
One Life Ain't Enough. Ball. Is. Life

I find myself dead. Killed in a freak accident only to find myself in some kind of room with a man in white providing me with a pen and piece of paper. What was on it? ... Me. P.S. - I don't own the Artwork whatsoever.

Purplish_Red · กีฬา
21 Chs

Chapter 10 - Sun Down?! = Shocking News & Link's Crush

Finishing his training at night and somehow sneaking back home - It wasn't difficult surprisingly but it did smell very different. Like... Cologne and Perfume? Ignoring such things which the tired boy merely changed into his comfort night-wear and hopping right into his bed-room.

Just when he had been sleeping - His parents were stirring mid-night; both felt a sort of disturbance. His father assumed that someone disrespected his rules which his mother merely assumed someone did something stupid.


Shaking their heads before get cozy in their bed as they snuggled up with each-other. Quickly heading to sleep as the seconds turned to minutes. Minutes turned hours and not to long...

*Beep!* *Beep!*

The adults arose together as they felt alittle bit strange - Unknown to their son whom had been out for a majority of the day and unknown to them; the night as well. They felt alittle bit... romantic and drank a couple bottles of wine through the afternoon so the after-effects were hitting.

Richard's father was more used to it whilst the woman wasn't as her mind was pounding. "Need a pick-me up?" Asking his wife where he had some clothes to change into after his shower with one-hand as she could only groan out. Chuckling aloud where he gave her peck on the cheek and exited their bed-room.

Coming out towards the kitchen - He saw it had been... cleaned? He also noticed sheets of paper with paper-clips and stables keeping them together with all of the notebooks stacked on each-other. "I'll be... What a kid." Laughing to himself where he got things ready.


It was around 6 to 7 AM where the basketball courts - the blacktops were being used and abused. The screeching of his sneaker, trying his best to get air into himself and worked himself hard.

A sports top of silver with a Nike Swoosh on the front in blue with matching shorts. His Adidas that he had greatly loved and was using as much as the boy was able had been adorning his feet whilst he worked himself.

Early in the morning; he felt restless and decided to finish his homework. As a result - the system notified of the youth where his eyes latched onto the badges and looked at them.

Big ones.

[Main Task: Muscle Power = Brain Powa!



[Clutch Gene (Personality): Someone whom can step up when they're most need by their teams, the crowd or themselves. Regardless - They find themselves feeling none of the pressure. Not statically decreases to Player Skills and enhances hot-streak in the Clutch.]

The blue badge with the image of a shot-clock at a low-number with a basketball falling near it. It had been good but the next one was even better!

[Living Film Study (Personality): In certain cases; a Person is more keen and able to pick up details about those around which is the same for Players on the court. Allows for the Player to see other's skills and badges.]

It was perfect for him as he could very well understand what kind of abilities his opponents may have! Nothing wrong with knowing what his opponent's might be capable-off, the Big-Man knew that it was a huge advantage.

Both badges were good but he was lacking in his own skills. All of the information from yesterday was still fresh in his brain and he needed to work on them - making a bigger pre-workout meal compared to yesterday and ran out of the house to the Basketball Courts.

Whilst he had been there - He did everything that he was taught. Defensive footwork as he realized how to properly adjust his feet position, keeping his hands up and forcing them to stay up. Using the fence as a receiver where he dashed numerous pass at the metal-linked. Chest-Passes, Bounce-Passes, Over-The-Head Passes, Baseball/Football-Passes. Adding additional spin on the ball going forward and backwards whilst he even practiced Alley-Oop Passes.

The next part was refining - Taking some Jackson's advice where Richard worked on his rebounding; Standing under the basket where tossed the ball and reacted. Benefitting from his badges where he could see which way the basketball would move after the misses yet Richard had to know his limits. How high should he jump, How far should he reach, How hard should he snatch and bring the ball to his body before landing

Putting every bit into his energy to training his skills. After-working on his rebound skills where he did full-court sprints whilst dribbling the ball; adjusting his pace and doing the dribbles moves that Joe and Malcom taught whilst doing the pass-fakes and body shifts which Link and Ralph specialized in. Upon reaching the three-point line - He began to shoot where he forced himself to shoot til he made a shot before he ran deeper inside and worked on his mid-range 20 times where after finishing - He did shots closer to the basket reaching up to the 50 shots. Finishing this - He did 10 lay-ups with each-hand and every time, Richard did a different gather before lay-in the ball in. If he missed; he simply did them over again.

Lastly but sincerely not least; He finished it all with Dunks. One-Handers, Two-Hands, Rim-Grazers, Tomahawks & even Windmills! Doing around 15 Dunks before he ran this again.

