
One Life Ain't Enough. Ball. Is. Life

I find myself dead. Killed in a freak accident only to find myself in some kind of room with a man in white providing me with a pen and piece of paper. What was on it? ... Me. P.S. - I don't own the Artwork whatsoever.

Purplish_Red · กีฬา
21 Chs

Chapter 12 - Showoff Boy! = Shattering Minds & Souls

(P.S.A - Hello Readers!

Now I've been going over my comments and plenty of you are getting confused about the current situation.

First: Is Richard in Texas or New York? The answer - He is in New York for around 6 weeks. Finishing up Summer Break but leaving 2 Weeks into the new school year to head over to Houston. He currently has around 2 & 3/4ths done into Summer Vacation where the Tournament will cover the last two weeks and possibly take up the last parts of this Volume.

Secondly - How did Richard's Reincarnation worked? The answer - Plenty of readers who've read chapter 3 found it the most confusing. I was planning on breaking it down little later in the close chapter of Volume 1 but I'll do it now.

How it worked is

Third: Thank you all for informing me of the confusion that is going on and I hope that these at least assisted to a moderate degree.

Now - Onto the next chapter!)


Taking themselves onto the basketball courts - the newbie in all of this examined it. It was even better than the Courts by home!

The rims were polished and glisten - The backboards didn't go for a solid-board of metal but the rectangle with a glass-sheet that had been rubber-guarded. The poles that were inside of the ground appeared to be bolted down for complete security where they'd been taken care given that they wasn't any visible rust.

The courts were pitch-black where all of the boundary-lines were done in white. Freethrow, Baseline, 3-Point, Etc. This court wasn't near the stands however a couple people had gathering, mostly folks whom were interest and looking around in interested, family/friends supporting those gathered and the tournament staff who oversaw the game.

A woman dressed in a white-n'-black shirt with all-black shorts and running shoes came over with a ball in hand. "Excuse me, Boys?" The trio looked over as Link, Joe and Richard all put their attention right towards lady in front of them. She seemed average with short-hair and brown-eyes matched her dark skin, having an innately aggressive face which she spoke. "If you guys want to get warmed up, you can. We have around 3 minutes before the game begins. I'll be calling over both teams to discuss rules and such." Nodding at her where she gave the group a matter-orange basketball which had a rubbery exterior to handle the concrete scratch it's surface.

"Well - Joe, Ink. Let's start getting ready, Yo." Link spoke up whilst the team went over a simple warm-up routine. Jogging from base-line to half-court in order to get some sweat forming and their muscles to get warmed up - Richard felt the shoes that Malcom and Liz got for him was nice. Overall; the cushioning was all-underneath his foot and it coiled to snap back whenever his feet left the ground - The traction was alright as well where it was squeaking against concrete which was awesome! His shin felt good as air was flowing through and allowing blood-flow to circulate, The Big-Man had a feeling that he'd be nice and good compared to his Adidas.

After their bodies begun to sweat - Some shooting was done all-around the court. Joe had the highest overall percentage with Link being second and Richard being last from further out whilst he had been automatic when his shots came from closer. Some whispers came from the on-lookers when the boys shot their ball around but they ignored it.

Joe had turned his eyes to look at their opponents. The three appeared different from each-other but his focus was more on getting a rhythm with his shots, Link didn't care to even look at them whilst Richard paused and stared.

Unknown to all but him: he used his (Living Film Study) ability to look at his opponent's respective stats.

Noticing that the Guard's skill-set was subpar being nothing but Ds & Es with the occasional F here or there. In comparison - The Forward had a better look as He had Bs in a majority of his scoring attribute aside for Dunking whilst everything else happened to be C-s but his defense was in the Ds. Lastly -Their Big-Man had Es in everything except for Blocking & Rebounding being C+s respectively.

None of them had badges which made Richard smile crack open to turn around - Looking over at his teammates where he looked at them with (Living Film Study) activated as he hadn't ever really looked at their skills or possible badges.

