... You're our kid, Richard. You are very much like us." A solemn face appearing on his son who simply nodded at the state before the grown man headed over to the front door.

Moments later; his mother came out of Richard's Parent's bedroom where she had been dressed in casual wear before giving her son a little kiss and saying her goodbyes.

The two exited the front-door and locked it behind them where it left their son behind.



Peering over to the front door cautiously.


*Skeeccch!*The chair which he had been sitting on flung backwards where he was punching the air with a super-pleased expression plastered on his face. Practically whispering numerous cheers under his breath where the front-door swung open with his mom running in... Giving him a long stare before she head right to her room only to head out afterwards... She gave her mid-punch and embarrassed son where she said. "... See You, Richard?" Looking over her shoulder only to leave her household whilst locking the door.



"Damn It." His body relaxed only to waddling - feeling like an absolute fool so he didn't want to do anything aside for head back to his room. Hoping to look over some more basketball-related things but sadly; a majority of his apps didn't have any interesting things.

Shoes releases happened to just be on the lifestyle-side rather than actually performance/on-court. Nikes and Jordans had no new news, Reebok's most recent model after reading some of the reviews hadn't been for Bigger Players but more Guards, Adidas has gone quiet for some reason & New Balance... They released another member of Omn family with The Kawhi' coming later in the year with no leaks or screenshots.

A majority of IBA teams had substandard pre-season with some team's stars not playing but also the scores were rather low consider a more defensive focus with some player's holding back some of their weapons. It sucks because that meant no film for Richard to study. Suddenly - He did receive something that popped into his sight.

A notification.


From the System.

[Side Task - Think Up Your Ink - Tattoos are something that generally hold meaning whilst others ma just be their to appear 'interesting' or 'cool' but you ain't no sucka! Think up some meaningful ideas for your future Ink that hold some kind of meaning to you.

Success: High-Quality Tattoos | Increased Rep Gain | System Benefits

Failure: Shoddy-Quality Tattoos | Decreased Rep Gain | System Benefits

Side Task - THE LADS! - Your teammates are necessarily your boys but you've only just been purely focused on basketball with them! Try and hang out with them to learn more about the two.

Success: Positive Ink's Squad Chemistry - Learn Link and Joe's details | Possible Personality Badge

Failure: Neutral/Negative Ink's Squad Chemistry - Link and Joe don't know you well and you don't know them well.]

A wide-eye Richard noticed these two-little off-court - His mind was generally much, more focused on his on-the-court game where this had throw him for a loop.

"Hmmmm..." Swinging a hand to the back of his head and humming aloud where he decided to see what Link and Joe was doing and if they wanted to hang out. 'Wait... What happened with Link and Monny?' Slyly smile to himself that he had been alittle bit curious considering that he had been Link's wingman... despite the teenager not realizing it.

Getting up to head-over to his room to change into some casual clothing. A white t-shirt underneath a grey sweater whilst wearing some, loose black joggers - Tossing on his Adidas where he grabbed the essentials.

Heading over to his door where the same smile on his face got slightly bigger.

'Welp. It's gonna be fun if they're interested.' Thinking before he proceeded to open up the door and close; jingling his keys before the youth locked up his home.

Heading around before he came up on the brother's front door. Knocking on it a couple times before he waited.


Another couple of knocks.


'Weird. Maybe if I kn-' Putting a hand over only to be stopped when an annoyed Link ripped out the door. Dressed in pajamas whilst his braids were in the midst of being redone with a pissed-off face; his eyes were closed in annoyance yet he yelled out.

"WE'RE NOT INTER-" Shouting out only to look at Richard who had an odd expression; a small grin with one of his eyebrows raised high. "Whoa. Who comes to your door?" Asking aloud where Link's eyes twitched at the question before he replied whilst scratching his neck. "Some of the neighbors want me and Joe to go to their Church on Sundays. I don't wanna and I'm not going to that Church of theirs... Hell dawg, if You want, Ink?" A low "aaaaah." came out of Richard who was nodding in understand where he looked past Link to look inside but his height didn't allow for him to see much but he did respond.

"The Big-Man wants to hang with the boys, anything wrong with that?" Richard spoke out with his arms outstretch in a grand manner before his face shifted into a bold smirk where Link's face formed into a disappointed and annoyed sigh. "If you can wait for the braid-up... We can hang." Talking out to the Big-Man who nodded where the small male gestured and the younger of the two headed inside.

Entering as Joe was playing video games but he wasn't sitting on the couch - Instead; he was sitting to the side on a chair. On the couch however - It was an adult woman. She had very similar facial features and skin-tone to both; Link and Joe yet her nose wasn't as define as their own and her eyes happened to be a shade lighter yet she had the same smile yet brighter. Her own hair had several large braids which hung down to the center of her torso - her body happened to be very thin on the top but heavier on the bottom. Wearing some jeans with a graphic horror-movie, t-shirt which was a very thick in fabric from a distance.