Overall; he did this scoring drill around 10 times.

Exhausted and sitting on the court which Richard noticed the sun was beating down on his sweating body where the young man simply choose to go back and home before he rested up.

Later in the day; Richard whom was chilling and relaxing. Looking at new IBA information & some Sneaker news as well but as he was getting ready to dive in... and 'dive-in' to his brunch. A knock was on his door, his mother told him to answer and he did-so without arguing.


It was Link & Joe! Dressed up to ball as the squad asked him if he wanted to play.


He said "Hell Yeah!" Swing back inside where his mother was wondering why her son seemed to be so passionate about playing Basketball... She merely smiled and told him to be back before night which he accepted.

The three played hard as soon as they arrived on the courts which a couple hours later; Jackson's crew arrived.

Playing against each-other - Sometimes doing 1v1s or 2v2s. Even King's Court sometimes or contest. From Lay-Ups Competitions, Shooting from Mid or 3-Point to even Dunking Contest which Richard always won.

This happened consentingly as it happened day after day which benefitted the newest player being Richard who had drastically improved every bit of his game that shocked them all. Not know of his early morning practices or late-night trails; in addition - He ate continuously to build up the energy to grind himself out like a soaked towel being wrung to the very tips of water.

Over the course of 1 more week and a couple days - the system-gifted Player had gotten much better.

[Improved Skillset & Modified Archetype: Physical Build = Streetball Big-Man

Skillset -

Freethrow: B+ (SSS+)

Lay-Up: S- (SSS+)

Dunking: SSS+ (?!?!?!)

Close-Range Shots: A+ (SSS+)

Mid-Range Shots: A+ (SS+)

Three-Point Shots: C-

Ball-Handling Skills: A+ (SS+)

Playmaking Skills: A (SS+)

Passing Skills: B- (SS+)

Post Moves: SS- (?!?!?!)

Rebounding: Z- (?!?!?!)

Post Scoring: AA+ (?!?!?!)

Perimeter Defense: B+ (SS+)

Post Defense: AAA+ (SSS+)

Steals: C+ (S)

Blocks: Z- (?!?!?!)

Athleticism: SSS+ (?!?!?!)]

A small bonus considered his enhance life-style and hard-work; he grew alittle! It wasn't much of a height-increase but his wingspan and hand-size had nearly doubled!

[Newly Attainted Size -

Height: 6,1 ft (1.85 m)

Wingspan: 6,7 ft (2.00 m)

Hand Size: 9,2 Inches (23.44cm)

Weight: 210 lbs (95 kgs)]

Some of his growth went to become more broad all-over where his shoulders gained extraordinary define in comparison to his arms. Richard didn't see much of a difference as he moved with the same level of coordination whilst his friends felt his superhuman growth; Jackson was worse off having to guard him tightly where he was nearly completely overwhelmed almost every-time the two played against each-other.

Over the course of the week - Richard's badge's didn't double as he got one more but some of them improved.

[Glass Chaser (Silver): A Player whom excels at fighting for rebounds whilst in the air and securing it. Enables Player to see how the Ball may react during Shooting/Rebound Situations - It increases the amount of successful, more secure holds before landing.]

Almost every down that he was down-low after misses - Richard was able to grab the ball easily. It had took Jackson forcibly putting all of his body weight on the smaller boy or Link and Ralph if they even played together to box him out but both situations didn't contain him where he exploded upward that he was still able to get some rebounds.

[Post Player (Silver): A Player whose offensive skills are notable whilst posting up where they have a series of shifty-moves, drives and fakes to deal with defenders. Post-related moves/techniques have their effectiveness improved per level; improves control over ball when a defender is in direct contact with the Player.]

His post-play was much better as he took more of Jackson's advice - Foot placement being key in a majority of the moves as his pivots and drives were a step-above that he was openly able to stun Jackson to give himself enough room to shoot or dunk the ball.

[Power-Moves (Silver): Focused more on using their strength; A Player is more adapt at using Powerful moves from their gathers and how they deal with contact. The Player's stamina cost and usage is reduced whilst on the ground whilst they have an increased finishing ability in the air depending on badge level]

Joe's tips on finishing and handling his weight where despite all of the games that the short boy hadn't lost any weight! Link teased his round brother but he admitted the Joe simply had more energy to play at better quality compared to beforehand. Their Big-Man however absorb those tips as his additional 10 pounds (4.53 kg) to throw around and fighting through contact to finish his shots had been better overall.