[Link's Body Stats -

Height: 5,8 ft (1.72 m)

Wingspan: 6, 2 ft (1.87 m)

Hand Size: 5,4 Inches (13.71 cm)

Weight: 145 (65 kgs)]

[Link's Skillset & Archetype: Athletic Pure Point-Guard

Skillset -

Freethrow: A

Lay-Up: B+

Dunking: B-

Close-Range Shots: AA

Mid-Range Shots: AA-

Three-Point Shots: C+

Ball-Handling Skills: AA+

Playmaking Skills: AA+

Passing Skills: AA+

Post Moves: D-

Rebounding: C-

Post Scoring: E-

Perimeter Defense: AA+

Post Defense: B+

Steals: A-

Blocks: C+

Athleticism: B+

Badges -

Spicy Feeder (Silver): A disturber whom can get other players rolling and feed hot-hands. Many passers can get the rock moving but not everyone is able to give their teammates the best pass for them. Improves Scoring Ability for a couple seconds after receiving a pass by this Player per level. Further improved if Receiver is in a 'Hot-Zone.'

Shutdown Defender (Silver): A defender who doesn't care about their opponent's strength but face off well against anyone. Providing a constant and strong defensive presence regardless of where they are on the court. Increase Perimeter or Post Defensive Skills by a full letter grade whilst steal and blocks provide stamina boosts to Player.

Acrobatics (Silver): Certain times; Defenses will ruin possibly solutions and scoring chances by taking away good positions in the air. Some players are able to adjust mid-air and correcting their shots in sometimes flashy and exciting moments. Improves successful shots after adjusting Lay-ups or Dunks mid-air per level with this Badge. Also allows for newer routes for lay-ups.

Posterizer (Bronze): A Dunker whom excels and desires contact whenever they go for their Slams. Always giving a boost their to teammates and themselves from their jaw-dropping plays. Improves Dunking skill and quality of dunks during contact per level; additionally gives a temporary. stamina boost to the Player and their teammates who are on the court.]

'This makes sense. Link is a good finisher and passer when we've played.' Among of the games - Link was the only one aside from Jackson & Ralph when Aggressive to openly drive and attempt to finish on Richard which he respected - His defense was good where he had shut down a number of the Big-Man a number of times aside from when he managed to get good Post Position.

"We gonna sauce~. We gonna sauce~. We gonna sauce - saucin' all dem foes, dropping all to the floor~. Vibing and jiving all like my name is Mo~." Looking off to the side, Joe had been singing a little son whilst he was doing some lay-ups by himself that made Richard's eyes take in his own information.

[Joe's Body Stats -

Height: 5,8 ft (1.72 m)

Wingspan: 5,7 ft (1.70 m)

Hand Size: 5,1 Inches (12.95 cm)

Weight: 181 (82 kgs)]

[Joe's Skillset & Archetype: 3 Level Power Scorer

Skillset -

Freethrow: AAA+

Lay-Up: C+

Dunking: F-

Close-Range Shots: AAA+

Mid-Range Shots: AAA+

Three-Point Shots: A

Ball-Handling Skills: S-

Playmaking Skills: B+

Passing Skills: C+

Post Moves: A-

Rebounding: B-

Post Scoring: A

Perimeter Defense: D+

Post Defense: C

Steals: E

Blocks: D

Athleticism: C+

Chiefin' (Silver): When an offensive player is able to heat up, they can score nearly at will but some players take it a step above the norm. Embarrassing others' with their moves and throwing them in blenders. Improves primary Scoring Skill by 1 Full Letter; allows for more explosive moves in that primary scoring skill per level with this Badge.

Rifleman (Silver): Certain players can firing shots at a good rate where others can fire-off at an near automatic level. In the mid-range, they're able to unload a steady clip. Mid-range shots aren't affect by contests as much as normal per level with this Badge.

Mixtape, Baby~ (Silver): Whether it's flash or fire - Skill or Talent. It's always nice to do a good move to score and some Players can do these sequences amazing. After performing a good dribble-move or drive - increases success rate of all shots afterwards per level.

Fallin' Down (Bronze): An embarrassing action to fall down when playing defense - even good defense. It's even worse if you are sent stumbling, bumbling or tumbling by an incredible dribble move. Improves chances of defender having their 'ankles-broken' by the ball-handler's dribble moves per level with Badge.]

'So Joe's offense is that strong? Didn't realize that it was that good, though.' Examine this as Joe's game was so offensively strong that it made alot of sense as to why he was the team's main scorer, if he had energy - He would score. It was rare that he was stopped but it just meant that he wouldn't attack that area til the chubby boy could find that chance once more.