"Hm? Oh; whose this Link?" Joe's head twisted over his shoulder where the two walked inside. Link dabbed up his little brother where Richard came over to fist-bump his boy; coming over where the teenager said. "Just my boy, Ink. Sis." A huge look of shock came over the youngest in the room. "Gotcha. Well; you better apologize after the braids get done. I know that you have a sensitive scalp." Walking over to plop himself down infront of the seated girl where aloud snort came out of Link. Richard was havin' a mixture between a mental crisis but also a state of confusion

'SIS?! She's far too pretty to be... Actually... I can see... THEY HAVE A SISTER, THOUGH?!' Richard normally joked about such things but... she was.... pretty. To be blunt about it, the biracial boy waved and hand to say. "Hello - I just know Link and Joe from Basketball." As the girl checked over her brother's hair, she looked at the standing boy only nodded before giving a small smile to say.

"Aaaah. Yeah - Link has been bragging about you. Saying that he found a 'future IBA Player'... I can see it... Stop moving, Link!" A small blush where Richard rubbed his neck shyly that made Joe give him a dirty look over his shoulder; noticing this that made the chubby brother shake his head to return to his game. The girl worked further on Link's braids yet his face was one of discomfort that his head didn't stay still that made her clamp down on the sides of his head with two hands before shaking him.

"IT-IT-IT-IT-IT-STINGS!" His head was thrown being throttled back-and-forth by the anger-girl that Link simply spoke out before she stopped. The boy had been absolutely dizzy where a wordless groan escaped him allow for her to continue.

"Soooo... What's your name?" Richard watched the scene with a worried look for Link whilst Joe gave a side-eye glance before returning to his game but taking a sip of his water display his attention to the situation. Grabbing a chair to sit down right next as he looked out at the girl with her attention turning towards the boy.

"Oh, silly me. I'm Bianca Randall - Just call me Bianca though. I ain't got nicknames, like my brothers." Speaking where Link were shook off his dizziness only to speak towards his boys'. "Yo, Ink, Joe. She's Queen Bee - She has always been a hip-hop wei-OOF!" Smiling appearing on his face where Bianca raised a fist only to slam down on her brother who yelped out. "Shush." Command where he pouted that made Richard speaking up.

"So... Link -... How it go with Monny?" A sly smile formed on the youth's face where Joe snorted aloud yet continued to play his game. Flustered - a curious and smiling Bianca asked. "Oooooh~? Monny, huh?" Looking over where Link spoke up. "N-N-Not of your business. A Balla's talks are private." Crossing his arms with a sense of pride that he nodded and grunted - both Richard and Joe grunted in acknowledge that made Bianca confused by this.

"What are yo-" Attempting to speak out which made Joe who was focused on his game speak out. "It's a guy thing." Squinting at this where she hissed out with a thick bit of venom. "Buulllllllshit~." That made the three laugh aloud but Bianca spoke up. "Well - I'll ask my Boyfriend about this 'guy thing' you do."

The laughter stopped which made Link speak up. "'Boyfriend?' You got a Boyfriend?" The way that he asked made his sister smack the teen with an open-palm which shut up before she continued. "Yep. He's just dropping off his cousin for her dance recitals than he'll pick me up soon. Probably after your hair." Nodding in understand as best as he could where her phone went off as she looked at the message.

Giggling only to reply with a message that made Link's face twist up with Joe whispering to Richard. "Girls giggling too much." Richard nodded in understand as they relaxed in their chairs whilst Link spoke out. "Can you finish my braids, god damn." Pausing before yanking her brother to ask. "You paying me?" Attempting to speak yet he was cuff-off when she said. "Then shut up and listen to your sister." Grumbling as she continued to message before Bianca begun to finish the last braid.


"And Done." Speaking out where Link felt up his hair and smiled before he said. "Sick... Thanks, Sis." Shifting to stand up whilst Bianca worked on her phone with Link heading to his room to change. Joe paused and saved his game only to sigh aloud. "Dang. Why do they make it so hard to get legendries." Speaking where Richard asked only to have his mind blown by video games - especially RPG/Loot-Based Games.

Coming out dressed where Link said. "'ight, Let's go." Joe and Richard got up whilst Bianca answered her phone. "Oh, Ralph? You're here, already."




Joe who heard the news was drinking last bit of his water spat it out and was coughing.

Richard stumbling over his feet and tumbled onto the ground yet the two boys' looked at the one who was leading their way out of the door who was practically exploded with a fiery aura of rage and death!

Turning his head with face riddled with veins and his teeth grinded against each-other.


Hey Everyone - Some bad news has happened to me over these holidays.

I wish that none of you have been afflicted by such things. All and all - I hope you all will celebrate a happy-new-year.

Lastly - If you like the story then please Like, Comment, Review and add to the Library.

If you wish to gift and vote, It would be a kind gesture.

Lastly - Share the story if you want to.

Thanks for all of the assitance if you've done so, Dear Readers.

Please Be Safe and Blessings to You.

Purplish_Redcreators' thoughts