[Shot-Blocker (Silver): Defenders that are better than average at blocking shots where it is something that they are known to provide consistently which brings an intimidation factor but also a presence. Increases height, width & speed of all block attempts based on level.]

Just as his growth made him a more imposing athlete; his defense on the interior rose to match but his shot-blocking was the biggest. Being able to handle Jackson's acrobatics slams, Malcom's fiery bursts of speed and Ralph's misdirection where he was able to smack shots around as if they were nothing.

[Putback King (Silver): Normally Big-Men or Athletic Players with a nose for the ball can more effectively score right away; whether it's through the air or after landing on the ground. Players with this badge equip are more proficient at Tip-Ins and Put-Back depending on level. Also improves ability to rise up in traffic for 3 seconds after landing from an offensive rebound.]

Just as his powerful explosive-rises were improved - His ability to score directly from offensive rebounds improved. Occasionally tip-in the shots or directly dunking the ball right back when it's in the air but jumping out and slamming the ball right away like he was 7 ft (2.13 m) tall had been very fun for the youth.

[High Riser (Silver): Athletes who stand out based on their very high vertical leaps - A majority of the time if they're able to get their maximum jump easier and naturally than others. Increases vertical leap depending on level - Will always reach their maximum vertical regardless of gathering stance or which feet are utilized to jump.]

Some of the boys openly noticed that Richard's vertical had been astounding considered his age - Raising much higher than they all could - Jackson was the only one in his air space but they felt like the Asian wasn't as high by a couple inches shorter. Hell - Jackson had an impressive vertical at around 31-33 inches (78.74 m-83.82) so it said something about the youngest boy's huge legs.

[The Skywalker (Silver): Jumpers who have such impressive vertical that they seemed to float mid-air in some inhuman manner. Because of this - the Player's finishing skills, blocks and rebounding improved slightly because of this beneficial gift. The Player's Lay-Ups, Dunking, Blocking & Rebounding are improved by a small amount based on badge's level. Certain jumps will make the Player stay airborne longer to allow for mid-air adjustments.]

Just as the height of Richard's jump had been impressive; his hang-time was just as grand. Link openly tried to get into an altercation with his friend which lead to him getting lumps and Richard appearing bored after the 'lack-luster event' but the reason being that Link tried to do a Triple-Clutch... A Triple-Clutch Lay-up to evade a block but Richard had jumped too early yet he still was able to spike the ball away with force!

[Posterizer (Silver): A Dunker whom excels and desires contact whenever they go for their Slams. Always giving a boost their to teammates and themselves from their jaw-dropping plays. Improves Dunking skill and quality of dunks during contact per level; additionally gives a temporary. stamina boost to the Player and their teammates who are on the court.]

All of the dunking which was his major strength had gotten better - Being able to take off and pushed through contest in order to finish some of the Dunks. Richard was also able to finish more and more dunks.

Overall - He was an much better player than he was beforehand but some tragedy.

[2 Days before Prelims - Afternoon]

It was a usual day for the group. Playing Basketball til they were exhausted with the Guards still talking trash to each-other.

"Yeah! Yeah! Foul me again with bloated-body, boy!" "That wasn't a foul, how bout you take your cheatin' ass back to the hole you came from." "Waaaaaah! Waaaah! If you gonna be a baby, I'll spank ya. Gonna get scored on this next play." "Biiiiiitch~! Ain't no way that your Mr. Gadget Weak-Ass can't stop me, Cuh. Ready to get destroyed."

Link whom was dressed in a neon-green, graphic T-shirt with Minnesota embolden on it with dark-brown camo sports-shorts. Wearing a pair of Converse Basketball Sneakers where had their laces replaced with dark-green ones which contrasted the yellow and purple colors. Ralph was adorn in a purple polo whilst he was wearing some track-pants, his feet happened to be adorn in some worn-out Pumas.

On the side as a pair of players whom had been running off-ball interrupted this shouting match. "Guys! Let's try and finish the ball-game!" "JUST SHUT UP AND PLAY!" Joe and Malcom spoke up to them with annoyance and cross expressions. They loved to play and this had been robbing from their desire. Dressing in a baggy track-suit of U.S.A. Olympic Colors of Red, Blue & White where he was wearing pure-blue Adidas. Malcom whose hair was beginning to grown in as he had a small buzz-height head of black hair, wearing a white muscle t-shirt and shorts to match as well whilst his beat-up all black Nike sneakers was worn.

"Fuck you say, Bitch!" "Who you tellin' to shut up, yo!" The guard's ignored the ball and focused on Malcom who paused - A look of fear as he ran off where two teens chased after the small boy. Screaming about where they shouted aloud. "Get Back here, you damn-monkey!" "Mal! I won't hurt ya, much!" Running around in a comedic manner with arms flailing above his head as they dipped and juked all-over.