Both brothers were near-opposites that balanced and completed each-other... It was gonna be one fun game!

*Fuuufu!* The sound of whistle rung aloud where the teams came to the middle of the court with a referee presented. It had been the woman from before whom spoke.

"Alright! Now... The game will a total of 6 minutes. 3 Minute Halves. Fouls and Violations will be called by me over the course of the game. If the teams exceed 3 Fouls per half - The other team will shoot free-throws regarding the player's placement upon being fouled. If I see any unsportsmen-like behavior - that will be a technical foul. If a player exceeds two technical fouls, the team with that player will forfeit the match. If a play performs a personal foul with the intentions of harm; the other team will be determined the winner automatically.


Any questions?" Speaking out all of the rules which both teams' eyed each-other - Richard noticed that these boys appeared to be alittle bit older than himself. Perhaps a ear or so older given their lack of development but it had been coming in - in addition, all of them appeared to little bit shorter than their respective charges as the Guard & Forwards were shorter than Link and Joe by a couple inches where the Big-Man was only 2 inches (5.08 cm) shorter than the biracial Big-Men.

Everyone nodded in argument as she spoke up once more. "Understood, boys. We're going by tip-off, I'll give you all half a minute." Hopping backwards - Link smiled and shouted. "YEAAAAAAAAH, BUDDY!" Pumping himself slamming a fist into an open palm and walking backwards to the Guard's starting position on his teams' side. Joe didn't need such actions where he inhale and exhale in a pattern and sank down, resting both of his hands on his shorts and putting his head down... Shifting up to look at those across the court.

Lastly but not least; Richard had been pacing at the moment. A smile plastered on his face where raised a knee then raised another before he brought his feet down and looked across at the opposing Big.


For some reason; they didn't meet eyes that only make the developed boy smirk widen and get ready. The referee came-over and the smile disappeared. Everyone held their breathing as a chill came over the court itself - Focused intently on the ball... Brought low... then flung upwards!


"Uaarrrrh!" Exclaim where a hand came around and smashed the ball backwards where Richard was not only much higher than his opponent but he was also much faster on the launch! When a meaty *ThwacK!* was heard where an expecting Link came up and snatched the ball out of the air.

"Uh Oh! It's gonna be long-game for y'all!" Exclaiming aloud where he was beginning to walk forward - Bouncing the ball around casually when he pasted half-court. His man play up on him with a merge defense that his face twisted to the crowd with a taunting-look.

A traveling side-ways at a walking-pace only to drop down and dribble the ball through-his-legs that went from left-to-right that he exploded right past his opponent with ease. Running towards the hoop that the opposing team's Big played up, jumping up to contest... Yet Link's pace slowed to a halt and looked up at the airborne boy.

Smiling in a taunting manner that he launched the ball outward to the left-elbow - right into the hands of Richard whom didn't take the shot but threw a bullet-pass to the right-corner. Jumping into the air with the ball slapping into his hands, Joe came down and put the ball on the ground. Driving to one-side then taking a spin around his defender before pulling up!

Shooting and swishing the shot that Joe landed on the ground with him holding the shot. Squatted down when it sank before he sprang up to pump his fist. A firm look as he ran back on defense - Link came speed by before the older brother smacked his hand against the younger teen's outstretched hand.

Ink's Crew (MC-Team) 2 - Star-Shine (Randos) 0

Whilst they went on defense, the Big-Man of their team whom walked over to crashing the paint for a rebound was still there. Grabbing the ball that sank down and passing it to his opponent only to turn around. Richard was abnormally slow that he walked casually - examine the opposing team over his shoulder.

'What's their name again... Star-Shine?' Thinking to himself when the ball was passed out. It was given the best offensive player who ran forward; Richard let him go that the Forward wasn't surprised. 'Big bastard can't even keep up. Let's get tho-' Suddenly, a hand came into view which poked the ball. Eyes looked down at Link whom had appeared infront of the distracted player in his defensive stance. A calm look that he allowed for the perimeter player to regain control of the ball but whispered. "You better hope that your teammates can score... Cause you doing nothing with me infront of you."