Joe merely sighed only to turn his head around.

"AAAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" "KKEKEKEKEKEEKEKAHAHAHAAHAHAH!" Richard and Jackson had exploded aloud. Laughing their heads off where they were both stumbling around like fools; making Joe sigh even more that the two could hear and openly laughed even more. Unlike usual; Richard opted for a new-black, hoodie to cover up his body with graphic, red-splattered, white sweat-pants contrasting his Black Adidas shoes. Jackson differed from usually - Instead of wearing a jersey that he was wearing a green and white striped-polo with some grey-camo-cargo-shorts where he had been wearing some neon-yellow Nike Sneakers.

"Yo; Ink. Let's head to the store up the street... Pffffftkakakaakakakak! M-Maybe, Mal is gonna get us drink!" Jackson spoke up making Richard laugh as the two Big-Man founded nearly all funny at the smaller player's blight. 'They're weird...and evil.' Joe thought to himself where he heard some shouts as Link and Ralph caught up to Mal whilst they were beatin' him up for actions early.


Outside of a convince store/deli - The boys were sitting on the steps that they were eating food.

Link and Joe were chomping down on some fried, fish on whole-what beard with BLT Toppings finished with the classic Coca-Cola Cans where Link had been alittle bit more conversed eating styling as Joe eagerly ate his food.

Ralph whom was on the furthest side and away from the brothers had been eating up a Double-grilled Cheese-burger with a toasted-bun and simple tops of Ketchup, Mustard, Onions & Pickles with a couple strips of Bacon on it whilst he was snapping some BBQ potato chips and drinking a little carton of 2% milk. Eating it happily where it was one of the times that he openly ignored the brothers'.

To the side of the group - Jackson and Malcom were eating their own sandwiches. Opting more for some Tuna subs with hefty bits of lettuce and some special sauces to enhancing the cheesy-baked beard where Jackson was eating into some fresh-greasy potatos wedges where they drank different kinds of Ice-Tea.

In the center of the everyone, Richard was eating a hefty meal. A Triple Meat, Four Chees sub on grilled-bread with peppers, jalapenos and spinach with numerous sauces as well. Drinking some small and salt fries in a big-box that was covered in BBQ sauce and hot-sauce whilst he drank a super-sized can of Cream Soda.

"Thanks Mally. It's so guuud~!" Link exclaimed with Joe nodded happily as he ate more of his food. "Yep. Knew that you were a good guy." Ralph spoke and looked over with a small, messy and closed lip smirked. The three pissed off Malcom whom quietly ate away at the meal which Jackson pat the smaller boy on his back where he ate out of anger.

"Damn. It's almost time for Block Tournament, Yo! Prelims start tommorrow!" Speaking as Link leaned backward and took a swig of his drink. That perked everyone's attention but Richard noticed that Jackson didn't seem so pleased. "Yeah, we're so much better this year and we have Richard." Joe spoke up cheerful as he took another bit of his food where the two patted him on the back and smiled at him.

"Don't get so fuckin' cocky, bitches. We gonna turn you in weak-legged ladies after we win, Yo." Speaking up from the other-side, Ralph looked over to Link whom vocalized a "HUUUUUUUUUH?!" Their eyes locked only to chomped down at their food. "We can win. Don't matter if Ink is all-nice because of the stuff that we taught him." Sobbingly speaking where Malcom 'drown' his sorrows in his delicious sandwich where he only groaned in pleasure. "Hmmmmmmm~." Bouncing back and forth which Richard spoke up.

"So we gonna meet y'all in the finals?" Asking the other group who spoke up. "Heellllll Yeah!/You bet, Ink!" The two spoke truthful... But Jackson was oddly quiet. "Jackson... You good?"




"Can't play in the Block Tournament, Guys." The wet-noise of Malcom who was drink before his lips parted and a blast of his drink came out where Ralph begun to choke on his food was heard. Looking at the two in surprise and worry as they began to freak out. Malcom had suddenly started to sweat rapidly and pacing around; muttering under his breath which Ralph ran over to a garbage and spat out the mouth of food which was lodged in the back of his throat.

"THE FUCK YOU MEAN, DAWG?!/BIG SUN, WE NEED YOU MAN!" The two ran over which Richard got out of the way as both Link and Joe were shocked. The older brother stopped mid-bite where Joe rested his food on lap and used the wrapper to cover it up - Joining them as the biracial boy sat beside and looked onward.