An anger teen tried to get by the defensive-dog whom played hard - Not given him an inch or room to drive, shoot or pass despite their Guard's off-ball attempts to get free of Joe who was on him. Stupidly - He ignored the Big-Man whom Richard left alone to be inside of the paint and choose to pull-up for a shot. Coming down was a palm that smashed the ball right down into the blacktop and snatching the ball up before running for the fast-break - No one being able to catch up the swift player who came all the way down and laid the ball up.

Ink's Crew (MC-Team) 4 - Star-Shine (Randos) 0

Turning the crowd and give them a flex which earned him small cheers from those whom were watching the prelim match but Link shifted his focus and back-pedaled to his position - This time, their options slowed down with the Guard bring up the ball where the Forward off-balled which proved to be ineffective considered that he put next-to-no effort in his moves as he stood still.

With the inferior defender of the brothers, Joe was able to contain him yet he was still able to pass out his Big-Man who was posting up Richard on the left-high post. Grabbing it as he felt out the defense but noticed that he felt no resistance! Readying himself and dropping down; bounced the ball in a power-styled post-push yet he was moved back!

Stepping forward as the curly-haired boy didn't even lower his stance or put a forearm on his opponent to contain him where Richard merely walked him out of the paint. "Pass!" Running around the Big; the offensive Forward came around and snatched up a handoff! Driving hard to baseline only for the muscular Big-Man to close out the route - Stopping mid-drive and hop up as he threw up a floater to clear the large ball.

'... What?!' Looking up where a hand reached up and grabbed the ball right out of the air; coming down only to throw the ball up court in the hands of Joe who easily beat the Guard whom tried to stop him as he shook the other teen with a momentum dribble that he shook one way only to violently snap the other way.

Making the guard stumbling backwards with his hands flailing to keeping himself balance that he shot a set-jumper. Causing "Oooohs" and "Aaaaahs" from the offensive move where Crowd watched the picture-perfect 3-point shot fall.

Ink's Crew (MC-Team) 7 - Star-Shine (Randos) 0

"YEP! THAT'S SOME POINTS, BABY!" Joe exclaimed aloud, a small smile on his face where his teammates were clapping their hands at the offense. On the other side of the court; the Star-Shine squad wasn't too pleased.

"Let's slow down." The Guard spoke up where he got an inbound pass yet the Forward who was walking beside him said. "Man... I got this." A long pause where they crossed half-court.

"You sure?" A worry question that was responded with a confident nod from the boy who got a pass with Link appearing in his face. Body-to Body where Link kept talking to him. "Oh shit. I'm on you, again? Gonna cook you and I ain't even have the ball, bucko!" His trash-talk got alittle bit loud but the referee whom was overseeing the game saw that it wasn't getting out of hand.

The Forward's pivot foot happened to his left where he jabbed once to his right with Link not biting...Another Jab-step that lead to Link respect it alittle bit too much where the smaller player driving to his left made the dog of the Ink's Crew snap in anger! "Get back here!" Chasing after the other player who drove into the paint that made Richard jump up to contest along with Link come over for a block yet it was better offense in this possession that lead to a whistle was blown!

*Fuuufu!* The noise surprised the boys except for the Forward who flung the ball up - Hitting the backboard only to fall into the hoop.

Some more cheers came from the And1 that made the Big-Man's eyes narrow. Speaking upward and making the situation known. "Blocking Foul! Ink's Crew Big." Wide-eyes came that Link was open-mouth where Joe only sighed. The other team cheer at the call going their way that made Richard's eyes tighten and his brow shifting with a vein appear on his forehead.

Following this - a Free-Throw had been done that was uncontested with all of the players standing at half-court. "Don't worry bout that bullcrap, dawg./We're gonna get those points back." Both Link and Joe attempted to console their large friend whom only shrugged but said as the ball rattled after a shot and fell through.

"Give me the ball, next possession." Nodding as they've begun the reset for the next possession.

Ink's Crew (MC-Team) 7 - Star-Shine (Randos) 3

Getting the ball first where Link took his time to get up court and past the half-court - Setting up an offense where Joe came over to set a pick that the older brother took and drove around it. Initially planning to pass to Richard yet he drove inside for another lay-up leading the opposing team's Big-Man able to smash the shot away that made Link scream in surprise that earned chuckles from on-lookers. "GOT' DAYUM!" Shout as the ball had been knocked away in the hands of the Big's Guard yet the basketball found itself to rip out of his arms by the stronger Joe who was right beside him with easy. Find another open lane as the big-boy went for a lay-up to draw a foul against the Big-Man but it didn't work out when the opposing Forward came up to provide pressure which lead to the Big swatting his shot out to the three-point line.