"Not allowed anymore, yo." Taking a bite of his food where he took slow bites and drinking down a mouthful of drink as his friends interrogated. "How is that possible?! You're only half a year older than me!" Ralph exclaimed where the boy wasn't able to understand this at all where Malcom was begging. "N-No! We... Come On. We were gonna win this year!" Coming over to shake Jackson to get the stormy-greys to look at his mint-greens... The larger teenager didn't meet them before he told them.

"I just turned 19, Guys." That sentence shocked both of them completely. "B-B-B-But, You're entering the 12 Gra-/N-No! T-That... But.... Whe-" Stopping them where he leaned back and looked them into the eyes as he stated to them.

"... My grandfather died a couple years ago... Me and my Sister had to go the Philippines for the funeral and the Will... Missed around half a year of school because of the issues over there... I had to reclassify in Grade 9, Guys." Speaking them directly with a bitter-look.



"Fuck. ... FUCK!" Ralph shouted out aloud as he simply sat down.

"..." Malcom was dead quiet where he head right over to sit down.


"Awkwaaaaaard~." Link whispered to his brother who quietly nodded.


"How bout a final match, then?" Everyone turned their attention to Richard who had cleaned himself off and the noise of him throwing out the garbage from food that he looked at everyone.

"A final 3v3."


"Well... How bout it, Guys?" Jackson's signature smile reappeared that he looked back. Tilted head to the side. Hair flowing before he spoke out to ask his friends.


"If I can't face that bitch in the Tournie... It's best to whoop his ass right now!" Ralph shouted aloud where Link only screamed back. "BRING IT!"

"... Well... We win when you have that face, Big Sun... Let's do this... *Point* I'll win this time, Joe." Speaking up that he looked at the Big-Man whom only smiled back that he responded with his own taunt right at Joe who simply agree with a nod.


"You have your answer." Jackson said and Richard nodded.


"Let's do this."

[Much Later]

"That was a fuckin' nice game!" Link shouted out as he was heading home with Joe and Richard in tow.

Both of the brothers happened to be worn out to all-hell whilst Richard was tired for a first-time! "Y-Yeah, Link." Speaking out as his body was shaking... Jiggling about underneath his clothes as he walked away with a slight-limp at the moment.

"... You guys gonna be okay?" A concerned Richard spoke up behind them, this squad had played harder than the previous games.

All of their opponents gave them hell.

Unlike before - It was Full-Court til 30. 2-Points Inside & 3-Pointers outside. Worked out; Richard gave a sigh of pleasure from the hard work which the youth put in during the game.

As they walked onward. Link froze up suddenly making Joe bumping into him; stunned slightly as he said. "Bro. The fuck?" Asking where he walked to the side giving his sibling a side-eye only to pause and look out with wide-eyes.

Looking down at them in concern where Richard looked at what they were looking at. His brow merely raised.

It was a very pretty girl - Her hair was done in an old-school afro that was perfect shape. A skintone that was a shade lighter than the brothers but darker than the biracial's own where it contrasted the sunset nicely. Small golden hoop-earrings hung from her ears that jingled about as she moved... or rather; danced. Dressed in a bleach jean-jack with a tank-top on her body whilst she wore darker, non-bleached jeans.

Wearing some running shoes on feet where she twirled and vibe in her own little world. *Biak* The sound of Link's feet unconsciously shifting where he had kicked a pebble that went over and hit a piece of tin which was beside the girl who stopped dancing suddenly.

Looking around where she looked around to look at the boys. Her eyes went wide and if it was perhaps mid-day; Richard swore that their might've been a reddish tint to her checks. Weakly waving was Link whom spoke... weird. " ... 'e-e-ello M-M-Monny." So soft and gently that it wasn't the normal rugged voice that was attached Link.

Speaking back with a polite tone as she said. "O-O. H-Hello, L-Link."


"I like your hair." She said cutting the silence with a knife that had been her voice where make Link visibly jump who spoke back.

"I... L-Love your moves. Hehe." Complementing her where he rubbed his hair with a nervous smile only to see her head drop. Dropping to one knee and snatching up the tin only to turn a corner - Ignoring Link who shouted for her to "Wait!"


"Smooth, Bro. Smooth" Joe uttered only to be thrown into a head-lock by a quietly weeping Link where Joe wasn't able to overpower his saddened brother til it developed into a scramble with the two on the ground which Link had outmuscled his little brother completely.

Richard looked at the situation only to chuckle under his breath and say. "Only New York." Speaking out about his city before he looked over off into the distance to the downtown area.

It shined proud... and He felt proud... Despite all of the interesting and weird shit that happens in the NYC.