Richard grabbed the ball and dribble it once. A confident opponent exclaimed as he said. "Come on!" Beckoning the physical Big-Man whose face twisted into grin that his mouth parted, tongue wagging when two feet planted and leaped. What had been a taunt lead to a shocked player whom looked up at the sky-high youth who held the ball with one-hand above, cocking it backwards that his reaching-hands had no choice of stopping the shot that lead to a boom jam!

*Bauckam!* Slamming it home over his defender; Richard came down moments after the Big-Man who tried to block the shot. A whistle was blown mid-shot and the announcement of a Blocking Foul didn't offer any argument where a pointed-finger drew the Big's attention to look at the person who dunked on him. "I brought it." Smiling as no reply was given.

[Elsewhere - Earlier]

Malcom who was planning to watch the game awaited for it to begin. "When it gonna start?!" A shout came beside him that made the annoy speak up. "Liz... Just give it a fricken minute." Stand right next to the black-hair teen was an older, blonde hair girl who was drinking a can of soda. Childishly pouting in excitement where she spoke up to talk to Mal. "Mally! I wanna see Ink play!" Bugging her brother who couldn't change the fact; annoyed by his sister whom replied. "Shut Up For Once." Demand when he turned only to have her drink some of his soda and reply. "No!"

It would normally break out into a shouting match yet the game began. Sighing in relief was Malcom where a high-pitch, feminine scream came from Liz making her brother look at her in concern. Before jump-ball was throw - they found themselves quieted by the pressure with Richard winning earning a cheer from Liz.

"So high! Did you see that jump?!" Pester Malcom as Liz spoke up where Malcom grumbled under his breath. "Haven't seen anything yet." That got him more questions which he blocked out. Watching the first play start out made the male out of the two snarl. "Fuckin' Link... Trashing sonva bi-" Beginning to curse as Liz chuckled at her brother as she said. "Braidy moves nice, huh? Better than you." A swift retort that Malcom watched with hawk-eyes. "Nah, Liz."

Taunting his opponent before Link drove past that earned a cheer from Liz who pasted out to Joe. A "oh?" came from Malcom whom looked at his rival who scored the first bucket of the game. "So Braidy moves better with the ball than you... and Teddy scores better than you!" Nudging the taller teen who felt like his top was gonna blow!

His sister was speaking as if Link or Joe was better than him that he said. "Not in this life; dumbass." A gasp came from Liz who nudge her brother harder and said. "Who you cussing at?!" Malcom swung his head around and spoke. "A stupid 'little' girl." Huffing as the siblings watched the next possession begin.

As the opposing Forward begun to try and score made Malcom sigh before turning it into a smirk. "Idiot. Trying to score on Malcom is suicide." Adding her own point was Liz. "Yeah - His balance is nice and he doesn't move out of position." Looking with a raised brow that Malcom looked at his sister only to say. "I forgot that you love Basketball." Puffing her developed chest in pride which had (unknown to her somehow) jiggled.

"You bet your guitar I am." Speaking with pride that made the boy nod slowly. A fast-break began that Link head over and laid the ball but the height of his jump made some of the on-lookers speak out. "See that? Kid couldn't dunked if he wanted./Maybe but it looked like he was jumping to his max, though./Moves fast and jumps nice for his size - He could finish an alley-oop easy." The siblings noticed this that Liz got a devilish smile and spoke to Malcom. " Heeeey, Maaalllyyy~?"


"What?" Malcom turned to his sister as he ignored Link's on-court antics. "Did ya get dunked on by Brai-" Question her brother who shouted out. "NOPE!" The conversation was left alone as the Guard got the ball which earned a Cooo from Liz. "Look, Mally! It's like a little baby." Pointing to the amateurish dribbling and court-awareness making it Malcom speak up. "Could've been me kick that guys' ass." That made Liz turned with a teasing-look. "Noooo~. You would be on your butt."

Watch him where he pasted to the Big-Man that Liz stopped talking and looked even more excited than early! "*Gasp* Malcom! He's walking that guy out like he is a feather!" Tugging her brother's arm which annoyed the teen who could only grunt in acknowledgement - He's felt that strength first-hand and this boy knew that Richard hadn't even tried. Watch it got out as the Forward tried to score lead to his shot getting snatched out of the air.

Liz cheered out that Malcom nodded in argument - On-lookers were equally surprised by the reach of the youth whom passed out to Joe who scored at will which earned the crowd's pleased dribbles followed by the shot.

Next - The other team took their time that Liz was bouncing in her feet in excitement that Malcom watched on with the play lead to an And1 on Richard with Liz shouting out. "BAD CALL, RERFREE!" Malcom knew that it was a weakness for Richard - His strength and size made certain contests appear like fouls which by all-accounts... They weren't. With the addition of a referee's foul put the other-team on the score with Liz fuming. "That was dumb. It was clean!" Complaining as Malcom shushed her. "Hey! Wh-" Another shush came that surprised her and a small smile appeared on her brother whose eyes were locked onto the court.

"... It's gonna go down." Afterwards - the play began with Link attempting to run the offense leading to him getting blocked followed by Joe being blocked as well with the ball going to the hands of Richard. The challenge was issued and Richard answered!

Charging forward and leap high - Far above the Big-Man with his tongue-wagging before he brought down a smashing slam-dunk!

Liz screamed with on-lookers equally shocked, happy and stunned by the high-light play. "THAT WAS SO COOL!" Shift her attention from the court to Malcom who nodded with her eyes locking onto Richard who pointed at his opponent and spoke where she smiled brightly.

Afterwards - the game was clearly showing of who was the dominant team where the Ink's Crew played better and coming away with a victory!

All of them put up so good numbers.

Richard 'Ink' Statline =

10 Points - Field Goals: 4/5. | Freethrow: 2/2 | 0/1 3-Point Shots

3 Assist

8 Rebounds

4 Blocks

2 Steals

Link's Statline =

5 Points - Field Goals: 1/4 | Freethrow: 0/0 | 1/2 3-Point Shots

6 Assist

2 Rebounds

1 Block

4 Steals

Joe's Statline =

14 Points - Field Goals: 5/12 | Free-Throw: 2/2 | 2/3 3-Point Shots

1 Assist

3 Rebounds

1 Steal

The score being - Ink's Crew (MC-Team) 29 - Star-Shine (Randos) 8

As the team's 'shook' hands with the losing team reluctant to shake the hands of Link and Richard who taunted and insults their respective opponents every chance that they got.

Afterwards - Liz and Malcom came over. "That was awesome, guys! You were like *Bam!* and they were *Aaaah!* But you moved like *Swooosh!* then you di-" An excited Liz whose jaw was dropped severely times by the explosive leaping Richard hugged the tall boy's waist and looked up at him making him look to his teammates and Malcom who only shrugged.

Calm her down as the squad were informed that they had two more games for the day and they went along with this. Every game - They showed out with numerous audience members follow their games for one thing. The Dunks & Athleticism of Richard who got more confident and flashy with his moves that he earned more points over the day.

When all was said and done - The Ink's Crew was moving on to the next round!

Walking off the courts where Link, Joe, Malcom, Liz & Richard were nursing some fruit that the Big-Man smartly purchased early in the day as they shared. Despite her best attempts; Liz 'mistakenly' tried to snag a bite of Richard's pieces making Malcom pull her back that lead to a shouting match earning laughs from the tired boys who were heading home.

"We'll see you guys, tommorrow!" At the station; Malcom and Liz went their own way with the sister waving to the boys with Malcom waving as he turned around to head off with his sister following afterwards.

Heading on their way - Link said. "That is the weirdest girl that I've ever seen." Stating his opinion made Joe chuckling before he whispered to Richard. "Monny would like that title." Link's ears were alittle bit more keen than most that he swung over and wrapped his brother in a headlock making Richard burst into laughter whilst the three went their ways home.

Thank you very much for reading this story. I hope that you've enjoyed the novel as much as you can. Thanks for all of the messages and I hope that I can still provide good quality chapters in the future.

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Please Be Safe and Blessings to You.

Purplish_Redcreators' thoughts